Fist damage does not "suck"...



  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    figured as much. always people from lost city.
  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Lyndura, don't make yourself out to be a total idiot again T.T
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    no no, i'm sure lyndura has a great deal of experience with fist, yes? being level 91, you've probably experimented with each tree? possibly?

    what about what i've said(which is based off game play, not numbers drawn together on a site. the only thing i used ecatomb for is a base time) is wrong? shows i have no idea what i'm talking about?
  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    no no, i'm sure lyndura has a great deal of experience with fist, yes? being level 91, you've probably experimented with each tree? possibly?

    what about what i've said(which is based off game play, not numbers drawn together on a site. the only thing i used ecatomb for is a base time) is wrong? shows i have no idea what i'm talking about?

    Look through past threads, she's proven to be an idiot with biased information, not explaining herself, throwing everything off topic to redeem herself, then to come up with bogus answers.b:bye
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    well, my post is a bit biased on the axe side as well. i'm comparing the damage of a 9x warrior with a +10 gx on a much lower leveled robed cleric to that of a level 71 fist user with 3* 68 edge +2 on a barbarian relatively his own level b:surrender
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    forum is a higher lvl pvp experience. only here people can write easy recipes so noobs will never really learn what anything stands for. and then... with the vast majority of players with the same very builds, weapons and skills it gets much easier to spot their weaknesses and exploit them.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Maddrox - Harshlands
    Maddrox - Harshlands Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    well, my post is a bit biased on the axe side as well. i'm comparing the damage of a 9x warrior with a +10 gx on a much lower leveled robed cleric to that of a level 71 fist user with 3* 68 edge +2 on a barbarian relatively his own level b:surrender

    You don't seem to have a god complex either.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Wait plox. In 1~2 months i'll show u that fists don't suck in pvp ^^.
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    no no, i'm sure lyndura has a great deal of experience with fist, yes? being level 91, you've probably experimented with each tree? possibly?

    what about what i've said(which is based off game play, not numbers drawn together on a site. the only thing i used ecatomb for is a base time) is wrong? shows i have no idea what i'm talking about?

    Yes, I have tried every weapon tree, including bow. And I have used, on a higher level character, end-game weapons like GX or Decadal God, and compared them; however, that is in another version of PW, and I'll stick with what I can prove with my level 91 Blademaster in here.

    So it starts with:
    i like the ignorance displayed throughout this thread. absolutely amazing.

    i always loved it when people say axes are pvp and fist are pve, that's hilarious. considering fist have the hardest time in pve compared to any class, and axe warrior is considerably the best at it.

    fist > every type of warrior end game. pvp wise.

    You make an statement, "fist > every type of warrior end game. pvp wise.", without really giving any convincing arguments about why you say that.

    Even then, you don't show a character that could possibly have a good experience in PvP, becasue your avatar shows a level 83 Cleric and you only mention a level 71 WR in another version of PW.

    With that information I'll assume that you have no personal experience with a BM 90+ in PvP against other classes of the same level range and testing with different weapons. If you do, please correct me.

    As I said before, the real PvP doesn't starts until level 90. Perhaps you know that most caster classes (at least in Lost City) start having around 5k HP once they hit level 90+, due to refinement and the good HP/VIT bonuses HH90 Green set provides. On top of that, a lot of them start using pdef or a mix of HP/Pdef shards, and with buffs, their physical defense resistance goes pretty high. And I won't even metion the kind of damage they start to have due to the high refinement on the weapon.

    Since you're in a PvE server, I don't know if you're active in open PvP, but I'll assume that you do and you know that most PvP takes place in the air.

    I won't argue that Fists can deal a pretty good amount of damage over time, and eventually outdamages any other weapon using interval between hit reducing equipment or a constant use of Spark Eruption, specially if it is Hell Spark. Reason why they are used to damage bosses at high levels.

    That is their best quality and at the same time the worst, reason why they are not really good for PvP.

    In order to deal that high amount of time, they require to have the best conditions, meaning that the opponent won't be moving and the Fist user is status-free to have all the time in the world to deal enough damage until the opponent dies.

    But PvP is not like that, all the ranged classes will be kiting you, meaning your opponent will keep moving away from you and the DPS of the Fists will get seriously reduced due to the amount of time it takes to get to the opponent and the animation time it takes to start using normal attacks again.

    Now, the damage of Fists is most of the time constant, it always has a range of time and damage dealt, which doesn't happens with other weapons like Axe.

    For example, we can say that a Fist user will deal somewhere between 4k and 8k in 10 seconds, depending on the critical hits. But the problem is that it is required 10 or more seconds to deal that amount of damage.

    So considering your opponent has 5k HP and it tanks your damage for exactly 10 seconds and you're status-free, you will be able to kill it once the charm ticks.

    Unfortunately, PvP is not like that, and once the charm of a ranged class ticks, they will start flying up, drop from their flying mount and go down, sleep/stun/seal/freeze you, use triple spark or simply use a potion. Any of this will be able to stop your DPS and give the kiter enough time so the charm can tick again.

    And if you try to use Spark Eruption, they will just do the same, without letting you to stun them until the effect of Spark Eruption goes away.

    So it takes you 10 seconds of perfect conditions to kill the kiter, while an Axe user is not limited that amount of time, because the Berserker ticks or the Critical hits (or even a combination of both) will be able to one~two shot the caster, sometimes even without making the charm tick.

    So then, what about meele classes?

    The only way you will be able to kill another BM at level 90+ 1vs1 is using triple spark, and any smart BM will just kite until the effect goes away.

    And the only way you will be able to kill a Barbarian is either, using Triple Spark or your ultimate with 2+ attacks per second. Even then, if they are smart they can just kite, or stun you, because now your evasion is useless since their stun attack has a 100% chance to hit and 50% chance to stun.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    With that information I'll assume that you have no personal experience with a BM 90+ in PvP against other classes of the same level range and testing with different weapons. If you do, please correct me.
    i've never been level 90 as a bm. however, i was aiming for it, for all the speed gears.

    As I said before, the real PvP doesn't starts until level 90. Perhaps you know that most caster classes (at least in Lost City) start having around 5k HP once they hit level 90+, due to refinement and the good HP/VIT bonuses HH90 Green set provides. On top of that, a lot of them start using pdef or a mix of HP/Pdef shards, and with buffs, their physical defense resistance goes pretty high. And I won't even metion the kind of damage they start to have due to the high refinement on the weapon.
    i'm well aware of this. i have over 5k now, when buffed. and i've, first hand as a heavy armoured toon, been hit by a +12 rank 8 mage.

    it doesn't tickle.

    Since you're in a PvE server, I don't know if you're active in open PvP, but I'll assume that you do and you know that most PvP takes place in the air.
    air is an advantage to any and all ranged classes. using it against them, moving away whilst on the ground, and drawing them back to the ground, is a physical classes advantage. if they don't follow, well simply walk away. their loss.

    I won't argue that Fists can deal a pretty good amount of damage over time, and eventually outdamages any other weapon using interval between hit reducing equipment or a constant use of Spark Eruption, specially if it is Hell Spark. Reason why they are used to damage bosses at high levels.
    this is something that fascinates me. with hell fury, a fist user with hh99 heavy/light/cv edge can use hell fury in 13 seconds.

    because of this, i've seen fist users tank bosses in hh, simply because they can hit so fast in such a short amount of time that they can actually heal themselves efficiently.

    That is their best quality and at the same time the worst, reason why they are not really good for PvP.
    for this reason, actually, is actually why i chose fist to be especially useful in pvp. their speed after the right gears are placed on them is so impressive that they don't need to hit for a long time. they're hitting as such an extreme speed that running becomes impossible. 6 second stun from roar.. they'll probably die in that time.

    In order to deal that high amount of time, they require to have the best conditions, meaning that the opponent won't be moving and the Fist user is status-free to have all the time in the world to deal enough damage until the opponent dies.
    this is true. they have to set up the opponent to be in the right place at the right time to be able to lock them into a death trap.

    i never said it was easy to be successful.

    But PvP is not like that, all the ranged classes will be kiting you, meaning your opponent will keep moving away from you and the DPS of the Fists will get seriously reduced due to the amount of time it takes to get to the opponent and the animation time it takes to start using normal attacks again.
    this is also against the ranged user. neither will kill eachother. eventually, the ranged class will try to either tank the damage or just fly away. either way, the warrior won the battle. either they were gutsy and died or fled. warrior moves on, ranged class tries to snipe him for the rest of his life.

    Now, the damage of Fists is most of the time constant, it always has a range of time and damage dealt, which doesn't happens with other weapons like Axe.
    edge > fist, if u didn't know. the only time fist become better is hh100. fist have basically no spike, always the same amount of damage.

    not good for pvp.

    however, edge has a decent spike. much like your axes. it can hit low, but not much lower than fist. it can hit high, and known to spike over swords.

    For example, we can say that a Fist user will deal somewhere between 4k and 8k in 10 seconds, depending on the critical hits. But the problem is that it is required 10 or more seconds to deal that amount of damage.
    at level 90, or more specifically, at 95, a fist user will hit 1.1-1.4k per hit with +9 cv edge and a maxed fist mastery on an average player in pvp(assuming they don't have +12 pdef jewelery).

    that being said, in 10 seconds they'll deal roughly 22,000-28,000 damage(at this level, i assume their speed is 1.9-2.1 hits per second). hitting twice a second, before fury or skill, is unbelievable. especially, considering they hit what u probably hit with your axes as it is.

    with the 198 dex u need for the edge, you'll have a fairly nice base crit(10%? i think). added with what they could have, which is probably crit rings, arrow. since these types of warriors depend on crits as well as their speed, upping it is also very important. so with basic 88 molder rings and an arrow, 15% crit rate.

    that means, of the 20 times u hit in that 10 seconds, u crit 3 times(presumably, based on math. give or take a few). assuming u crit 3 times on the lowest spike, you'll have jumped to 25,300-32,200.

    quite impressive for such low damage weapons, if i do say so myself.
    So considering your opponent has 5k HP and it tanks your damage for exactly 10 seconds and you're status-free, you will be able to kill it once the charm ticks.
    after roar u have exactly 4.2 seconds before the opponent wakes up at max level. in 4.2 seconds a fist user will hit 4 times. that's 5500+ damage(ie, charm tick and their hp is lowered).

    aoeline blade, another stun for more damage, 1.2 seconds. 2 more hits. 2,200 damage. they're either dead or critical life, and you'll probably kill them before they react fast enough to walk away with their life.

    impractical, but very possible.

    Unfortunately, PvP is not like that, and once the charm of a ranged class ticks, they will start flying up, drop from their flying mount and go down, sleep/stun/seal/freeze you, use triple spark or simply use a potion. Any of this will be able to stop your DPS and give the kiter enough time so the charm can tick again.

    that is why u stun u silly boy. i've known ranged classes to run on instinct or wait until their hiero has ticked. u either stun as u get to them or stun as u see them reaching their hiero mark. from my experience, most run on instinct(assuming they don't suck), so stunning with something like aoelin blade or roar is existential for classes like mages.
    And if you try to use Spark Eruption, they will just do the same, without letting you to stun them until the effect of Spark Eruption goes away.
    i will not argue this, it's very true.

    So it takes you 10 seconds of perfect conditions to kill the kiter, while an Axe user is not limited that amount of time, because the Berserker ticks or the Critical hits (or even a combination of both) will be able to one~two shot the caster, sometimes even without making the charm tick.
    i've found that most kiting classes, especially mages, have rock solid robes lol. a guildy of mine in my en has almost 14k pdef fully buffed. not to mention his 6.6k~ hp.

    1-2 shotting anything after a class is properly geared is near impossible unless you're that mage with a +12 rank 8 sword.

    The only way you will be able to kill another BM at level 90+ 1vs1 is using triple spark, and any smart BM will just kite until the effect goes away.
    this i disagree with. yes, fury makes it a helluva lot easier, but if you're using the cv edge, why would u need to fury? they come with a -10% hp debuff. knowing most warriors at level 100 have what? 9k base hp? that's almost 1k lost. ultimate > speed skill > they'll die in time.

    And the only way you will be able to kill a Barbarian is either, using Triple Spark or your ultimate with 2+ attacks per second. Even then, if they are smart they can just kite, or stun you, because now your evasion is useless since their stun attack has a 100% chance to hit and 50% chance to stun.
    nobody, not even fist, is going to solo a barb at that level. i've seen barbs with 20k+ hp in human form. u would have to do some crazy ****, like use triple fury, fury pot, switch to axes and use dragon. stun and switch back to fist. hit him 3x a second at 2k-3k+ per hit.

    that being the perfect situation.

    will likely never work.

    sounds good on paper though, don't it?
  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Don't mind the numbers I used, that is just a fictional example that I used to show my point: Fists are limited to certain amount of time to deal certain amount of damage, while Axes/Spear/Dual Blades are able to deal the highest damage in one hit, due to the much higher spike damage they have.

    Axes will never be able to match Fists in the speed of attacks, and Fists will never be able to match Axes in spike damage, which is another main point.

    I didn't want to use a "real" example, because it is simply too difficult to do here because it involves too many variables like the whole equipment of the BM and the whole equipment of the opponent, skills, reductions, buffs, effects, etc. Plus we don't have the official formulas the game uses to calculate the damage.

    Also, once you play a 90+ BM, you will see that 6 seconds stun is pretty much nothing anymore. It helps, yes, but our stuns become less useful the higher level we get.

    Only two things:

    1.- The BM can and probably (if Physical Marrow is on) will kite once you use the Fist ulti, or just use the genie skill to become inmume to Fire damage.

    2.- The effect on decadal god is good, but it just affects base HP, so on your example on the 9k HP it won't be close to reduce 1k HP, because the BM will probably be using +HP stuff like Swindler's, etc.

    On a side note: I generalize when I talk about weapons, meaning that "Fists" involve both, Fists and Claws.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    if what u say is true about the stuns, then an axe warrior is entirely useless pvp wise. the only way an axe warrior does damage is holding their opponent in place with well timed stuns and spamming multiple skills in the meantime.

    if stuns are useless, u would be more like my build. i have what u would call a "dex axe build". i have 215 str and 145 dex. i can wield both hh70 axes and my 68 edge. i could wield level 70 edge molder, but it's not to my preference of usefulness.

    that being said, i use the axes for the ultimate and the nice aoe grinding. though the aoe grind is smaller, because of 5 base vit, it's still considerably faster than 1:1 with the edge(even though i kill quite fast with them).

    that's the best warrior imo. leave vit for tanks and pure builds(axe tank build is pro for pve). if i need hp, i'll refine more when it's worth upgrading the armour.
    (i'm poor on all of my chars, pretty much).
  • ReverseFlow - Heavens Tear
    ReverseFlow - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Im not such a high lvl as u guyz .... i m a actually a total low lvl noob but i have played fists fr only two days and have seriusly fallen in love with em .

    As a fist lover i ll like to point out stuff u ppl might be forgetting :

    1. Apothecary [There r stuff which give elemtal bonus dmg to Normal Atks [only nomral atks] Although all classes can use it , a fist is primarily based on maxi-mising normal dmg. [U can easily gain chi engh to cast another ultimate b4 its cooldown ends , hence u hv engh chi to either spark / sutra] And the added elemental dmg helps get over Heavy users . and significantly increases dmg [especially after a demon Drake]

    2.Imoobilising : Since u ppl r so adament of high lvls , u may know that high lvl Vacum Palm reduces 80% movement speed fr as high as 10 secs with only a 15 sec cooldown [yes i m a demon fan] . BTW as per ecatomb , 80% isnt tested fr sage/demon so it may be higher . And as far as i know Roar + Aeolin have engh cooldown + effective time to nearly immobilise enemy [80% speed reduction is ALOT!!]. And as a BM i still have access to Drake Bash , i can always switch to axe/hammer fr a sec to use drake bash and switch back]

    3.AoE : A fist user can use its ultimate AoE a lot more than other weaponds can . [ok i got nthing more to say here]

    4.Gemming : A gem provides a static + dmg to dmg . While on an axe , the dmg difference may not even be noticable , a fist user sucks in the increased dmg a lot more times . Eg: +10 dmg gem can provide +9.4 mg i na sec to hammer but 14 dmg per sec to fists.

    5. Affect of str : I mcurrently using 3str 2dex built [its too good to be true ,ok i have less survivability and probably no one whill allow me to zhen , but i play less so i cant actually party nyways ] Well if 1 str adds 1 dmg , similar to gemming the dmg is sucked in more times .

    6.Cheap : Probaly because of the way ppl look at fists , the molds r sold super chaeap as comapred to other weaponds . I can actually trade in my legendary lv30 light leggings fr a lv 40 fist mold which is quite impossible as far a axe/hammer mold go.

    7.+%Atk speed buffs : Since release of genie , my favourite spell is Wind Shield , +15% atk speed fr a fist is godly . Shadowless kick can provide +20% atk speed as well .

    8.Getting ot ur target : As far as wht i have read , ppl saying u need to get to target to properly use fists , but forgetting hat a moving target can barely atk nyways and a BM has best catching up skills [Tiger leap , leap back , Cloud Sprint , Will of Bodhisatva,Bolt of Tyrenius , Smack] . And the far as u need to catch up to ur oppenent goes , excpet fr spear all wepaonds need to do that.

    9.High Dex : +Accuracy and + Evasion means we dont need the lv 7x +accuracy rings , but we can contrate on +dmg stuff instead.


    Personally saying , i found FM smthing like a meelee based archer,just more powerfull
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    think it's always better to have numbers to talk about.

    lvl100 SAGE BM with mixed golden TT99 LA and HA +7 with 3 flawless garnets/sapphires each piece of armor, TT100 fists +9 with perfect garnets, golden TT99 ornaments +7, golden TT90 rings +7, TT cape +7, all buffs.

    that's the best fist endgame build i could think of. equips are not cheap but that's expected.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • pervs
    pervs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    think it's always better to have numbers to talk about.

    lvl100 SAGE BM with mixed golden TT99 LA and HA +7 with 3 flawless garnets/sapphires each piece of armor, TT100 fists +9 with perfect garnets, golden TT99 ornaments +7, golden TT90 rings +7, TT cape +7, all buffs.

    that's the best fist endgame build i could think of. equips are not cheap but that's expected.

    I stopped looking after i saw the PDef shards and adorns.
    "you want 1by1 go play tekken la"
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    warriors use weapons for the skills they have. at 99 fists become the best thing a warrior can use for dps. you can't argue it. fist aren't worth it before 99 as most people won't have the refines to have str for axes and dex for fists. also you are limited by -attack intervals before hh99 gear. spear for range, axe for stun lock, fists for dps between stuns. older, matured versions of the game can easily reinforce my statements.
  • Alyja - Harshlands
    Alyja - Harshlands Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    warriors use weapons for the skills they have. at 99 fists become the best thing a warrior can use for dps. you can't argue it. fist aren't worth it before 99 as most people won't have the refines to have str for axes and dex for fists. also you are limited by -attack intervals before hh99 gear. spear for range, axe for stun lock, fists for dps between stuns. older, matured versions of the game can easily reinforce my statements.

    i think this person speaks the truth :X from wat ive heard tho >.>
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    king, you're on crack.

    is more realistic.
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    king, you're on crack.

    is more realistic.

    do you realise the costs with refining you'll have?
    the FF ring is a bit hard to get...

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Of everyone who is pro-fist, I don't think there has ever been one who said that end-game was cheap. It is mentioned as cheap during leveling up, you can get refined/gemmed legendaries for very cheap since you will only use them 10 lvls usually. All our money is saved up for end game armor and weaponry.

    It's why I stick with already upgraded fists on sale in AH. -Interval this early would be nice, but usually just too expensive and too rare to actually find in AH right now for a weapon I will out-level very quickly. Already in Gamma range, so no point wasting the coins.
  • Forp - Heavens Tear
    Forp - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,445 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    do you realise the costs with refining you'll have?
    the FF ring is a bit hard to get...

    i'm pretty sure that the cost is hefty, but i've known level 95s with enough saved up to refine all of their gears to +8. level 100 is a different story, and when u get there, refining is all u can do.

    the ring isn't as hard as u think it is. the only problem is the hh mat, since u have to farm for 4 gold. luckily for some people in lost city, they can, yano, walk through walls.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    if what u say is true about the stuns, then an axe warrior is entirely useless pvp wise. the only way an axe warrior does damage is holding their opponent in place with well timed stuns and spamming multiple skills in the meantime.

    if stuns are useless, u would be more like my build. i have what u would call a "dex axe build". i have 215 str and 145 dex. i can wield both hh70 axes and my 68 edge. i could wield level 70 edge molder, but it's not to my preference of usefulness.

    that being said, i use the axes for the ultimate and the nice aoe grinding. though the aoe grind is smaller, because of 5 base vit, it's still considerably faster than 1:1 with the edge(even though i kill quite fast with them).

    that's the best warrior imo. leave vit for tanks and pure builds(axe tank build is pro for pve). if i need hp, i'll refine more when it's worth upgrading the armour.
    (i'm poor on all of my chars, pretty much).

    I pretty much do what you say, I just add sword too on my built.

    Saying that, I only do PVE.
    My final built numbers will be (if I continue lol):

    STR 294, Dex 215, vit 3 and mag 3.

    This should allow me to use any weapon as any point missing I might get it from gear.

    The reason of 215 dex is because I want to use my current TT60 unicorn bow, which requires exactly 215 dex. I currently have like 205 but I'm getting the rest from gear.
  • razerr
    razerr Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2009

    In 100 seconds the Fist user will hit 143 times ( 100 X 1.43 )
    In 100 seconds the Blade user will hit 111 times ( 100 X 1.11 )

    Your weapon attack speed must be taken into account. Now lets do a little basic math.

    Using the low end damage of both weapons...

    Fist user: 143 X 765 = 109395 / 100 seconds = 1,093.95 DPS
    Blade user: 111 X 880 = 97680 / 100 seconds = 976.80 DPS

    Now the high end...

    Fist user: 143 X 825 = 117975 / 100 seconds = 1,179.75 DPS
    Blade user: 111 X 1140 = 159840 / 100 seconds = 1,598.40 DPS

    Average the two:

    Fist user: 1,094 + 1,180 / 2 = 1137 DPS overall
    Blade user: 977 + 1599 / 2 = 1288 DPS overall

    So a slight edge to the Blade user...but not much.

    I must be missing something here.

    Your first equation seems wrong.

    Fists attack Once per 1.43 seconds.

    Blades attack Once per 1.11 seconds.

    (If you wish to check - Dual Hammers Once per 0.83 Seconds)

    Your first equation is way wrong.
    In 100 seconds, fist will attack (100 / 1.43) = 69.93 ~ 70 times
    In 100 seconds, sword will attack ( 100 / 1.11 ) = 90.09 ~ 90 times.

    Low end damage DPS
    Fist - 70 x 765 = 53550 / 100 = 535.5 DPS
    Sword - 90 x 880 = 79200 / 100 = 792 DPS

    High End
    Fist - 70 x 825 = 57750 / 100 = 577DPS
    Sword - 90 x 1140 = 102600 / 100 = 1026DPS

    Fist - 535.5 + 577 = 1112.5 / 2 = 556.25DPS
    Sword - 792 + 1026 = 1818 / 2 = 909DPS

    Or is this not how the weapon speed system works?

    I just seemed to be attacking faster with my dual hammers than I did with my Sword, so I jumped to those conclusions...

    And, the fist user is just more consistent in the damage it does, in my eyes.
    Piled in with the high evasion rates etc.
  • Alyja - Harshlands
    Alyja - Harshlands Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    thats not how the system works. it works like. a fist user will attack 1.43 times in 1 sec. so he did actually almost have it right. of course he didn't add factors such as missing or stuns.
  • Dunno - Dreamweaver
    Dunno - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Calculating wpn dmg isn't enough though. It seems there are differences in dmg adds with weapons. I have TT80 fists and TT80 axes and character sheet gives values 2895-3428 (avg 3161) and 3295-5791 (4543) respectively. With attack speed in effect it means following values for fists 4520 dmg / s and axes 3770 dmg / s. Fists are +2 with 2 flawless garnet and axes are 03 with 2 beautiful garnet.

    I fail to see weakness of fist damage when being cheap (no charm usage so normal attacks). Both weapon masteries are maxed.
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Interval is 1/attack rate of weaponry. Fists is a lil under .7 per second.

    And having fun using swords, axes, and fists in rebirth. In 2 hours, made 60% lvl. We were without a barb, so no health buff, and I am at the low end being 71 in a 70-85 quest. Almost beat it, but an unlucky aggro draw wiped us. Nothing beats swapping between weapons for best skill use and laying waste to 25+ mobs at a time :)
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    razerr wrote: »
    I must be missing something here.

    Your first equation seems wrong.

    Fists attack Once per 1.43 seconds.

    Blades attack Once per 1.11 seconds.


    you are confused.

    fists 1.43 attacks per second
    and sword 1.11 attacks per second

    attack rate per second=(low+high)/2*attack rate

    fists TT80 Soul messanger

    sword TT80 forceblade

    of course this ignores the properties of the weapons, as some weapons add more STR or dex or more accuracy, ect.
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    you are confused.

    fists 1.43 attacks per second
    and sword 1.11 attacks per second

    attack rate per second=(low+high)/2*attack rate

    fists TT80 Soul messanger

    sword TT80 forceblade

    of course this ignores the properties of the weapons, as some weapons add more STR or dex or more accuracy, ect.

    2 rings, around 80 phys attack each.

    160 * 1.43 + 678.53 = 907.33

    160 * 1.11 + 705.96 = 883.56

    And fists have more effect from -interval, gaining more of an advantage for the - interval even with both getting the same gear.

    EDIT: And that is not even touching on attack charms and refinement, which are both affected by attack speed as well.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    2 rings, around 80 phys attack each.

    160 * 1.43 + 678.53 = 907.33

    160 * 1.11 + 705.96 = 883.56

    And fists have more effect from -interval, gaining more of an advantage for the - interval even with both getting the same gear.

    EDIT: And that is not even touching on attack charms and refinement, which are both affected by attack speed as well.

    Hey I;m a believer since I mostly use fists. I was just trying to clarify his terms.

    he was understanding 1.43 secs per hit rather than 1.43 hit per second.

    Saying that it all depends on which weapons you are comparing:

    the previous was on TT80, I will compare two TT70 now:

    Skywarrior Fists
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    Hey I;m a believer since I mostly use fists. I was just trying to clarify his terms.

    he was understanding 1.43 secs per hit rather than 1.43 hit per second.

    Saying that it all depends on which weapons you are comparing:

    the previous was on TT80, I will compare two TT70 now:

    Skywarrior Fists
    i follow only fist+sword paths at the moment. in practise 1 kills nearly as fast as the other. the point is that fists get more chi over time(ok not much more compared to 1.11 swords but the difference can be noticed easily) so more chi=more ultimates=more damage.

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