Money making : How to do it.



  • Blazehawk - Harshlands
    Blazehawk - Harshlands Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    pretty guide=)
  • familyguy20000
    familyguy20000 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    that was a good that can help many people but FBs can make you a lot of money if you don't use wines especially FB29 only 1 boss and hardly any mobs and molds in there are worth up two 10million but if you are using FBs two make money don't use wines unless its FB69 which is harder than FB89 Holy and Dark
  • Brylla - Heavens Tear
    Brylla - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    This guide is great! :D I use to spend a ton of money teleporting but now I've saved up a lot of money by just flying around! And I think that even though some people believe that paying for the teleport is worth it, I don't think so. Maybe that's just me though because I play the game to have fun not to level like a maniac. That means that if it takes me a little bit long to get somewhere, who cares? Patience is nice, haha.

    Oh, and about DQs. I think depending on the way that you handle them they can actually benefit you. I have been doing DQs recently and what I do is that I don't buy the DQs, I go out and grind for them. Sure, I'll kill level 21s and get hardly anything per kills but they add up after a while. For me to get 5 element dusts it takes at least 100 Aboride Dryads which if I get roughly 100 coins per kill, is already 10k. To me that's a lot and then at the end of the DQ, you get a Dragon Order which you can sell. The copper onces sell for 25k and the silver ones sell 250k each. That's a lot of money. Plus DQs are great when I'm bored and don't have any quests and don't feel like just grinding for EXP.

    That's just my opinion though. Great guide once again. :)
  • elfyyy
    elfyyy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    thats a great guide i am deffinately going to get more money now!b:pleasedb:cool
  • Katera - Lost City
    Katera - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Me too and that's a very good guide but whats Grind? Cause if you look at my lvl I'm lvl 5 so...I don't know anything..
  • xxshadowzxx
    xxshadowzxx Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Thanks for this guide :) It should help me when it is finished downloading xD
  • Airii - Dreamweaver
    Airii - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hi, I'm new to this game. I started playing a few days ago, and I saw you can buy flying swords for Gold, and I read that you can get Gold by auction? I think that's how it is, but I'm interested if there is another way to get Gold, to transform your normal money to Gold? b:cute

    Or is it only by auction?
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    The only way to get cashshop gold is to exchange it at the auctioneer. Or you could buy the item off a player.
  • Airii - Dreamweaver
    Airii - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I see thank you for the answer ^^. I'll work hard for it than :D
  • Drassel - Harshlands
    Drassel - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    This is a good guide on how to make and save money. Information everbody should read and learn from this guide. I try to pick up everything i can in a given area to keep or sell to npc for money.b:pleased
  • ethorin
    ethorin Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Hello all, Amiris here. Felt like making a short guide on moneymaking, because it seems the majority of newer people have trouble keeping up with equipment, and nearly every high lvl player complains about skill costs. First of all, don't mind my avatar. My main is NOT lvl 42. She's higher. Amiris is my forum char because the rest of my avatars are bugged.
    Anyway, on to the actual guide. I'll divide the concept of money making into two subcategories.

    1) Making money
    2) Saving the money you've made

    Should be reasonable enough. Alright, on to making money.
    I'll list several effective ways to do this.

    A) Grind.

    Fairly obvious. When grinding, you get lots of money and item drops. Pick them ALL up, unless there's some insane swarm of monsters on top of it and you can't handle them. Do NOT ignore the money drops, even though there seems to be so little money. It builds up. A player lvling from 1-20 without picking up any money missed out on, on average, about 50-60K. And those are the easy no-grind lvls.
    Also, sell any drops you may get to the NPC. This includes Dragon Quest drops, unless you're actually able to sell them to other players. I wouldn't count on that. From my own experiences, it's best to sell every single DQ drop to the NPC, unless you're really desperate to upgrade your bank.
    Items you should keep :
    -Things you may need, such as potions
    -Good equipment (good equipment is any BLUE two-star item or better. Explanation below.)
    -Materials if you need them
    Just for comparison, at lvl 45, my Venomancer made about 100K while grinding 30%.

    B) Help people

    Sounds odd, doesn't it. "But Amiris, I don't want to get paid for helping people." That's right, you don't. Helping people just because they'll pay you isn't exactly nice. However, it does work the other way around. People may pay you just because you helped them. Like a Ch'in squad needing a Cleric, those aren't exactly rare, and they'll often end up paying the Cleric for their help. Other such occasions are helping people with a dungeon (without wine. You don't get paid for a wined run.), or crafting items for others (provided they give you the materials).

    C) Sell the good items

    To players, that is. If you got a nice equipment drop from a monster, your best option would be to sell it to a player, because they're usually worth a lot more than the NPC will pay you. Good equipment is usually a blue-named two-star item with decent stats (By which I mean a magic weapon with accuracy does NOT have decent stats). Now, there's three types of people:
    -People who sell their items through chat. This is usually not a great option. Trade chat in West Archo can get you a buyer sometimes, but it's usually not very effective.
    -People who sell their items through a 'cat shop'. This is a good option for the medium-priced items.
    -People who sell their items through the auction. This is a great option for the medium to high-priced items. You can set a minimum bid (and a buyout price), then just go grind. After 24 hours, the item will get sold to the highest bidder (earlier if someone payed the buyout price). Downside is that you have to pay to use the auction. Costs are negligible though, just make sure you'll get more money out of it than you put in.

    D) Farm
    "What, I'm not a farmer!" No, but you should farm materials. Anytime you see a material, grab it. They sell high and they're quite common, especially at the higher lvls, when you're the only one around to grab it. It's usually best to decide what materials you'll grab though, as bank space is limited. If you have to decide, pick either herbs or the rest.

    E) FB's are great exp

    But they're horrible for money. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT lvl doing just call to duties for the reward. There is NO money reward, and you won't get a lot of drops in dungeons. You may get lucky and get a mold, but don't count on it. Do an fb every once in a while, don't constantly stand in towns asking for call to duties.
    How does this make money? Because it relates to grinding. No fb's = more grinding = more money.

    There, that's basic money making. Now, how to save the money you've made.

    A) Walk, fly, run, swim

    "Uhh, I do that already." Yes, but not enough. Way too many people teleport around places. Put it this way : If you're paying to teleport around Archosaur, or paying the -I think- 5K to go from Sumor Camp to Swiftwind Tribe, you're wasting your money. You may think it's not a lot, but it really builds up. Teleporting is the number 1 mistake people make regarding their money. I generally only teleport between the following places :
    -The three main cities : They're relatively far from each other, and I'll admit it's quite dull to fly between them as much as you should. Therefore, I teleport between these.
    -City of the Lost -> Wellspring Village : My gateway to Archosaur. It costs 200 coins, and flying from there to Archosaur takes about 2 minutes. Saves you 2.8K.
    -The towns from lvl 1-20 : Eh, it's only 200 coins, you can make that back from a single monster. You have to walk too much at the lower lvls otherwise.
    Also, if you have TW teleports in your faction, use them wisely, because they're awesome.

    Edit: The FREE teleport to Archosaur. Starting at lvl 40, if you want to get to Archosaur, go to a main town (the lvl 1 and 2 territory towns) and go to the Adventure Assistant and Khatru Pup. Have either teleport you into the Cube of Fate, then talk to the Exit manager in there to warp to Archosaur. Free teleport, use it.

    B) Don't buy NPC items

    NPC items are NOT worth the price you pay for them, though I suppose shards are an exception to that rule. If you need items, buy them from players or the auction. This especially goes for equipment. Usually, blue two-stars in the auction are cheaper than white 1-star NPC items.

    C) Don't buy stuff cause it's pretty

    Too often do I see this: people buying three-stars with horrible stats just because they glow. Or imbuing elemental shards into your equipment, just for the looks. That's a LOT of money down the drain. And a blue weapon isn't really exceptional either - don't expect to be seen as a god just cause you have one.

    D) Boutique Clothes don't do anything

    So don't get them unless you really, really want them. And even then, make sure you can really spare the money. Boutique Clothes are only there to look nice. I suppose this falls under C a bit...

    E) Only get the good skills

    Don't waste your money just to try a skill out. Read the description, look it up, then decide whether or not you want it. For example, many wizards want to get Hailstorm, it's an AoE and all. However, the skill is totally rubbish. Money (and SP) wasted.

    F) Forums first

    Got a question? Ask it on the forums. Don't waste teleacoustics on world chat to get an answer to a simple question. I, for one, look at the forums every 30 minutes or so, to see if there's unanswered questions.

    So there you have it. Hope that helped some of you newer players, and maybe even a couple higher lvls. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and feel free to submit anything you think should be added.
    lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol no teleporting to save money, lololololololololololol thats a good one, as for the no fbs, lololololololololololololololol, i haven't played this game yet, update is taking forever, but i do play this sort of game alot, and from what ive seen these games always have lvls where unless you wanna spend 10 hrs a day to lvl up once a month you gotta use fbs, quests, events, and anything else, as for the every little helps, right on, but as for the elemental shards, bozo, if ur a wiz go for it, if ur a blademaster, dont you dare, but honestly, that 2 min tavel time is time ur not grinding, in my exp u dont wanna waste time, say by walking instead of flying, or flying instead of teleporting, cus unless ur an imbecile who cant figure out how to fight u can get that 2k back fast.
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ethorin wrote: »
    lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol no teleporting to save money, lololololololololololol thats a good one, as for the no fbs, lololololololololololololololol, i haven't played this game yet, update is taking forever, but i do play this sort of game alot, and from what ive seen these games always have lvls where unless you wanna spend 10 hrs a day to lvl up once a month you gotta use fbs, quests, events, and anything else, as for the every little helps, right on, but as for the elemental shards, bozo, if ur a wiz go for it, if ur a blademaster, dont you dare, but honestly, that 2 min tavel time is time ur not grinding, in my exp u dont wanna waste time, say by walking instead of flying, or flying instead of teleporting, cus unless ur an imbecile who cant figure out how to fight u can get that 2k back fast.

    Look guys! another nobody who doesnt know how to use a period. ಥ~ಥ
  • Svekke - Dreamweaver
    Svekke - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Ty .. (:
    I Made Like.. 30k By Pick Up Stuff ,, Sel It .. (:
    My Account Is Lvl 14 now .. Now I Can Get Element Dust And Soft Furs .. (:
    Good Moneymaking For Me (:
  • xex3
    xex3 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Ty .. (:
    I Made Like.. 30k By Pick Up Stuff ,, Sel It .. (:
    My Account Is Lvl 14 now .. Now I Can Get Element Dust And Soft Furs .. (:
    Good Moneymaking For Me (:

    well... at that lvl i don't know why u worry about money so much, as far as items go, as long as u do major/most/all quests ur all set. lvl 20 and higher on the other hand is getting a little stressful. try to keep everything "up to date" aspecially ur armor, weapons, skills, genie, and pet (if u have one, i don't so no idea on that). but yea this guide is very useful, and does have good points b:victory
  • Well_BR - Heavens Tear
    Well_BR - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ai blz b:victory
  • Well_BR - Heavens Tear
    Well_BR - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    quem pode me arranjar 500k coins ai?
  • sarge13
    sarge13 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    i admit i teleport too often but really good guide
  • turtlewax
    turtlewax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ethorin wrote:
    ... i haven't played this game yet ....

    I have no further questions.

    Might look good in a sig though.b:chuckle
  • Sulvane - Dreamweaver
    Sulvane - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Just got done reading this. I am a new player who loves making money. In wow I'd craft and sell on ah and make at level 5 1k gold a day. This guide was awsome!
  • Shinkyu - Lost City
    Shinkyu - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ethorin wrote: »
    lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol no teleporting to save money, lololololololololololol thats a good one, as for the no fbs, lololololololololololololololol, i haven't played this game yet, update is taking forever, but i do play this sort of game alot, and from what ive seen these games always have lvls where unless you wanna spend 10 hrs a day to lvl up once a month you gotta use fbs, quests, events, and anything else, as for the every little helps, right on, but as for the elemental shards, bozo, if ur a wiz go for it, if ur a blademaster, dont you dare, but honestly, that 2 min tavel time is time ur not grinding, in my exp u dont wanna waste time, say by walking instead of flying, or flying instead of teleporting, cus unless ur an imbecile who cant figure out how to fight u can get that 2k back fast.

    Lmfao.b:laugh He has a point there, like say if your level 100, you can farm money a lot easier than lower lvls, so of course you'd try to spend as much time leveling as possible. But, I think traveling around the place is better cause:

    3. Kill those monsters you pass by if you want.
    4. Because you kill those monsters you pass by, you get the EXP made up from teleporting, and you get ADDITIONAL $$ b:dirty

    Just saying, you gotta be smart! Of course if its like 20 minutes of traveling from say one of the Major Cities to another, I'll Tele :] (Cause you'll get **** by the high lvl monsters/players if your in PVP Servers).

    Oh yea, last but not least, USE YOUR PERIODS. , , , , , , , , PSH~!
  • maxdragonard
    maxdragonard Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Thanks for the guide, mate. Helped this newb out immensely.
  • mszshadows
    mszshadows Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    What's funny is most of this is common sense.

    Works on next to every MMO. As well as other games.

    Makes you wonder about some people.... =x
  • Unonie - Dreamweaver
    Unonie - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    awsome guide i use this stuff on all my games saves you tons every time b:victory also bumpb:pleased
  • mehfool
    mehfool Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    k i never played it because i'm downloading atm.... and right now it's stuck at 79% lol... anyway most of that was confusing but thanks.. it'll help me... one a figure out what a shard is.... or the cities you said...b:shocked
  • LordRunca - Sanctuary
    LordRunca - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    very informative for a n00b like me. still haven't gotten involved with buying/trading with people and a lot of the catshops seem mad overpriced but I will definitely check out the auction house soon
    This will have to do until I'm cool enough for a banner sig
  • klizzard
    klizzard Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Here is another way! Having more than one char.

    For example, I have an archer char who goes through bolts/arrows like freak'n popcorn, and a veno char who doesn't need arrows but needs Tasty Water, Hay,and Meat. So if my archer picks up items she needs, I mail the items to my veno through the Postbox. And I mail any arrows/bolts my veno finds to my archer. This way my arrow/bolt supply never falls lower than about 3000, so I don't have to buy them. My veno almost never buys pet food either.

    And if you DONT have another char and you need fast $ or arrows/bolts, then grind in the starting areas (like where you started out at lvl1 outside the major cities). The beetles and plant monsters drop Limestone and Woven Fang Arrows/ Bone Bolts,and Lucky Cards (which often include BigHeaded Kid Pills) like crazy. 30minutes of grinding and I got about 20k worth of stuff. It's great if you're a lowbie and can't kill monsters with good drops yet.

    And you know all those medium and large potions you got from LuckyCards before you reached lvl5/lvl12? Stick them in the bank to use later on so you don't have to buy them. They cost more than they sell at a NPC,so you end up saving money.

  • jade29
    jade29 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Great information, it is very informative. Every bit helps for a noob like me.
  • Alacarin - Heavens Tear
    Alacarin - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    cool guide thanks for the info
  • Munkies - Sanctuary
    Munkies - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    thx. its useful
  • xalkimiax
    xalkimiax Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i find grinding easy. with a bm and cleric its easy money and fast