Top ten things you dont want to hear yor Cleric say



  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    To our tank: "If I had healed you I would have died." (Edit: see below.)

    Also: "Don't heal her." (Edit: this one actually turned out ok -- he meant "I will heal her, you stay alive so you can rez me if we fail.)

    And: "I know you all hate me. I am leaving." (Edit: if you want to leave, would be one thing, but if you also assume i hate you when I was just frustrated... grrr....)


    Edit: cleric's *choice* might have been reasonable. But timing and expression was awful. For example, if you will not be healing your tank you should lay down rules beforehand, and you should really have given some ironhearts before they took aggro.

    Edit of edit: Anyways, I am not laying everything on cleric's feet -- but cleric was abrasive and coordinating was difficult and I can have multiple reasons for not wanting to hearing hear my cleric say something.
  • Polyhymnia - Heavens Tear
    Polyhymnia - Heavens Tear Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    To our tank: "If I had healed you I would have died."
    I love it when clerics say that. If the tank is running around getting attacked by several mobs, and doesn't bother to actually *get aggro* (which is his job), then if the cleric heals, those mobs will run over and slaughter the poor healer.

    There's a simple solution here: the tank can aoe, or even attack each mob individually. Then the cleric can heal the tank without dying.

    The alternative is to punish the cleric for the tank's poor play. That's unacceptable, especially since the cleric can res the tank but not vice-versa.

    It goes without saying that DDs shouldn't be attacking until the tank has aggro and the cleric is healing. They especially should not attack mobs the tank isn't beating on (pro tip: use "assist attack"). If the tanks and DDs die because they can't manage aggro THAT IS NOT THE CLERIC'S FAULT.

    If I were that cleric, I would have left squad too.
  • Ratinax - Sanctuary
    Ratinax - Sanctuary Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    "My res is lvl 1. What's so great about it being max?"

    T_T I had that once...
  • Batista - Dreamweaver
    Batista - Dreamweaver Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    "This movie kicks ****!"
    "My 3-year brother is taking over while I eat dinner."
    Batista (85 Cleric) {Semi-Retired Character}
    Venom (55 Venomancer) {Main Character - On Vacation}
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Dreamweaver TW Maps) (Updated 08/28/2010) (Under Major Construction)
  • SoultheWolf - Lost City
    SoultheWolf - Lost City Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The worse thing I've heard a cleric say was during an fb51 at the aoe boss, a lvl 73 Wizard is tanking (no Barb) and the Wizard dies
    "WTF?! How did you die?! I thought you were going to heal yourself!"
    me "You dumbass how is he going to heal AND tank! >.>"
  • AzureRequiem - Heavens Tear
    AzureRequiem - Heavens Tear Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    It's not a quote but I had a cleric turn into a catshop called "AFK" w/o saying anything during an FB39. He was selling a pot...
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hey I can lure just fine...

    scridon wrote: »
    My favorite thing to say to people, "I'm just gonna let ya'll die." b:laugh
    I have said this jokingly, but its still funny and true!!
    "People, stay together, I can't heal everyone at once when youre all separated."
    *Blademaster dies*
    "Serves you right for not listening."
    *Blademaster dies again from a supprise mob attack."b:chuckle
    Another example: *This is when the tank rides off to get Jewel and leaves the Cleric behind...Jewel knocks him dead. He's now pissed.....Cleric responds, "I told you to stay in range, but you insisted you were fine. Its not my death, but next time please listen to the one who could save your life. *laughs*"

    > my Quote

    "EPIC FAIL!! I took a screenshot though, i'll send it to you all! LOL"

    *After a total party wipe during an fb69...2 clerics, 2 tanks, 2 wizzies = competing aggro b:chuckle*
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Savabane - Heavens Tear
    Savabane - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    "You mean I was healing myself? But I saw your Pet's HP go up!"
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    [QUOTE=Bobncut - Sanctuary;1444832}
    "How did that happen? Did I get too close?"[/QUOTE]

    It's only bad when the cleric says that right?? It's ok when the veno says it right??

    I hope so I type that alot.b:chuckleb:chuckle
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Lol u got alot of the stuff that ive heard clerics say =P these are the reasons i made a cleric (including what u already have):

    "Stop taking the mobs, im trying to tank!"
    "Whats revive mean?"
    "R u Single? *death*" <true story lol during an FB while i was on a BM
    "*party is dead* W8 who was tanking?"

    And my personal favs....

    "Psh I'm a cleric u can't kill me! -_- *shoots arrow and cleric falls*"
    "I tink me energy is low all i cans do is hits ppls wit mah hammer...."

    Hmm just realized they arent that funny lol oh well
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    leme try this new macro
    i wana see if it works
  • Elezara - Sanctuary
    Elezara - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    "The batteries on my mouse just died!"

    Yes happened to me once b:chuckle
    Yep, happened to me once, too, mouse just died ~ Also, I live in Hawai'i and for some reason we get a lot of seemingly random DC's, at odd hours; it's not our server, it's PWI, 'cause the Net is available ~ I remember one time when my b/f and I were helping in an FB (49?) and we both DC'd in the middle of fighting one of the bosses (who had AoE) and we both died. The other Veno (my b/f 's Veno was doing the pulling) had the good sense to back away and get out of that immediate area, when she saw that we weren't responding, and figured out we had DC'd. So she just waited till we could get back on and into the FB again, and we finished without any more hitches/glitches ~ so yeah, stuff like that happens, where you have no control over the situation, lol ~ we all had a good laugh over it afterwards.....
    Go north.... NO Elezara! YOUR OTHER NORTH! Oh Gods you went South!
    Thanks Saitada for the great sig!
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I left my pots and potions in my safe.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • tc2r
    tc2r Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    real ones I remember:

    "Yeah.. I know the tank has full health, thas why i'm only spamming wellspring"~ (during fb51 boss fight from other cleric... never wanted to stop healing to make a point soo badly)

    "No, pure heart heals better you stupid newb, thats why I only use it and wellspring" ~ same cleric said the above -_- last time i ever tried to give another cleric advice.

    Cleric1(me) "oom in 30secs"
    Cleric2(guildmate) "out of mana"
    Cleric1 "so which one of us lives to rez the rest?
    Cleric2 "rock paper scissors? "
    party: "heres some pots, what, wtf, oh ****, ... etc"

    "Buffs? you want million dolla? *ignores* " ~ me (I get soooo tired of no matter where i'm at 40 ppl cry "buff me" (in AH, in any town, at amin towns, doesn't matter)

    (guild chat)
    Cleric1 "I need rez"
    Cleric2 "omw"
    Cleric2 "K now i need rez"
    Cleric 3 "omw"
    cleric 3 "wtf"
    Cleric 4 "need me"
    cleric 1" ..... "
    (the other clerics died trying to get to me, at fb51's entrance... none made it inside but cleric 4 and i was at doorway lmao)

    "I didn't know that was the boss I pulled" ~ me twice, at fb39 stupid chicken boss, n at fb69 miniboss -_- thought they were normal mobs and attacked them as such.

    "Afk autohealing, bbs in 40" ~ me, i have a macroed ironheart+extra combo for when i have to step away... but my parties reactions are always priceless.

    "what are you doing cleric?"
    "you all run faster, so i'm getting a head start"
    ~ fb51, knowing party was about to whip due to lack of a strong enough tank.

    "****, someone topped my bid, town portal" ~ in middle of a boss fight.

    "I'll pull"
    "I'll tank"

    "****, it broke BB" - this = instant whip lmao (at least where bb is only thing saving your ****)

    and most importantly

    "Hope you have plenty of GAs" ~ said to overachieving archers who don't' understand that tanks are meant to tank and them getting hurt just taxes a clerics mana pool... so unless i know them well enough, or if they truly get hit by accident, I ignore their hp bars... most have learned to use hp charms anyway I've noted so i guess they're use to getting hit. (boss fights are an exception)
  • Suiryujin - Sanctuary
    Suiryujin - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    happened in a tt run when we had a herc tank tt1-3 snake as an experiement and the barb as backup. cleric was attacking, herc died mid way through barb took aggro then, 10 second later barb died and cleric was still attacking.
    clerics response
    "sry i was on my attack macro"
    My body is made of swords.
    Iron is my blood, and glass is my heart.
    I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated,
    Without once retreating,
    Nor once being understood.
    Always alone, intoxicated with victory on the hill of swords.
    Therefore, there is no meaning to that life.
    Perhaps this body is nothing but a sword itself.
  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    How about top things you might hear a cleric say? I honestly think all tanks should play a cleric for a bit to understand what's going on.

    - "Any chance you guys could not all crowd around the mob when it explodes?" Nothing like an fb39 run when everyone runs in to attack the exploding mobs (or fb29 with lanterns) so you have to heal the whole group and waste MP instead of just healing the one person. I especially love it when it's an archer who shouldn't be close anyways.

    - Related to above "Mind taking that suicide vest off before running to me?" Again in fb39 player takes aggro of single, repeat SINGLE, exploding mob as I'm healing them and runs towards group and specifically me. Thanks. Don't worry I'm stacking heals on you. Take the explosion like a man damn it!!!

    - "Mind staying together for a bit" On an fb29 run one group went towards boss to clear and another to go open the door. Only one cleric, me. LOL. I was running back and forth between the two rooms healing my **** off blindly because I couldn't see who had aggro on what. Guess what? It was me a few times. Run, run, run.

    - "If you don't take aggro I'm not healing you. It will kill us all." <response> "Just heal me I'm going to die". <Me> "Don't take so many next time or cast friggen AoE!!!" In the end though I always feel bad and cast a heal or two and end up dragging aggro and running like a mad man hoping people will regain aggro. I should just let people die.

    - "There's a mob attacking me. Please pull him" - During fb runs when people don't want to clear a room first before attacking the boss. Nothing like having a roaming mob latch itself to you as you try and heal the tank and no one notices or cares. They just keep on attacking the boss.

    - "Can we please lure" Fb 39 runs with lower levels (i.e. all range of 40-50) and we have a veno. Let's use them instead of drawing all the mobs on us.

    - "Can one person please hold aggro. Maybe no sparking for DDs". When doing boss fights with a few tanks and DDs all about the same level. Aggro changes hand about 4 times and we have to try and keep up and keep track. If you steal aggro in a boss fight you're already behind the 8 ball because you have no stacks. Let the tank tank. If you're close in level don't go firing off a few sparks and stealing aggro.

    I guess bottom line is that because of heal aggro issue it creates a lot of work and timing for a cleric. We also burn through MP like crazy. We try and save you from having to pot by healing so please be conscious of this and help save us mp by playing smart.
  • SushiFishy - Heavens Tear
    SushiFishy - Heavens Tear Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    "Omg ... i thought i was on my Veno"

    (Happend to me once that i was looking for my pet when i was on my cleric .... I gues sleep realy is needed XD )
    There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so
  • LonleyWolf - Sanctuary
    LonleyWolf - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    after cleric die doring TT "just heal youself i will be there soon"
  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    OK in the spirit of the thread I just had one 5 minutes ago.

    "Chill man I can solo this myself". Was doing an fb19 human run and we had one spot open. I suggested we get a tank so we could AoE it and get it done quickly. The response from a lvl 6x cleric was above. I agreed and said it would be nice to at least be able to AoE. We get to the last room and he dies from 2 molten ants at the entrance. I'll say again TWO ants. As a cleric I was monitoring everyone's health as well and was surprised to see his go so low. Figured he'd heal himself soon because he too was a cleric. Nope. Oh well. Perhaps a lesson in humility. I sat back "chilled", killed the ants and revived him. lol.
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009

    - "If you don't take aggro I'm not healing you. It will kill us all." <response> "Just heal me I'm going to die". <Me> "Don't take so many next time or cast friggen AoE!!!" In the end though I always feel bad and cast a heal or two and end up dragging aggro and running like a mad man hoping people will regain aggro. I should just let people die.

    Seriously, just let them die. What people need to understand is if you do not hit the mob's after you aggro them and the cleric heals you, all the mob's that you have not hit will aggro the cleric. You shouldn't feel like an **** because people don't understand this and you don't feel like being killed all the damn time.b:surrender
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    How about top things you might hear a cleric say? I honestly think all tanks should play a cleric for a bit to understand what's going on.

    - "Any chance you guys could not all crowd around the mob when it explodes?" Nothing like an fb39 run when everyone runs in to attack the exploding mobs (or fb29 with lanterns) so you have to heal the whole group and waste MP instead of just healing the one person. I especially love it when it's an archer who shouldn't be close anyways.

    - "There's a mob attacking me. Please pull him" - During fb runs when people don't want to clear a room first before attacking the boss. Nothing like having a roaming mob latch itself to you as you try and heal the tank and no one notices or cares. They just keep on attacking the boss.

    - "Can we please lure" Fb 39 runs with lower levels (i.e. all range of 40-50) and we have a veno. Let's use them instead of drawing all the mobs on us.

    - "Can one person please hold aggro. Maybe no sparking for DDs". When doing boss fights with a few tanks and DDs all about the same level. Aggro changes hand about 4 times and we have to try and keep up and keep track. If you steal aggro in a boss fight you're already behind the 8 ball because you have no stacks. Let the tank tank. If you're close in level don't go firing off a few sparks and stealing aggro.

    I guess bottom line is that because of heal aggro issue it creates a lot of work and timing for a cleric. We also burn through MP like crazy. We try and save you from having to pot by healing so please be conscious of this and help save us mp by playing smart.


    Ahhhh, the life of a Cleric. Some people just do not

    BUT...the holding aggro thing is SOOOOOOO true!!! It sucs when there is one of you and 3-4 people competing, especially when you have the tank versus dd.

    I just tell then, "I am healing the tank. The rest of you are on there own if you all insist on competing....THX." (this actually happened last night at the Drum boss...needless to say, he got pulled....the end!).....b:chuckle
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Jack_Nel - Sanctuary
    Jack_Nel - Sanctuary Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    if you dont like to hear a cleric say my rez is lvl 1 buy yourself an angel
    i mean we die to we dont find clerics to rez us... and its actualy everyones choice if they should lvl the rez or not even as a full suport cleric its your own choice , ( mine is lvl 10 tho) cuz sometimes ppl will just call you from the othet end of the map just for a rez...
    and what i hate to hear most from noobs is "you are a cleric, why diddnt you heal yourself so you wont die" *sigh*

    my barb friend tryed to play my caracter for an hour or so... but than he was like i'm never making a cleric wtf is this b:laugh

    "Many left many will leave but what keeps us happy is the time we spend and the way we leave.. for me the best good bye was of Magnate and Jack_Nel both got married and then left the game.. making each other the immortal couple of this game." by Herne_Hunter
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    and what i hate to hear most from noobs is "you are a cleric, why diddnt you heal yourself so you wont die" *sigh*

    my barb friend tryed to play my caracter for an hour or so... but than he was like i'm never making a cleric wtf is this b:laugh

    HAH........too funny!

    I have died too many times at lower levels because of healing others and not myself. I have learned my lesson and thank goodness at the higher levels people know to SAVE THE CLERIC!! It is a noble sacrifice to save the one person who could save you....b:cute

    And as for your barb friend...b:chuckle...I have heard the same thing from a few people.....they always tell me it is too stressful to keep people alive b:chuckle
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Seraph - Dreamweaver
    Seraph - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    scridon wrote: »
    Seriously, just let them die. What people need to understand is if you do not hit the mob's after you aggro them and the cleric heals you, all the mob's that you have not hit will aggro the cleric. You shouldn't feel like an **** because people don't understand this and you don't feel like being killed all the damn time.b:surrender

    lol, I was in an FB with a barb like this one time. He'd aggro a bunch of mobs, only flesh ream one and attack one at a time while saying "heal me!". lol Then he'd get pissed when he died for lack of heals and I'd tell him I'm only gonna heal when he has the aggro of ALL the mobs. If you can only tank one mob at a time, fine, but don't pull a **** load of mobs, flesh ream ONE, and expect to get healed. XD

    Fortunately this hasn't been a common occurrence. What does happen more often than not is a tank (or BM with speed buff) runs way too far ahead, grabs aggro of all the mobs on him, starts yelling for a heal while I'm still trying to run a mile to catch up to them (clerics have no speed buff ya know lol ), and then has the nerve to complain because their charm ticked or they died/almost died. >.<

    Us clerics gots short legs... lol
  • Ganiju - Heavens Tear
    Ganiju - Heavens Tear Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    "get close to me! i need to heal you!"
    yeah...a supposed to stay back when they are healing
    "hey...let me tank it"
    lmao just funny!
    probably one of the smartest in perfect world
    yet the lowest of level
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    "get close to me! i need to heal you!"
    yeah...a supposed to stay back when they are healing
    "hey...let me tank it"
    lmao just funny!

    We can stay back fine.....the issue is when the tank runs far ahead and then complains.

    I just run and if I get there in time then then good, if bad so sad!!

    Tanks should know that we have a range and are SLOW!! (Which I never quite understood....anyways....).

    And...there are many bosses that we clerics can tank just fine Thank You!!
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Seraph - Dreamweaver
    Seraph - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Clerics and wizards are both great for tanking the magic bosses (or those with magic AOEs when you fight ranged), which there seem to be no shortage of. lol
  • Requeil - Harshlands
    Requeil - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    "How do you heal?"
    "How do you get chi?"
    [In the middle of a FB/Party/Battle] "K, BRB"

    As for my character:

    "Okay, listen up. I refuse to heal myself or anyone. I'm just going to sit here, annoy the hell out of you, and lock your cotnrolls, freeze everything-" *exits*

    Actually, that did happen once. She just- refused D:
  • MntMan - Lost City
    MntMan - Lost City Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I will say I've played with some good tanks too that understood heal aggro. Made me think they might have played a cleric before. He'd go in to a group of 3 or 4 mobs in fb39, drop an AoE, then turn and attack one of them a couple times, switch to another, attack them, the other, etc and keep cycling them until they all died. It allowed me to heal him and the others in the party just picked away at the mobs to help kill them. We went in with me only being lvl 41, another lvl 44 cleric, 2 tanks in their 40s and an archer also in the 40s. I though we were going to get wasted, but it turned out to be one of the smoothest fb runs I've ever done. Took a long time of course, but very smooth. No one died. It was a case of everyone knowing their job and executing it perfectly.
  • FionaCattail - Sanctuary
    FionaCattail - Sanctuary Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    "wow, what happened? I was alt-tabbed out reading the forums"
    We could all learn a lot from crayons, some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names (like chartreuse), and all are different colors....BUT they ALL exist very nicely in the same box!
This discussion has been closed.