Charging for Ressurection



  • Menarin - Lost City
    Menarin - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Okay I'm a low level cleric w/out Res yet but this is what I saw on my way (flying) to Archosaur.

    I saw a Cleric solo on some monsters. He had low health He was running away from some monsters. Random Blademaster in the area comes by and kills the monster and helps the Cleric.

    Then out of no where the Blademaster died from a monster whos agro he drew on his way to save the Cleric.

    So the Cleric Revived him.

    My opinion?

    Is it our job to Res everyone for free? No, we have no obligation.
    Is it nice to do so? YES!!!

    Should we if they helped us out? Def.
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    duvall wrote: »
    I've also juped in and helped people who have been struggling against monsters that turned out to be a little too strrong for them.

    I do that before, but stopped after I am blamed for KS few times. But I says thanks every time some one attacking the mobs I am fighting when I am fighting more then 1 even I am intentionally doing that, I personally think all of them are trying to help me out instead KS.
  • Lirinala - Sanctuary
    Lirinala - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Being pigeonholed into a role is a common problem that everyone eventually has to face. Clerics are expected to heal and res, Barbarians, to tank, Venomancers, to lure. ETC. Do all of us play the way that we are expected? Absolutely not. I play every class in this game, and usually end up soloing everything on my own. Even as the "SOLO" classes, it's still hard going, so I usually jump at a chance to help someone. If I see someone killing the same mobs as I am, I usually walk up and ask them if they need some help. Whether yes or no, it saves me hassle later. If yes, I've just cut down the amount of work I have to do. If no, then I know to leave them to their own devices and let them be.

    As for the discussion at hand... I play a support cleric. I heal. It's what I've designed her for, and the thing I enjoy doing best. Can she survive on her own? Yes. But it costs me a fortune in pots, and hours of farming to get the apothecary materials needed so that I can keep up my HP and MP. Not to mention the fact that if I get swarmed, I'm toast anyway. So, no matter where I am I heal or buff random people. About half ignore me. The other half thank me and ask what I'm doing. At which point, we start talking, and most often end up in a party. A lot of times, I end up with a new friend, or even a new faction partner. Either way, I still end up with my quest done, or even the next several. If I went around charging for my spells, nobody would even give me a second glance. And, while I don't go flying over the entire world for non friends/faction, I do try to res anyone who is dead, even without being asked. Being whined at and chewed on for not doing it fast enough for them does kind of annoy me. If you start to badmouth me because I'm having problems finding your dead corpse, then for all I care, you can just stay dead. You're not the kind of person I'd want to party with anyway. I won't charge you for a revive. I just won't revive you, and continue on my merry way to find someone that does appreciate the role that I can fill for them. Because somewhere out there is someone who does need my help, and will appreciate me for it. And those are the kind of people that will cover my butt better than those who just want to use it.

    Way I figure it. If you want to charge, then charge. If not, then don't. I for one wouldn't ever do it, nor would I pay for one. It's just not my style. But you better believe that once I'm alive again, I WILL return the favor somehow.
    Proud owner of a support veno and attack cleric.
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Boo...Shame on you!

    Should i charge to cast Lending Hand?

  • LostInfo - Sanctuary
    LostInfo - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    When I wrote that I jump in and help people I meant that I cast healing on them so that they can kill the monster themselves. I never, deliberately, attack a monster someone else is fighting unless they ask for help.

    On a couple of occasions healing another player has cost me all my MP! I don't mind this as it's a real adrenaline rush keeping someone alive when they are clearly outmatched, and to see them win in the end.
  • Ramuz - Lost City
    Ramuz - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    In my personal opinion, I think Charging for a Rez is proposterous. Yes, if you have to travel a great distance a small Donation is greatly appreciated. Normally i won't Teleport to someone who has asked for my assistance, unles its a Friend or Guildie. And if Hassled for taking to long, Ill just leave them be. Sure, some people don't give Clerics the credit they deserve, because for one, if our class didn't exist, it would definately make the game more difficult for most.

    I became a Cleric for one reason, to help people.And I have made many friends that way, like many of you have said, that posted before me, Charging them won't get you anywhere, want to make a name for yourself, and make friends as well ? Just help somone, its not that difficult, who cares how much Mana it costs, sit down ans Meditate for a few minutes. (I know, not very easy for the impatient) But knowing that you helped someone in need is makes it worth all the while.

    Just my two cents,
  • Pynk - Sanctuary
    Pynk - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    When I wrote that I jump in and help people I meant that I cast healing on them so that they can kill the monster themselves. I never, deliberately, attack a monster someone else is fighting unless they ask for help.

    On a couple of occasions healing another player has cost me all my MP! I don't mind this as it's a real adrenaline rush keeping someone alive when they are clearly outmatched, and to see them win in the end.

    For me it's just as exciting to kill a mob myself as it is to keep someone alive while they are battling for their life. It's a rush. Maybe that sounds stupid or strange to someone else... but it's my rush.

    Here lately, I've found myself assisting other clerics on the same quests as I. And although I haven't been playing all that long, the fighting styles of these clerics is way more rash and brash than they can handle and I end up rez-ing them or healing them more than I'm killing. I even shared my mp pots when one used all of her's. Yes, that should annoy me, and maybe it's because I'm slightly older than the average player, but I just feel that healing and saving dead butts is my job.

    Call me when you need me! b:victory
  • kiratsukasa
    kiratsukasa Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I used to play a cleric on Fiesta and I never, and I mean NEVER, helped anyone that wasn't in my party, for free or otherwise. If they are in my party, I'll heal/res them for free, the only problem is getting me into their party in the first place. I would charge about 10 silver (which would be 10k in this game) to get me into their party. You might think that is being selfish, but I was a Battle Cleric, meaning I could be up in the monster's face like a fighter and still keep everyone alive, so the kill time was faster and the exp gain followed suit.

    But honestly, play the way YOU WANT TO PLAY. People need to be nice to the clerics whether they charge or not. If you aren't nice to them, they won't heal/res you AT ALL.
  • wenh93
    wenh93 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    be nice clericb:thanks but if ur LC KOS's r fun :Db:angry
  • turonga
    turonga Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I used to play a cleric on Fiesta and I never, and I mean NEVER, helped anyone that wasn't in my party, for free or otherwise. If they are in my party, I'll heal/res them for free, the only problem is getting me into their party in the first place. I would charge about 10 silver (which would be 10k in this game) to get me into their party. You might think that is being selfish, but I was a Battle Cleric, meaning I could be up in the monster's face like a fighter and still keep everyone alive, so the kill time was faster and the exp gain followed suit.

    But honestly, play the way YOU WANT TO PLAY. People need to be nice to the clerics whether they charge or not. If you aren't nice to them, they won't heal/res you AT ALL.

    Wow you used to play fiesta with a cleric to? It was terror having only 2 skills to use, worst 1 skill was completely broken(apparently it used more sp and did less damage than the first..).
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Boo...Shame on you!

    Should i charge to cast Lending Hand?


    You give away your spark to random people you don't know? wow you're nice.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • Auraelia - Lost City
    Auraelia - Lost City Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Lol, some of the posts I read from the other clerics are ridiculous.

    I always resurrect people when needed or asked. Although, I tell them the level of my res first and ask if that is okay. I love to help my friends with it even if they are across the map, I'll go because I know how it sucks to grind and then lose that exp. When I die, I do find it hard to get other clerics to come res me. I made a friend though who we agreed to res each other when it would be impossible to find anyone when you're in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes players will walk by my dead body and offer to go to town to get a cleric. I always appreciate that. :)

    As for charging people, LOL. I would never ask or expect to be given things for reviving people or helping them in general. I get offered money quite a bit and I can't accept it. Some might think,"WTF you should just take it!". Well I can't, and I just tell them to help me with a boss or something in the future and that can be their "payment". The only time I accepted anything was when I was helping with a boss and we ended up having to wait for someone to arrive in the middle of kill it. So I had to spam heal for about 5 minutes and they gave me mana pots.

    Anyways, regardless of the how others play, I guess I can't critique that. All I know is that I will never charge people or be really stingy. Although, I find myself to hate healing idiotic, cocky players in FBs who are always low on health and run ahead only to scream "CLEEERRIC". I don't get upset if someone doesn't appreciate my help. That is life. It's like those people who you hold the door open for and they just walk past like whatever. At least you know you're a nice person.
  • CyberMagix - Heavens Tear
    CyberMagix - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well i share the same sentiments with the above poster.
    I have never or asked to charge a fee for reviving.
    Well the revived person's gratefulness and the fact that i saved someone's time is reward enough for me.
    Initially i was comprehensive about adding more levels of Res as i would probably use it like twice in 6-7 hours of play
    But after witnessing 1st hand the sheer joy(okay its pretty corny here but thats just me=)) of losing like 0.5% exp instead of 3% when a fellow cleric res-ed me, i felt i should not hold back on such a useful community skill.
    So i added it all the way up and probably brought smiles to many players who lay dead due to bad luck ,DC ,being ambushed blah blah.

    But to each his/her own. If you want to charge, go ahead. There is nothing morally wrong in that. Its just that im not a materialistic person and that translates into the pixel world.

    Good day friends=)
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    This topic is silly b:thanks
    Charge res LMAO!!!!!!

    I never charge it, but it payed out to the fullest. Many friends who help you when ever you ask, and if you are short on mats they give you free.
    So if you think on charging it more you can call your self *b:shutup
  • silverkitty
    silverkitty Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    When I needed to kill Jewelscalen, I ended up having to pay a barb to come tank it. All the arguments about how I should be going off and ressing people for free apply equally well to him - he should be tanking for free, shouldn't he?

    Well - no - we were strangers, and across the map from each other originally.

    I res

    * people in my squad. always.
    * people in my friends list who whisper for a res and are within twenty minutes of my location
    * guildies who ask in guildchat for res and are within ten minutes of my location
    * people who worldchat for res and are within two minutes of my location
    * random bodies I stumble across in the wilderness
    * people who pay me to teleport to their location

    ...but I just will not drop what I'm doing and fly across the map to res people. and I generally won't stop to res anyone I can't immediately click on if I'm grinding on an xp scroll (though I tell them "if you're still dead in 20 minutes, I can go there").

    If I dropped everything, all the time, for any request to res, I'd be spending my entire game in transit to the next person who refuses to pay for dolls (and generally I feel: more shame them for not thinking to cover their own posteriors)

    And somehow, just somehow, I manage to live with myself.


    on a side note: when someone I'm partied with makes an _absolutely stupid boneheaded move_ and gets us party wiped and I have to spend a res scroll on myself to wake up and res everyone else, I charge the dummy the cost of the scroll (this isn't the case in every party wipe, of course. I recognize the difference between "oops" and "LEEEROY JENNNKINS")
  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Very well put silver. My sediments exactly
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol if someone did that i would charge res to him too xDD
  • Shougo - Lost City
    Shougo - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I paid alot of money for a skill that will never benefit me. Ever. And in fbs where there are only one cleric, I die, I'm screwed. Why not charge others for the skill i paid so much for, that i cant even use on myself?

    And on another note. Charging your party members for a rez whether it be a boss or FB or anything like that is also stupid... Its greedy, and time wasting.

    As for the argument made, the strongest argument i've seen so far...

    "Point of view from a dead barbarian: WTF, that jackass wants to charge me to do what his class does naturally? Not unless he is going to pay my armor bill after the next FB run." -I can't remember your name sorry. I'll edit this later with it. only true of the barb your resing, is running an FB with you. In an FB you exchange your mana and heals for his armor and HP. a fair trade. If its just some random barb asking for a rez, he isnt risking anything for you. He just wants his exp, exp you never get back when you die. now isnt that selfish on the barbs part?

    Another point made often is "if you didnt wanna rez why are you a cleric?" would it then be fair for me to go to any Barb in the game "tank this boss for me, it is your job" or go to any Mage in thae game and say "You need to help me quest, your JOB is to provide damage, and these mobs have lot of HP."

    Now when random run of the mill barbs tank for me, and random mages help me quest by doing massive damage to my mobs, then I will heal random ppl with my level 10 rez.

    And on a final note. Clerics don't mind getting level 10 rez because it benefits their friends and guildies. They dont mind healing random people either, but until you can show us some appreciation, show us some cash >.>
  • Faustinna - Heavens Tear
    Faustinna - Heavens Tear Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I dont like the idea of charging for a rez. We happen to be the only class to have a rez ability and it's very usefull to have. I rez people who ask if they're close by, friends and guildies. I will not, however, fly across the map to do it. If it's going to take me 20minutes of flying to get there then just respawn. Teleporting around works but that gets expensive. Teleport there, teleport back to what i was doing, thats easily 10-20k.

    So maybe not get paid for rezzing, but compensated for the teleporting cost seems fair. Because i'm not flying 20minutes to rez someone. You died that far away, respawn, like i have to. If you're close by or want to pay my teleportation bill, then i dont have a problem b:bye
  • Kaenor - Heavens Tear
    Kaenor - Heavens Tear Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The idea is a bad joke, if you want to charge for res, reconsider to play some offline games. If you dont want to help, just ignore ppls. And the teleport fee, if i help someone, i ignore the fees, becouse i go to help, maybe they can help me in the future.
  • Faustinna - Heavens Tear
    Faustinna - Heavens Tear Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The idea is a bad joke, if you want to charge for res, reconsider to play some offline games. If you dont want to help, just ignore ppls. And the teleport fee, if i help someone, i ignore the fees, becouse i go to help, maybe they can help me in the future.

    that must be nice to be able to ignore the tele fee's mr lvl 70. At lvl 38 with a net worth of 100k, teleporting around and spending 10k here and 20k here would leave me broke and unable to raise any skills or repair armor. There's helping people and then there's just not fair. So teleporting halfway around the world to save someone some xp while spending 1/4 of all my money just isn't going to happen for now. Maybe later we have enough money to throw it away without care b:pleased
  • Kaenor - Heavens Tear
    Kaenor - Heavens Tear Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Being nice/friendly is not level related, and clerics have wings at lv1 w/o mana consuption.
  • Faustinna - Heavens Tear
    Faustinna - Heavens Tear Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Being nice/friendly is not level related, and clerics have wings at lv1 w/o mana consuption.

    My wings have a speed of +0 to them. If i have to fly 10minutes to rez someone i dont even know, then 10minutes back to what i was doing, i'm not going to do that. If it's a friend or guildie i'll be right there. But i'm sorry, random person 20minutes away is not for me.
  • miago
    miago Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well I must say I think if charging is a big issue

    just don't train up res for those who want to not learn a skill not beneficial to them.

    I am a cleric and I'm able to have lvl 10 res but I only have lvl 2.

    do I get slack yes...but you know what if you heal people and they don't die then you don't need lvl 10. if you suck at healing then yeah you may wanna pick it up.

    my arguement for having lvl 2 and not lvl 10 is this...I die = I lose xp or a doll.

    and by the time you get to the high lvls if you don't have dolls you need to find a way to get some.

    IF I am supposed to let the party wipe so I can rez them with lvl 10 then I'll always run when things look bad and let everyone die or come back last minute when things look good for whoever remains.

    but based on's like buffs if you don't want to do it then don't...I have people ask me for buffs all the don't have anyone making you do it.

    hell I've seen people get upset that I don't...oh well that's what thier faction is for.

    I've also charged to heal bosses...1 reason does anyone pay the repair bill or the mp charm bill.

    I get pissed when people talk about thier hp charm ticking ONCE or TWICE when my MP charm ticked like 20-30 times.

    charging some complete stranger if they need a lvl 10 res does not seem out of the way...if they NEED the res from you.

    not squad or faction or friends

    but random people whispering you cause they died. and you weren't going to but now you go out of your way to do it...and they NEED lvl 10
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    My wings have a speed of +0 to them. If i have to fly 10minutes to rez someone i dont even know, then 10minutes back to what i was doing, i'm not going to do that. If it's a friend or guildie i'll be right there. But i'm sorry, random person 20minutes away is not for me.

    No one said, fly half across the map for some unkown and res, him.
    But for ppl near you, and i dont find that as some big problem.
    I res, they say "thnx, need help", and of we go b:laugh
  • HusbandOfAsh - Sanctuary
    HusbandOfAsh - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I have never thought of charging for resurrecting someone. But....I know I've passed up folks lying on the ground and didn't res them. The reason I've done this is the person lying there was rude. They didn't ask, they told me to res them. I've resurrected 99% of the people that I've seen. I don't have a problem res'ing anyone....unless you're rude about it. I never will ask for anything for resurrecting's a decent thing to do. And I've met up with folks later who remembered it and had good conversations with them and even teamed up with a few to complete quests.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I've had an idea floating around my head for a while. No chance of it being implimented since the Devs dont pay attention to these threads, but i'd still be curious what people think of it.

    What if Clerics got a new ability, but its one of those need lvl 10 in a prior skill (ressurect) to get it. That would be Re-raise (for lack of a better name, using the FFXI name). They can pre-buff themself (make it self only) and in effect automatically give themself the max level raise should they die have a cool down of 30 minutes so its not overly abused. What i think this would do, is
    (1) Give clerics a reason to want to level their raise to 10. It would give them a benefit, whether soloing or in a party from their own raise level.
    (2) Not only that, but in party whipes in dungeons, they dont have to be the one to go all the way back to town and run back to raise everyone else, while they alone lost the large chunk of Exp that noone else did.
    (3) I'd be fine if clerics were the only ones who had the ability to get up and save XP on their own (without a 50k rez scroll & 30k guardian angel).

    Keep in mind i don't even have a cleric levelled, so this is in no way biased to try and give me something, but rather trying to consider that Ressurect is the one ability they never receive any benefit in levelling it beyond level 1.
  • X_yasuna_x - Heavens Tear
    X_yasuna_x - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i think the skills for clerics should charge faster, because when in a party the others rely on you to heal or res them. does anyone agree with me?b:victory
  • Bardurius - Heavens Tear
    Bardurius - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I have no problems to resurect people that are in my current area. A cleric is made for that. I don't charge for it.

    But ...

    It is true that cleric need to spend a lot of coins and SP to raise a skill that they will NEVER use for themselves.

    I think that charging any type of fee to other players for a res is not a solution.

    IMHO the best way would be to implement some lines of code allowing the cleric to gain some amount of XP and SP for every res they make. I know that it could (and probably will) lead to "res farming" and in some extend an abuse of the XP system but this could be compensated by only allowing a certain number of "XP/SP gain res" within an hour, the other res gaining nothing.

    these are my 2 cents.
  • X_yasuna_x - Heavens Tear
    X_yasuna_x - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i have to agree with the bard on thatb:laugh