Charging for Ressurection



  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I have been wondering if the opposite side of this fence might also have some issues.

    Last night I was talking with a cleric (we just had a short conversation) and then I decided to fight Bloodlust Feligar. Unfortunately, I aggro'd Fugma and he one-shot me. Without even thinking, I went to town and flew back. Maybe I was being rude, and I should have let her rez me? We were not in a squad or anything but she did buff me before that first fight. (She did not seem offended, but that does not really tell me whether I was being rude or not. She was gone when I got back there, but that does not tell me, either.)

    Am I concerned about something silly, here?

  • Ithilmir - Sanctuary
    Ithilmir - Sanctuary Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm not sure what the concern is about. It's not like Clerics want to revive every person who dies. If you don't ask for a revive, no one's going to care. On the other hand, if you asked for one and went back to town instead, that's a bit frustrating.
  • pilas
    pilas Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Played a lot of MMO's (since EQ1 Beta) and i like support chars.

    First of all, no clerics here are talking about charging people in your group or guild, so everyone can get off their high horse about being paid to tank and dps. Its about travelling long distances out of your way (and shelling out money in ports to do so) to help some random person who in most cases wont say thank you.

    Just because we have an ability to do something, doesnt mean every random person is entitled to me having it and using it on them.

    When some random tank will leave his group and travel across the map to tank some quest mob for me, without me saying thank you, and expecting them to do it because they have the ability... well you can see how absurd that is.

    I personally have not charged people for rezzes in other games, but you get what you pay for. I recommend that you start tipping your clerics when they have to spend money and time to save you both. Again, this doesnt refer to groups or guilds, but random people.

    Summing it up... Me having an ability doesn't entitle you to using it at your whim... No more then it would be expected the other way.
  • Sulphor - Sanctuary
    Sulphor - Sanctuary Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If I **** up and die when I'm on my own, I'll only consider askin' anyone that's within a close range of me. I don't ever ask someone to travel to ress me; that'd be uncool, I think.
    Like pilas said...if I was a tank and some random guy asked me to travel a distance to tank somethin'...why should I go out of my way? But I mean, if I'm nearby him and it's no effort to me, then w/e, why shouldn't I?

    It's expensive to get a good ress, sure...but it's a one-time payment you make, and you pay that whether you ever use it or not. If they're right there; it's no effort, why not? (Sayin' ''why not'' we're excludin' the ''REZ PLZ'' people and another other reasons why you wouldn')
    But I also don' see it fair on the ress'er in question to ever have to go out of their way for this, unless they offer. If you died far out, miles away from a town, w/o a cleric party member nearby or w/e; your own fault, right?
    Unless you're willin' to wait indefintely till some Cleric chances upon you...thas hardcore...

    Stupid...but hardcore...
  • Dark_Arbnger - Lost City
    Dark_Arbnger - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Look, everyone understands the meaning of being a cleric (keep the party alive, or keep the TANK alive rather) if your stupid enough to use a agro pulling skill when the WB is tanking and not have a hiero or pots then you deserve to die for pure stupidity, you should know your damage limits based on the tanks level.

    Charging for ressurections is kinda stupid when we did choose to be clerics and healing is a part of our class. If you really want to be a **** about it get a lvl 1 rez and use it (people wont want to party with you but thats your chice)

    For those of you that do randon **** like adding a cleric to your friends list just to PM them for a rez when there half way across the map your stupid, you could takethe XP loss and grind it backwithin 30mins - 1hour

    Me being a 62 EP on Lost City server i get waaay to many people asking / demanding for rez, if your not in my party you should have bought pots, a rez scroll, and be more aware of your surroundings for the high agro mobs.

    Getting pissed when a cleric tells you no and KoS'ing them for it is childish, eventhough i know a lot of children play this game, you died so what get over it, we have more important things to do other than waste 30mins to fly to you then back to our mission spot.

    This is getting long, but my basic reasoning is, if the cleric is nice enough to rez you be thankful, if not dont be a ****

    clerics shouldnt charge for a rez since we got it for the people that are helping us -_-
  • Faustinna - Heavens Tear
    Faustinna - Heavens Tear Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    For those of you that do randon **** like adding a cleric to your friends list just to PM them for a rez when there half way across the map your stupid, you could takethe XP loss and grind it backwithin 30mins - 1hour

    Quoted for truth b:chuckle

    Doing a quest, you see a BM (admit it it's always BM's like 99% of the time) begging for help with his, so you team up for all of 5minutes to both do it, then he friend invites. You leave group, go on your away, and behold an hour later:

    "hay can u come rez me at xxx xxx?"

    If you say yes, they'll bug you forever. If you say no, they'll go bat **** crazy and call you every name under the sun.

    We all play our clerics relatively the same. For friends and guildies we'll go help out 99% of the time. For random strangers, if you're not within 60 seconds flying of me, you won't get rezzed so respawn, buy xp scrolls, be more carefull.
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    For that reason I don't accept friends list invites from people unless I really played with them for a while and think they are actually a good contact to keep.

    I always res/buff people when I spot someone dead or I am being asked. But to be open, I wouldn't fly across half the map just to res a total stranger.
  • mysterious
    mysterious Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wow.... Charging for rez is the stupidest thing I ever heard of. Don't play the class if your gonna be an azz! Either do it from the kindness of your heart or don't do it at all. I always receive a huge thank you if I rez someone + I buff them as well. Just keep in mind, alot of these ppl, you will run into again. It might be a Perfect World, but it's a small one!!

    As far as running to the other side of the map to rez a stranger. I find if you don't answer them at all, you can avoid all the bs of name calling and hurting your little delicate cleric feelings... b:chuckle

    If everyone charged for their classes' ability, what the hell kind of game would we be playing, GW b:angry
  • cruelintention
    cruelintention Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    pilas wrote: »
    Played a lot of MMO's (since EQ1 Beta) and i like support chars.

    First of all, no clerics here are talking about charging people in your group or guild, so everyone can get off their high horse about being paid to tank and dps. Its about travelling long distances out of your way (and shelling out money in ports to do so) to help some random person who in most cases wont say thank you.

    Just because we have an ability to do something, doesnt mean every random person is entitled to me having it and using it on them.

    When some random tank will leave his group and travel across the map to tank some quest mob for me, without me saying thank you, and expecting them to do it because they have the ability... well you can see how absurd that is.

    I personally have not charged people for rezzes in other games, but you get what you pay for. I recommend that you start tipping your clerics when they have to spend money and time to save you both. Again, this doesnt refer to groups or guilds, but random people.

    Summing it up... Me having an ability doesn't entitle you to using it at your whim... No more then it would be expected the other way.

    I doubt verry much you would travel any great distance to rezz some random person. For a start they would have to use w/c to ask and only an Idiot would take a chance the person still needs a rezz by the time they got there.

    As for charging for a rezz in the first place get over it your a cleric please yourself if you do or do not want to rezz some one.

    People make me sick when all you think about is ways to ruin a game by bringing it down to money.

    Learn to help people because you want to, you will win alot more friends that way and if you dont want friends just solo and never talk to anyone.

    Every class could find an excuse to charge clerics are nothing special and skills cost us all as does the high repair bills.
  • Draginx - Lost City
    Draginx - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Whenever I am grinding or doing a quest, and someone on local chat asks for a revive, i usually make an good effort to help them, unless I am on an exp scroll, or killing a boss.

    Whats more, when i revive people, I heal them, and give them buffs.

    I don't think that Clerics should charge for a revive, it is nothing more then a very nice gesture. I know that we have to pay valuable coin/spirit to get the skills, but charging for our services will make us more enemies then friends.

    Nothing is worse then reviving someone, and having them turn around and PK you for being a jerk.
    I buff, heal, and revive for free. ^-^
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i help ppl get armor/wep (i usually give my previous set of wep/armor away unless im REALLY strapped for coin like right now )/skill/finish quests and bosses and clerics rez/heal me :D
    (props for paxideric,temmypoo,luna,others (u know who u are))
    reputation matters

    i would not make a friend go from TS to DW just for a rez but i would ask around and see if sombody was close
  • nothjingrad
    nothjingrad Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I tend to ask someone needing a ress for any mats/DQ items I might require. If they don't have them, I'm still going to ress them. If they do actually die regularly and never donate, I won't feel guilty telling them I don't want to ress them when they're halfway across the map.
  • Niddle - Sanctuary
    Niddle - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Lemme see i didnt read all the posts but what i have to say is:If u r in a fb rez is the only way or u ll end up with a party wipe which will cause u to lose all the xp and runs back to rez the party.If not in a fb,TT etc u r NOT obliged to rez someone if u dont feel like it.As for TW if u rez during TW then u need new strategy.So charging is not the way.Though ppl need to stop yelling about ones rez lvl.If u dont like it u can always press go to town and lose the whole thing plus run the whole instance back to rejoin.THX for listening :P
  • Semyezza - Heavens Tear
    Semyezza - Heavens Tear Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Never said it wasn't fair to charge a res, was saying you better be prepared to give that 10 minute speech every time someone dies, and still be considered a jerk, and more likely then not even after your 10 minute speech, the dead person is still going to run off without paying if it's outside of a party, and inside a party most likely no-one is going to back you on it.

    Fair yes.
    Fair from an outside point of view, no.

    On top of that, if you start charging for res, people will start remembering your name, and you'll have a hard time being asked on FBs, TTs, FCs etc, because rumours spread like wildfire. -shrug-

    - Richard the Warlock, LFG.

    visit my gallery on !! !!
  • Nayethe - Lost City
    Nayethe - Lost City Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Here's how I look at it: don't charge to revive people!

    With Revive, you're basically investing all that valuable coin and spirit in your fellow players. Put some coin in, and get some benefits later. Revive a player in a FB to keep the run going smoothly. Revive a grinding buddy so you can keep grinding. Revive lots of random people around the map, and people will eventually remember your name. And they'll remember it in a good way! While random PKers are infamous for killing thousands upon thousands of other players, you will build a small fame as the nice guy, the one to turn to when things get a bit rough. In other words, Revive is a friend-winning skill!

    A little more direct benefit for this skill is that you will probably be invited to more instance parties (FB and TT/HH). Level 1 Revive is enough to prevent a squad wipe in these dungeons, that is very true. However, people hate losing experience, so you will not be first on the call list for Clerics. There is a lot of experience to be gained running FBs: I gained 15% of a level in a little over an hour last night running FBs, which is a huge amount at my level. That's not even to mention the extra reputation and spirit you get.

    I concede that Revive is an expensive skill to level, especially when you won't see much direct benefit. A lot of times, I wish that I had spent that coin and spirit on a skill I use more often and benefits me more directly, such as one of my heals or attacks. After all, those skills keep me alive, and I can't cast Revive on myself!

    But as I really thought about it, I came up with the points I described above, and decided that Revive is a skill that should be leveled for any Cleric. In my personal opinion, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Charging people for revives will just destroy all the benefits that I listed above, and then you've just wasted all of that coin and spirit for a skill that will never see any use! What's the point of that?
    Nayethe - 7x Combat Cleric
  • Aesthor - Heavens Tear
    Aesthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,845 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I think it's fair to say that maxing your res for the tanks/DDs who help you fb/TT is your way of appreciating their help. While it's true that healers are vital to any party, you still need the tank so you don't die and a DD so you burn less MP overall because they make your run go faster. The tanks have a huge repair cost keeping your party safe from the boss, and the DDs invest lots of money into improving their damage. Think about it...archer's HP debuff cuts down boss HP by 15%. That's 15% less MP you have to burn healing the tank. Also a good DD would intentionally aggro a mob attacking a cleric to save the healer. If your res is maxed, you make their sacrifice more worthwhile ^_~ (and they'd probably be more willing to take the death for you if they lose less xp for it). Like...unless I have very little faith in the cleric my TT party, I'd just hit whatever mob is attacking the healers and hopefully I live xD

    As for random res outside of your guild/party.....that's your own choice. Personally if I were a cleric, I wouldn't do it except for guildies/friends :)
    ಥ_ಥ MOAR.
    SkyKoC - How long is yours?
  • Adamsrib - Sanctuary
    Adamsrib - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Erm...if you wanna charge for a res, remind me why you even chose to play a cleric in the first place? After all, being a cleric pertty much means that you will just be a support class, a helper class.

    Try running around and randomly buffing for reviving people. They'll be grateful for your generosity 9/10 times.

    Amen, Im in it to help out. Makes me feel good after i rez someone and give em a buff. Everybody is more than gracious, and if you need to charge than I suggest you kill off your char and go be inhuman barb because thats where your morals are in the first place
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Amen, Im in it to help out. Makes me feel good after i rez someone and give em a buff. Everybody is more than gracious, and if you need to charge than I suggest you kill off your char and go be inhuman barb because thats where your morals are in the first place

    *whispers lightly* veno
  • Xenaaah - Heavens Tear
    Xenaaah - Heavens Tear Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I always thought clerics wanted to help put. Since I've been playing this game many people have been very helpful. I don't mind if someone wanted a little compensation for it but most players I've met don't mind. What annoys me is someone new asking for a ton of money.
  • Eliathel - Lost City
    Eliathel - Lost City Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Besides... I dont see many archers, bm and barbs partying you and giving buffs... they just ASK you for buffs (in case of random players)....
    Being nice is one thing, helping is another, being taken as idiot is a completely differente matter.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tenbatsu wrote: »
    Being smart or being a-hole-ish?

    Assuming you have a 50% to 90% exp save revive. Enough to be worthwhile.

    Haven't done it myself in game, but have thought about it. Just wanna gauge what community opinion in this game is for this practice. It's common in other games with similar exp loss system and specialized revive skills to charge for the service.

    I'm pretty sure it's possible to trade while dead. Tested opening a trade on a corpse and was rejected by the player itself. Haven't actually made a trade to prove it.
    I play a healer in another game and we can charge for our services not just ressing but keep the group alive which usally end up in a win or qq,ed.We don't take resses we let the other do that as they can but in this game it depends on the squad.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Lol I usually get whisped for revive or buff and if they ask for buff I say "got your buff atm card?" then they say lol and I buff them
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • X_Wyatt_X - Lost City
    X_Wyatt_X - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    As i'm flying around on my cleric.. or even just grinding in an area.. any person that comes near me gets buffed. all my buffs are maxed (except CGS) which i'm working on. Also my rez is maxed for my lvl. I wouldn't consider charging someone for a rez but I do get upset when i do rez someone and don't get so much as a thankyou. I think that all the clerics out there would happily rez anyone for free if people just took the time to say thankyou. and maybe throw us a buff in return (if possible).

    I figure what goes around comes around. I am yet to make an enemy by rezing, healing or buffing someone. I have made some good friends though.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Besides... I dont see many archers, bm and barbs partying you and giving buffs... they just ASK you for buffs (in case of random players)....
    Being nice is one thing, helping is another, being taken as idiot is a completely differente matter.

    actually i get alot of buffs.
    the probolmb is that they cant buff unless they are in squad with u so what usually happens is they squad with me, we buff each other and break party
    then talk about totaly random thingsb:laugh
  • Orthanol - Heavens Tear
    Orthanol - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have been revived several times.. usually because I was helping out a lower lvl player ... including Clerics. I am a lvl 30 archer and I constantly help others... I always say a big Thank YOU to who ever helps me and I never ask anything in return. If I have something they need I will give it to them. I will even give MP BOTTLES to a cleric to regain ... but i do it out of kindness. Life is about fun and enjoyment in here... if you start to regress from that, you will find players will fade away. Think less about what you get out of it and more about what you feel inside helping others and you will be blessed with a much better gaming situation.
  • Highestelf - Heavens Tear
    Highestelf - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    At the time of writing this - I'm only LVL 26 Cleric - I realize I haven't been evolving as effectively as I could/should have been..... Is this "my fault" that learning PWI is an evolving process?

    I took on revive as early as possible in order to protect members of any squad I enter. If you saw my movement and defense tactics you'd be rolling on the floor with laughter. In caves I run into walls, trapped by mob as a result of running in panic.

    I admit it and I concede that those weaknesses make me a burden to my squad at times. I know it and I feel it.

    BUT- As a squad member I am continually watching my other members, attempting to stay on top of their health.

    Problem is, more times than none I am in squad with more advanced players. They move faster than me, they combat faster than me and in my effort to keep up with them and their needs "I" miss out on drops, I burn up my MP and HP at great expense to me. I find my self broke and little MP and HP at my own disposal when I am solo-ing.

    As I said b4, I am often squadding with much higher LVL players, therefore the MOBs LVL's are typically "Much" higher than my LVL.
    When buffing my squad members I get attacked from behind, just when my resources are low - Over and over again by these high LVL mob's and find myself getting killed b4 I can react in time to save myself!

    Very few squad members pay any attention to the Cleric and whether they need covered or rescued. The few that have in my case, have become the friends I add to my list.

    "Most" of the time I get portalled back to town cause no one can res me!
    "I" am the one losing exp every time I get portalled.
    "I" am the one burning through my HP and MP for little to nothing in return. Often the squad will disband b4 "I" have an opportunity to get the MOB's I need.

    Yeah, the role of Cleric is a lonely and extremely expensive one if your not squadding with friends.

    I've always been grateful when someone ress'd me - grateful enough to pay a modest gratuity.

    Someone countered the idea of Clerics getting paid for ress by questioning "should archers be paid for the arrows they use?" etc etc.
    That's comparing apples to oranges, the personal expense to Clerics to ress beyond the comparable expenses incurred offensively. Clerics attack match the arrows of archers etc. etc.

    Clerics expense buffing is also equivalent to other players offensive devices.

    So, Clerics "DO" burn much more expense in squad with little return, comparatively speaking!

    Actually, I seem to hear a greater sense of negative opinion for the value of Cleric "except" when they have to save someones butt!

    Theres no shortage of "thank you's" flying on the battle field - but that doesn't compensate us allow us to advance equally with the others.

    Seriously considering starting over, with Full attack Cleric - and deal with the attitudes when I refuse to respond as healer!

    Well unless there's a method that I don't know of, you can't chose what level of res you give someone, if you have level 10 res, every res you cast is level 10. If there were a way to do it I would love it, #1 because when someone dies from their own stupidity, I would really like to be able to make the punishment of death sting more, but not have to punish one of my friends who also died for that idiot's mistake. Also I would love to be able to scale it back so that res didn't cost me 885 MP in TW, when XP loss is irrelevant.

    Also those talking about party roles, I don't think the person is referring to people in your party. I think he's talking more along the lines of if you are in an area and you hear that familiar "Is there a cleric in the area" yell from a corpse.
  • Highestelf - Heavens Tear
    Highestelf - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I also do random buff's and ress - all the time.
    As I'm sol-ing I constantly look for people in trouble and Give them Blessing, advanced phys def etc. etc.

    As they pause their action, I imagine them sitting there puzzled "what the hell?" "I was going to die and I recovered HP miraculously." "What's this advanced phys thingy?" etc. etc.

    I'll bet only 1 in 4 actually send message of thanks - those a great cause they realize someone did random act of kindness!!

    The other 75% are too busy or just don't realize they owe a debt of gratitude!
    As i'm flying around on my cleric.. or even just grinding in an area.. any person that comes near me gets buffed. all my buffs are maxed (except CGS) which i'm working on. Also my rez is maxed for my lvl. I wouldn't consider charging someone for a rez but I do get upset when i do rez someone and don't get so much as a thankyou. I think that all the clerics out there would happily rez anyone for free if people just took the time to say thankyou. and maybe throw us a buff in return (if possible).

    I figure what goes around comes around. I am yet to make an enemy by rezing, healing or buffing someone. I have made some good friends though.
  • xiaoyanzi
    xiaoyanzi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ^ I don't know what kind of squad members do you have, but I usually squad w/ guild and friends, and they never leave me out to die. The BM and barbs know how to take agro, etc.

    Also for random buffs, I find that most of the 30+ players say thanks, and the below 30's don't because they don't know what happened.
  • Taetee - Heavens Tear
    Taetee - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    IF you have such difficulty with coin and spirit.
    would advice you only raise needed skill for you to lvl.
    since people dont like or want to pay for anything in the game.

    there are guardian angels they can always buy those from boutique or from players.
    but chance are they are too cheap to buy that too.

    so whole thing comes down to they dont want to pay for anything.
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    i dont think you should charge for ress instead ask for a favor like hey can you help me on this quest or can do you have... i had clerics that asked for help and herbs and i give it to them. Sometimes i give what little money i have(wiz is VERY poor) but they dont take it its usually just help me kill that guy over there(mini boss) or whatever mo
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze