Petition for Barb. Animal Change



  • Devlinne - Lost City
    Devlinne - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I would love for a lion-Humanoid to change into a LION.Panda-panda, wolf- wolf, etc.

    If it is doable GM's......Pls do it.
    A GOAT always THINKS it's a lion......untill it meets a REAL LION!!!!!
  • The ferenczy - Sanctuary
    The ferenczy - Sanctuary Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    again tiger form is a tiger for a reason. it is symbolic it would be like saying i like the american flag but because mt fav number is 14 i want it to have 14 stripes
    one day the world will shout to me save us....
    and i will whisper no.
  • enjyn
    enjyn Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In a Customization-based game like this, people want to be different from the other players in the game. The deeper the customization the more happy the players are, because they're able to be that much different.

    They did great splitting the Barb class into 4 races, but essentially made it into one race again when you morph... which is boring.

    The fact is... the first Quest-game that'll let the customer import their own character models/skins will make all the money. That will bring customization to near infinity, and will be only bound by the limitations of the user in 3D-StudioMax, Maya, Mudbox, and Photoshop.
  • Baraiai - Sanctuary
    Baraiai - Sanctuary Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    enjyn wrote: »
    They did great splitting the Barb class into 4 races, but essentially made it into one race again when you morph... which is boring.

    Don't forget the barb class has the LEAST amount of changes you can do.

    You can't make your snout long on a wolf while having a flat face for a lion. You can't make your main for your lion bigger than the dude next to you. You can't even change the colors sept the eyes D:

    You can take a veno and morph her up till your eyes bleed but you finish a barb custom in about 30 seconds >.>

    I vote color changes/form changes/better custom for barbs XD

    EVERYONE WANTS A PINK PANDA :O I want a white wolf >3
  • kariiopl
    kariiopl Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hello All ;] b:victory
  • Kourg - Heavens Tear
    Kourg - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I Totally agree of the idea of different forms or colours.. That way the game for us barbarians should be more more interesting.. and like many other said it would be much nicer if all barbs were different from each other..
  • godba
    godba Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This would be awesome since I hate that every type of Babarian turns into a Tiger. This change would bring some actual customization to the Untamed.
  • Bbobbington - Lost City
    Bbobbington - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I agree.

    Change colors/shape in customization!!!
    And turn into WHAT YOU ARE!!!!!!

    Peace. b:victory
  • Rakthor - Lost City
    Rakthor - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    it would be cool if we got a whole new species of animals for the humanoid form
  • Hisuna - Sanctuary
    Hisuna - Sanctuary Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm all in for this idea...I'm tired of seeing so many white tigers running around. Thing is they wouldn't even have to change any of the skills really, just the character change itself.

    In this way I would love a venomancer that could turn into a Cat or a Bat or maybe some sort okay no duck.
    The family is a haven in a heartless world.
    Once a Guardian, Always a Guardian. Element: Fire.
  • Baraiai - Sanctuary
    Baraiai - Sanctuary Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In this way I would love a venomancer that could turn into a Cat or a Bat or maybe some sort okay no duck.

    omg I would play a veno again if my veno would turn into a cat :O cuz my veno has a cat tail...I want a cat! :3
  • LordArcane - Lost City
    LordArcane - Lost City Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Im quite happy with the wolf look. Though the lion look i dont like.
    "...the decision was a very, very difficult one. Never
    before had I been so impressed by the strength of
    the enemy as I was by those tanks rolling by; but I
    knew it absolutely had to be and I decided to strike
    out into the enemy."
    Michael Wittmann, 13th June 1944
  • Samunoskai - Heavens Tear
    Samunoskai - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Please give the extra options.
  • Nomaad - Heavens Tear
    Nomaad - Heavens Tear Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i want to change inot a penguin!

    Penguins FTW!!!b:victory
  • Zslasher - Sanctuary
    Zslasher - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    yes is quite unusual a wolf changes into a tiger, besides this change is simple stetics so PLEASE GMS
    [SIGPIC]my siggy[/SIGPIC]
  • Lcewolf - Lost City
    Lcewolf - Lost City Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Great idea and the GMs should consider this. It will improve the characters by a lot :) Nice poll
    Lvl 16 Barbarian-Sacrifice
    Lvl 31 Venomancer-Waffles

    I'm going to join Dreamweaver and see how it goes!

    RETIRED... Ask MagicZ
  • deathken1
    deathken1 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i dont know if this is the right thread for this request but I WANT A MONKEY MAN BARB!!! you know the elder of lost city?? isnt that dude a MONKEY?? OMF I WANT A MONKEY!!! i wouldve made abarb long time ago if they let me make a MONKEYMAN. OYA HE WILL TURN INTO A GORILLA IN TIGER FORM n humanoids form will be that ELDER OF LOST CITY!!ASOM!
  • Hazardus - Heavens Tear
    Hazardus - Heavens Tear Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    deathken1 wrote: »
    i dont know if this is the right thread for this request but I WANT A MONKEY MAN BARB!!! you know the elder of lost city?? isnt that dude a MONKEY?? OMF I WANT A MONKEY!!! i wouldve made abarb long time ago if they let me make a MONKEYMAN. OYA HE WILL TURN INTO A GORILLA IN TIGER FORM n humanoids form will be that ELDER OF LOST CITY!!ASOM!

    Look closer! He is actually an old lion b:chuckle
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • XXDaSAVAGEXx - Sanctuary
    XXDaSAVAGEXx - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i have to say i hate turning from a wolf (wich are totaly awsome) to a white tiger, i dont even like tigers........ expecialy white ones> its nothing personal but they are kind of worthless cant hide a white tiger in the planes of the serangeti...ya know GIVE ME A WOLF THAT PWNS!!!!
  • Hazardus - Heavens Tear
    Hazardus - Heavens Tear Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    .... cant hide a white tiger in the planes of the serangeti...!!!!

    ROFL, wrong continent bud!! b:laugh b:laugh Tigers aren't plain animals, they live in forests in the Eurasian regions.
    Oh and tigers hide pretty well amongst the forest and bamboo thickets (oddly somehow even the white ones manage it). See if you can spot the tiger here :

    [ / NATGEO ] b:chuckle
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • stone21
    stone21 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I dunno if this has been said but id like a gorilla :P
  • XXDaSAVAGEXx - Sanctuary
    XXDaSAVAGEXx - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    See if you can spot the tiger here :

    [ / NATGEO ] b:chuckle[/QUOTE]

    i have to admit that was a challange however i had my trusy "find things that suck meter", and spoting that ugly thing was a breez after that.

    P.S. after carfull consideration ligers (yes ligers) will be added to the "animals from around the world that are totaly and utterly worthless" list due to there tiger genes, it was once thought that a lions genes were dominent due to there strong lion type fetures however there "lion pride" is only skin deep cos if u ever smelled a liger that had beed cut (and or shived) you would smell the horrible stench of a tiger.....GRRR i hate tigers!!!!!

    p.p.s tigers are on the serangeti! how do you think ligers came about????

    Apendix A:
    The "animals from around the world that are totaly and utterly worthless" list is a detailed record of all worthless animals to include but not limited to.......NO.1 TIGERS <<
    FACT! bla bla blahh the common house cat (note that only the ginger ones due to there TIGER genes) bla bla blahh Whipit canus (the common w-h-ip-it or when most commenly refered to by there slave name the grayhound. they often hang out on the side of busses, there for making them worthless pets and to be considered for emediate extinction bla bla blahh. as you can see this is a document that was generated by the most powerfull minds in the world when it comes to finding amimals that are generaly worthless.

    Apendix B.
    a reacent release on the official PETA website (People Eating Tasty Animals) describes the poor and gamey flavor of tigers, and there apparent toughness and i quote "it was like chewing on an old hobos boot in both texture and flavor"[editors note] the story goes on for quite some time generaly bashing tigers, late in the article he talks about the wolf and i quote "the wolf when in humanoid form (not to be confused with wearwolfs and/or licans) is like a cold drink on a hot day, or better yet think of the hottest day you ever endured and having a huge ice cream [editors note]_insert your favoret ice cream here_[end editors note]to cool you down, YUMMMMY" [editers note] i would never personaly use the quote/saying Yummmmmy. Ever.[end editors note] i also feel it imortant
    to quote Charls Norris "WOLFS would SO PWN me in a fight i am scared when i think about it i cry myself to sleep, ask my mom" Charlse Norrises mother on his fear of wolfs "for such a tough guy my son is a real pansy when it comes to those wolfes"

    so as you can see from these reputadle sorces i have quoted here PWI is in dire need of having a wolf barb turn into a Wolf in true form!!!!
  • xxxdsmer
    xxxdsmer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i spos i'll post the topic relevant comment(s) first. lol..
    i dont really care for that a wolf is stuck with gray fur, so color of the fur would be nice, but since the untamed are of nature... i'd havta say no kinda crazy colors for a barb (like purple or something crazy lol)
    and it would also be nice to change into a wolf instead of the same old plain white striped tiger you see everywhere.

    now for the non relevant:
    i know my typing may not be the best there is, and i dont use the shift key either...
    and i generally never comment on grammar and spelling because i really usually dont care (for reasons of being laid back and cause i know mine's not 'perfect' either)...
    but when things become HARD to read or un-readable because of excess usage of things like 'pplz' and 'u' in place of people and you, which are just as easy to type as these 'cool' abbreviations...

    or when people thype heuge misspeeled seneences leike this datz juss complte and totl run on senteences wth such horrybole speeling errorz thet talkz about ate difverent tingys in de same senteence n its jus a horryble mezz of mizspalled wordz and stuf tht jus runz on n tlk bout pples and u's and uzez abslolutly no punkamtuation and
    (enuf of that, i'm sure y'all get the point)
    people tryin to use abbreviations because they dont know how to type or for whatever reason... not everyone uses the same abbreviations.
    and a little punctuation never hurts either, even if its just a comma and period here and there like i do.
    misspells are easy to fix, if you read as you type its maybe 2-3 backspaces to fix that wrong letter.

    this lil rant is, ofcourse, not directed at everyone... but it is also not specifically directed at particularly anyone either (notice i didnt quote).

    as far as i can see, this is an english forum, so if you can read enough to know what the poster's talking about, you probably can at least try good enough to write so that someone understands your english, wether its "good" or not lol.

    and if english is your first language, there's no reason for things like liek and pples. take a keyboarding class or graba book about keyboarding, with knowledge and practice typing becomes alot faster to just type the words out and noone says something about posts being un-readable.

    and if there's any trolls that want to pick about my message that turned out long, feel free to :) it'll jus give ya somethin to talk about lol (like me not using the shift key, and my southern USA ways of talking showing up in my typing. i.e: the word "y'all")

    (the longer part of this message, a rant i guess it'd be called... was because it was taking me longer to read a post that was two lines or less, than it was taking to read more than twice as much. and yes, i understand not everyone's first language is english, but if someone understands english enough to read it and at least partially speak it, they can type it at least half legibly lol. and ya cant tell me they cant because i played a game with an alliance that was completely dutch)

    anywho y'all hava nice day and i'm hopin right along with y'all that we get some true forms that make sense and being able to do something as simple as change the fur color :)
    i'm pro all classes, and against none in particular..
    but the age old QQ about venos is just that. OLD.
    QQ'd about a nix lately? check out this thread n tell me who's "OP" lol..
    (copy and paste this to address bar):
  • Halendor - Heavens Tear
    Halendor - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm up for any change even if its as simple as changing the color of the glow underneath the feat of the tiger. Like you could have it glow blue instead on the feet for wolf barbarians.
  • Kikisha - Sanctuary
    Kikisha - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ...I dunno about everyone else, but I want an orange panda morph.

    Also, I'm sure someone had to have mentioned this before, but what can GMs do about game content? Isn't that the developers' department?
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I would love to romp around as a big, fluffy panda bear!


    P.S. Yes, I said "Rowr" instead of the more popular "Rawr." This is because of the likely larger vocal chords of the typical panda, and thus lower pitch. b:mischievous
  • longani
    longani Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I had the same idea when started to play bard. What I wanted is to have an other form (which won't be tiger any more) when upgrading the skill...

    For example : -Lv1 : whiter tiger
    -Lv2 : Lion with some rooms of sliver armor
    -Lv3 : Bear with a gold total armor

    That's just some idea flying in my mind, just to ilustrate my thoughts...b:pleased
  • devildee
    devildee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If nothing else, maybe we could buy a True Form Scroll or something similar in the Mall.....It would cost a lot of man-hours for the devs to write the code for the changes and they would need to recoup those costs. I'd pay for that! 'Course, I'm already a tiger, but if I could make over into a wolf and then also change into a wolf that would be awesome. That and some fur choices (color/soft-fuzzy/sharp-feral)......

    I'm enjoying the game as it is now but this would just add another level of enjoyment.

    I like the idea. Wolf model should change into a wolf. Panda should change into a bear. I don't think it would be difficult. They could reuse the tigers code and just make some new models.
  • Raugaj - Heavens Tear
    Raugaj - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Wow people have been visiting this thread huh? lol awesome. Anyway don't fight on my thread there's no point everyone is entitled an opinion as to what they want to have done with the Barb class.
    I like the orange panda idea haha, mainly because its funny XD.
    In total though I just want each character model to turn into what they are portrayed as, I've said this a lot on my previous posts and the point still stands. Anyway I really want this to happen although I doubt it will >_< anyway thanks for everyones input :]
  • BigPunisher - Sanctuary
    BigPunisher - Sanctuary Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I would probably use 10 make over scrolls per month if there are more options available to barbs. As of right now, I've only changed my barb 4 times - one of each type but decided to stay as a wolf.

    I really hope for more customization and true form skill changes the barb to the corresponding animal