Charging for Ressurection



  • Wratha - Sanctuary
    Wratha - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Most times people will get annoyed if you say you charge for rez, but on others games i have played a cleric it became a well known idea to give a donation for any buffs you need or want, especially for rezzing. If a cleric has to fly around the world the LEAST you could do is pay them for their time. Don't make them ask, just donate. You will find a lot more clerics start random helping also.
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Most times people will get annoyed if you say you charge for rez, but on others games i have played a cleric it became a well known idea to give a donation for any buffs you need or want, especially for rezzing. If a cleric has to fly around the world the LEAST you could do is pay them for their time. Don't make them ask, just donate. You will find a lot more clerics start random helping also.

    Yeah but you can always say No and not have to fly all the way around the world just to rez someone.
  • irishchick
    irishchick Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You know whats funny? I downloaded PWMS as well as international and after reading this I was convinced I would get constant pms asking me to res people.

    So I have my levelled my res lie a good little cleric/priest but I havent had 1 pm asking for a res!

    In fact the ONLY time I had to res someone was in FB19 and instead of him accepting my res he released and had to run back from the city lol!

    I have no doubt that when PW MS has more than 4 people playing I will get all the incessant res pms like in International.

    As for charging - well Id only tell someone I would charge to put them off pming me :P
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    No, I personally don't charge for resurrections.
    I'm support cleric, it's our job, but I do have a few rules I play by.

    1. Being a support cleric, if I am forced to solo, though my slogan says lfg, and I spam lfg, if you die by me and ask for a res, I am sorry, you should have grouped me. I need the mana to solo.
    If I am grouped and you die outside the group, I will res you, when I have the availability to.

    2. I keep a list of bad players and their factions, if you or your faction are on that list, you won't receive a thing from me.
    (I play 2 characters one entering the 40s, and this, my main, that list has a few pages, sadly.)
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    (target lvl)*(revive lvl)*10 EXP ?

    Though it's a fine idea, people would exploit it.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • otherguy
    otherguy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yes but then the moment someone does that, then Clerics will expect it all the time and if they don't get anything, they tend to get mad. Purpose of a cleric is heal and revive another matter whether they are in a faction or squad with that person or not.

    This post has to be the worst argument for this I've seen. The purpose of a Cleric is to heal and revive whoever the Cleric feels like healing or reviving. Support roles, Heal/Tank, are the slowest and the most costly of any role, and this holds true in almost every game. Being a lazy DPS who doesn't know how to stay alive in a game as incredibly easy as this and expecting Clerics to go out of their way to help you for no reason is stupid. Not to mention that half the people we buff/heal end up KSing us again and again.
    Think about it....what is the revive good for if not to use on another. Can't revive yourself. We all pay high prices in spirit and money for our own skills as well....not just you clerics...all of us do.

    Revive is there to revive whomever the Cleric wants. Generally, that means faction, friends, and squad. Anyone else, and its purely the Cleric's discretion. If you think that every class has the same number of important skills as Clerics, you're wrong. Play one, or ask anyone of any class, and they can tell you Clerics feel the SP budget the most.
    I do like my veno better...since now I am able to get into the fights...but I miss being able to heal or revive. It is why i play my veno though, since I am able to heal and revive my pet...atleast it was something. But I will be going back to my cleric from time to time.

    Being a healer all the time, just doesn't suit me and do like killing mobs too as much as the next person. But when I am on my cleric I am always where i need to be. I will never ask nor expect another to tip me for doing a good thing.

    You gave up on playing your Cleric because its slow and costly. For those of us who stuck it out, we can do whatever we want. Expecting us to waste 30 minutes to fly out somewhere and rez some random person for no reason is stupid. You can say whatever you want about it. Its stupid. That's the simple truth. Expecting money from rezing someone in a squad is also stupid. Expecting money at all is stupid really. The solution is simple, don't rez anyone you don't want to. If you expect a rez, well that's your problem, not ours.
    Being greedy as such tends to get others to dislike you even more, and therefore you'll never have anyone asking for help....hmmm...then what would you do if you had no one asking for a revive?

    That only means you have wasted you money and spirit on a skill that you will no longer use...therefore not getting anything.

    If no one asked for help, then no one would get anything done. Sorry to disappoint, you can't get anything done without a squad, and of course this implies needing a Cleric. We would continue to revive faction/friends/squad members. So yeah...its not a waste regardless.
    You all say you envy the venos...for what? There are many things you can do that Untamed cannot do or use. Especially venos...

    Like what? WF have the ability in PvE to do things no other class can hope to do. Its simple really. There's nothing to be jealous of though, just like there's no reason for someone to demand a Cleric rez them for no reason. If you want something that bad, go level your own WF/EP/whatever you want.
    If you want to be greedy as such, then PWI should take away this particular skill from the clerics...and give it to a race who might appreciate having it. Technically as I said before...venos should have this skill anyhow...or atleast an ability to revive ourselves...because if our pet dies...we are toast.

    Why would WF have a revive skill? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. An ability to revive yourself? Why? Because if your pet dies you die? Sorry, you can simply fly, not to mention the fact that no other race has the comfort of having a strong tank that also does decent damage, while being able to do a lot of damage themselves. If you're complaining about this, well, thats stupid.
    Archers are to protect the Clerics...and most do...but what do the venos have?
    I can tell you...we have ourselves and our pet...not much in the way of magic heals except when healing our pet or reviving them...but think about this....when we cast a heal on our pet or a revive...our characters are immobile...basically prey...

    Since we are unable to move and get out of an attacker's way...we die.

    Archers protect Clerics? Actually WBs are supposed to protect Clerics. Do you think this game is based on race or something? Because its not. And even if it were, then obviously WF would have WB, the best tanking class in the game to protect you.
    I have always thanked any cleric who has given me a revive or always polite with them. But many of us have to pretty much hoard what coin we get...just to pay for our skills too...ours are just as expensive as the clerics.....yet you cleric sit here and talk as if yours cost more than anyone if you are better than everyone else.

    Sorry to burst the bubble...but clerics are race is better than another. I have tried all races. And even though I like my veno better that is my choice and opinion....but to be honest...clerics are the weakest...or so it says in the forums. My cleric...she was fine til she hit lvl 27 I think...then I had to always have help defeating a mob...couldn't kill it on my own, unless mob was lower lvl than my cleric.

    Great, so you know how to say thank you. A lot of people don't. In fact, half the time a Cleric heals/buffs/revives someone, that very same person ends up KSing or PKing. That's just how it is, and every high level EP deals with it and moves on. lol @ the cost being the same. As I said before, Tanking/Healing is the most expensive. And Clerics have countless spells they need to level up, more than any other class. Clerics are one of the most expensive classes. That's just how the game is, and again, is something any high level EP deals with and continues on with.

    So you played a low level EP, gave up on it because it was difficult to level, and yet you come to the forums here and try to tell EPs who continued on how they should play their characters? That makes a lot of sense. "Oh, the class was too hard/boring/whatever for me to play, but all of you should still go out of your way to help everyone. Always."
    My Veno and wizard has been taking on mobs that are higher lvls than they are ever since they were lvl 5 and 6. So go right ahead, continue making these suggestions...if it ever goes will either find many people leaving the game or'll find it was a waste to get your revive and heal skills. More and more people will just resurrect themselves back in town. It's a free teleport there anyway.

    You think people demand rezes because they don't want to run back? Obviously you haven't played past level 30 or something, because what people want rez for is to minimize the loss of xp. Even if EPs started charging, people would still pay. Up to a certain point of course.

    ANYWAY b:shocked

    Rant over. Unreasoned, ignorant arguments annoy me. Charging for a rez is absolutely not unheard of. If anyone has played Lineage II, a game where coin (called adena there) is everything, paying for buffs/rezes was pretty much an accepted thing. You'd be lucky to find Heirophant/Cardinal/whatever that wouldn't take adena for helping.

    Then again, I really don't think you should. Rez/buff faction members, friends, and squad members. Anyone else, do it when you feel like it. You don't have to go out of your way to rez someone, so don't expect payment for it. If you dislike the pain of helping people for no reward, then don't help them. You're not obligated. If you're afraid of hurting your e-rep, then you haven't thought it through. No matter what, people need EP/WB for pretty much anything past 60. Do your job, heal/buff/rez your squad like you should, you'll do fine. Expecting payment to do your job though, that's dumb. Expecting payment for something you do completely of your own free will, also dumb. If you want payment but can't get it, don't do it. Easy as that.
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Being greedy as such tends to get others to dislike you even more, and therefore you'll never have anyone asking for help....hmmm...then what would you do if you had no one asking for a revive?
    Isn't that a good thing?
    That only means you have wasted you money and spirit on a skill that you will no longer use...therefore not getting anything.
    You can still use it for your friends during dungeons. It'll actually benefit you then.
    You all say you envy the venos...for what? There are many things you can do that Untamed cannot do or use. Especially venos...

    If you want to be greedy as such, then PWI should take away this particular skill from the clerics...and give it to a race who might appreciate having it. Technically as I said before...venos should have this skill anyhow...or atleast an ability to revive ourselves...because if our pet dies...we are toast.
    Reviving yourself is a horrible idea...venos are already the best at soloing, don't make it even better.
    No one comes to help us...we do everything on our own...

    Archers are to protect the Clerics...and most do...but what do the venos have?
    I can tell you...we have ourselves and our pet...not much in the way of magic heals except when healing our pet or reviving them...but think about this....when we cast a heal on our pet or a revive...our characters are immobile...basically prey...

    Since we are unable to move and get out of an attacker's way...we die.
    so is any other spellcaster...and you're alone because you already have your pet helping you. Support clerics have way less attack then a veno with a pet. Venos can solo easy. Support clerics can't. End of discussion.
    Though it's a fine idea, people would exploit it.
    I wonder if you could pk someone, revive them, pk them again, revive them, and repeat...
    Imagine all the xp you'd get if you got xp from reviving.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I wonder if you could pk someone, revive them, pk them again, revive them, and repeat...
    Imagine all the xp you'd get if you got xp from reviving.
    Haha, you would to be a really dumb programmer if you didnt think about that beforehand. Its not like it is hard to make it dimish or simply not work twice or if you are on PK mode.
  • Oati - Heavens Tear
    Oati - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have never played an MO where people had to pay for a rez. I think its ridiculous.

    If these clerics think they can solo the whole game alone, let em. With charms and powders I dont see a problem with Barbs, Wizards, or Archers having that much of a problem.

    Really are people that greedy for coins to actually charge for something like that?

    GET A LIFE...
  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You havent played many MMO's then. Most MMO's I have played people charge for RES, unless it was a guildmate or party member. While I personally dont charge for RES, I do tip people for a RES. Its just to be curtious if for nothing else.
  • Anira_jhol - Sanctuary
    Anira_jhol - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    First off I have NOT given up playing my cleric. She is well past lvl 30. And if any of you have tried playing a veno...well a veno has to keep concentration on keeping their pets alive, while in the mean time they too throw spells that do damage.

    I myself have played every class...I like my veno simply because I was tired of other people coming in and killing mobs/bosses before I even had a chance to get a hit in...that is all.

    And should they implement revive into a veno's skills...I would do exactly as I have done on my cleric.....I would simply heal/revive anyone, whether they have asked or not.

    Have any of you read what the role of a cleric and archer is? I husband played the archer as I played my cleric. It does state that the archer's role is to keep the cleric safe, while the cleric heals/revives. What many of you don't understand, is that without venos.....clerics or archers could never survive it alone....period.

    Also, if you clerics THINK you can run this game alone...without a barb or veno helping you....then I would LOVE to see it. My husband plays a Barb, and can solo some FB's....can any cleric say that they can solo an FB19 with them being a lvl 30-35? He's been able to solo one since he was lvl 30, if not before. So you can sit here and suggest Clerics should charge for rezing another....

    Okay fine then Barbs/Venos should charge clerics for tanking themselves or for sacrificing their pets for the clerics just to keep the clerics alive. So does that make sense? It would to me, if clerics want to start being greedy...then so should the Untamed. Seeing as it would make sense if the Untamed were the greedy ones...they after all are Untamed, and technically shouldn't know to be civilized.

    Many times we have to sacrifice our pets for the sake of keeping a cleric alive and well. And have you ever heard of a veno asking for payment in this? I never have...nor have we had any cleric thanking us for keeping them alive.

    You quote everything I have said, with quotes of your own and arguing my words.....and yes I do fully understand your words, feelings, well as all of your opinions...but as I have said...think of how expensive your skills are, potions, armor, etc...

    And with thinking do you actually THINK venos get away scott free with their own? Theirs are just as expensive as yours...we eat mana like it was candy...just to keep our pets alive and well as to keep you clerics alive and well.

    My veno is lvl 43, and I spend so much in mana pots, that I can't even upgrade or buy my new skills. And yes I know clerics use up their manas fact they come in a very close second or even a tie with venos in that department...

    I am not saying clerics are bad, in fact in our Faction....our clerics are highly praised...they are very important.....BUT...and yes there has to be one.....Clerics are NOT better than any other race...nor are the venos, etc...we all have our roles to play.

    And admit it...if venos have the rez would be less for clerics to complain on...therefore this argument would not have even started...

    An example on the way some clerics act inside the game (and I am not saying all of you are this way):
    Yesterday, my Faction leader and I (on my lower lvl character) were out killing a mini boss...when we came upon the scene a cleric and a bladesmaster were already we waited politely....never saying a word to them...nor asking to party with them.
    This boss was very easy for my leader to kill alone without me....but while we waited the cleric spoke in common chat...her words and I quote *I will let those two die, I will never heal them nor revive them when they do.*
    First off we never asked...all we did was wait until they killed this mini boss so she could get her quest done.
    Then the bladesmaster began speaking vulgar language toward us and kept killing the boss alone 6 times in a row...when he had no one else he was helping...we waited...but he continued...while she continued being as rude as possible. He was atleast a lvl 60+ and the mini boss was for a lvl 20 quest.
    Now, I do understand if we had ASKED her to heal us in the beginning, etc...but we said nothing...and of course wouldn't of needed her services....but why the heck did she have to be so rude?

    Can you tell me that any of you would have said anything like this in common chat about the only other two people in the area when those two didn't even ask...or even say anything to you?

    And yes maybe venos do solo some things....but not most...even at lvl 43...I still need the help of my leader. Not to mention I personally rather squad up with him for company, rather than anything else.

    And as to the part about rezing selves back in town.....and losing more exp. than you would if a cleric rez'd you....whether this to be true, I myself have NOT noticed the exp. lose the same amount of exp....than you would being rez'd by a cleric...atleast I have.

    Secondly, the only way a cleric has to fly across the map to rez someone is if that person knew that cleric and whispered them to ask for a rez...or if that random dead person did a world shout do not try juicing up your statements, because this is simply untrue.

    Asking for a rez in common chat....a cleric would have to be within the area to even SEE those words. But when a dead person can lie there, and actually SEE a cleric in their screen, and he/she is too rude to give you a rez...that is to me just wrong.

    If I am at the mines with my cleric, and someone asks for a rez, giving coords...I will go right to them...if another has already rez'd them, then so be it....but I will usually whisper the person while in route to them. And all I expect is a thank you, which I rarely get...but oh doesn't make me less of a decent person...I will still go and rez anyone...

    And if they pk you is because you chose to go in pk mode....unless they lure a higher lvl mob to the area you are in. Which I have had that done...and low and behold it was a high lvl cleric who lured the high lvl mob into my area to kill us all.

    But I do know how costly a clerics skills are....venos are the same if not more...because think on it...we are buying separate skills here...those for ourselves as well as those for our pets...we also have to upgrade them.

    Do you think those skills are free? Well they are not and very costly, as is our armour and potions/powders. Atleast if the venos had the ability to rez others, we'd appreciate it.

    So next time you think of charging for a rez/heal from another...then think of how much a Barb or Veno could charge the clerics on tanking for them to keep them alive.

    As I said, I understand each of your points...and am not here to anger anyone...but only asking you to play a veno/barb or even a bladesmaster/wizard sometime first before bringing forth your arguments/suggestions. And you'd also see my point too.

    Please do not think that I believe venos are better than any class....because they are not....nor are the clerics. We cannot even solo anything til around lvl 60 as I have heard. And yes clerics are very important, as venos I have said we ALL have our roles to play...we choose to play these if a cleric don't like playing theirs without compensation, then perhaps this is not the role for them.

    Venos do work very hard at getting where they need to be. With constant grinding, etc...yes I hate this...but our pets do not take all the damage. Many times my pet was attacking a mob...while my person had been attacked, because with either healing our pet, or throwing spells in to do damage...the person takes aggro, pulling mobs onto them.

    Many times I have died in this manner. But our pets cannot take on mobs alone without our healing or throwing spells. Even on regular mobs (not bosses) I have to spam heal my pet, as well as spam throwing spells to administer damage. It would take too long for my pet alone to attack/kill a mob without me throwing spells or healing it.

    And tell me what should we tip with if all our money goes on our skills and armour. I can't even buy anything extra besides those skills. Even drops we get have to be sold to pay for our skills.
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have never played an MO where people had to pay for a rez. I think its ridiculous.

    If these clerics think they can solo the whole game alone, let em. With charms and powders I dont see a problem with Barbs, Wizards, or Archers having that much of a problem.

    Really are people that greedy for coins to actually charge for something like that?

    GET A LIFE...

    To be quite honest, you haven't played many MMORPGs then.
    It's quite commonplace to 'bribe' a cleric to come and res you in every MMO.
    Whether it be by telling a cleric who is spamming his/her services that you need them, or by using the 'tip' method, it is all too common.
    Yes there are clerics like myself who do not need tipping, but then I can and usually say 'no, I am busy' as opposed to someone who offers a nice juicy tip.
    Sorry if you see it as 'greedy' but when you choose the next level of revive, instead of your damage spells, or buffs, then it's well worth the sacrifice when someone 'tips'. Try playing a cleric, my friend, in any MMO.

    Supply and Demand,
    those that 'tip' get the res, those that don't....get to wait.

    Oh, and for those that think to scam clerics..the one thing clerics can all agree to spread the word on...are res scammers. But the scammer does indeed bring the healer community together like nothing else, so I am thankful for them, lol.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Have any of you read what the role of a cleric and archer is? I husband played the archer as I played my cleric. It does state that the archer's role is to keep the cleric safe, while the cleric heals/revives.
    That's just what they're best at, they don't have to do it. That's how the whole FAC argument started.
    Many times we have to sacrifice our pets for the sake of keeping a cleric alive and well. And have you ever heard of a veno asking for payment in this? I never have...nor have we had any cleric thanking us for keeping them alive.
    Not quite sure what you're saying here...if you're in a squad with a cleric, it's pretty much a given that you keep the person who's healing you alive, otherwise they'd be thanking you every 10 seconds. And if you're not in a squad with a're just KSing them, and that's hardly something you should thank someone for. Plus, I think most people here would only have random people tip you, since it you waste time and mp doing something that doesn't benefit you. Reviving a squad member does benefit you though, since they are helping you kill mobs or get through a dungeon.
    My veno is lvl 43, and I spend so much in mana pots, that I can't even upgrade or buy my new skills. And yes I know clerics use up their manas fact they come in a very close second or even a tie with venos in that department...
    All spellcasters eat through their mana fast, venos aren't the only class using lots of mana pots. Plus, venos have werefox form if they want to do melee, so venos have more freedom than mages and clerics about how to spend their mp. Clerics or mages doing melee equals dead mage or cleric. Not the same for veno.
    I am not saying clerics are bad, in fact in our Faction....our clerics are highly praised...they are very important.....BUT...and yes there has to be one.....Clerics are NOT better than any other race...nor are the venos, etc...we all have our roles to play.
    I don't think anyone said clerics are better than others, they just said we should get some benefits from rezzing random strangers.
    And as to the part about rezing selves back in town.....and losing more exp. than you would if a cleric rez'd you....whether this to be true, I myself have NOT noticed the exp. lose the same amount of exp....than you would being rez'd by a cleric...atleast I have.
    The higher lvl the revive is, the more xp you save. It makes a much bigger difference at higher levels where you have a lot more xp to lose.
    But I do know how costly a clerics skills are....venos are the same if not more...because think on it...we are buying separate skills here...those for ourselves as well as those for our pets...we also have to upgrade them.
    The costs may be similar, but how much the skill benefits you does differ. A veno's skills are all beneficial to the veno herself, but a clerics rez or bubble doesn't benefit the cleric in any way, especially when soloing.
    Do you think those skills are free? Well they are not and very costly, as is our armour and potions/powders. Atleast if the venos had the ability to rez others, we'd appreciate it.
    You're contradicting yourself...if you could learn rez you'd have even less money than you do right now, and you'd end up missing upgrades for your attack spells.
    Many times my pet was attacking a mob...while my person had been attacked, because with either healing our pet, or throwing spells in to do damage...the person takes aggro, pulling mobs onto them.
    This isn't a veno thread...
    EDIT: Wow, this is way longer than I thought it was...
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Wow, Anira. That was some rant. Mostly seems that it should be in the Veno section. I have never had any problems soloing. I am a FSC and soloing is super easy for clerics. I have most certainly never needed a Veno to tank for me. I prefer a Barb or a BM for that.
    No one ever said that any class is better than others. I like to think Clerics are better because I am one, but Clerics just like any other class has their uses.

    BTW, I do tip Tankers too.
  • Anira_jhol - Sanctuary
    Anira_jhol - Sanctuary Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well, if my post should be in a Veno section tis fine...I am only stating facts, etc...on the way clerics act. They do act as if they are better than any other...maybe not all of them...but a good share of them do. I'm only saying this is to be a bad idea, simply because clerics skills are not the only ones that are expensive...they all are.

    Clerics tend to make it sound as if they are better than any else. But the first time a veno tries to defend themselves against a cleric's banter...we are in the wrong...or atleast clerics make it seem that way.

    Ok maybe some of you have NOT used a veno and her pet to tank. But do not think your skills are more expensive than any other classes are. Because they are NOT fact nothing in PWI is cheap....especially when one tries to go buy from another player, something they actually need. They have these prices set outrageously high.

    But, to think of someone tipping/paying for your skills is simply wrong. If clerics start asking for payment, then Barbs, Blademasters, Wizards, and Venos should as well....simply because their skills are pretty costly as a clerics is.

    Tell me...would any of you clerics be "WILLING" to pay any other class for them keeping you alive? Also...our clerics we use very rarely has to use their healing/reviving skills on me when I am on my veno. My Wizard yes...simply because Wizards are not that strong...atleast mine isn't.

    Would there even be a thread as this, if all classes wanted clerics to pay them for their services? Perhaps...but it would be running slightly different...all you clerics would be complaining because all other classes are asking for payment.

    I never use fox form for anything, and do not even buy the skills for it...I believe fox form to be extremely weak...but this is my opinion on my own character. Others may use it and like it, but I like being a spellcaster personally.

    I never even ask clerics for their healing skills etc...if my character dies, then so be is just a darn game...period.

    If any of you clerics didn't like healing, then you should have never made a cleric/healing character. You made this choice, not anyone else. Just as I choose to play different characters. So myself as being a cleric would agree to all your suggestions about charging for my wouldn't even contradict me.

    But, go play any other class first before asking for this...then tell me how easy it is. Playing a veno isn't as easy as you all may think...there is alot to do while playing one.

    But if this suggestion is ever will see many who would prefer reviving back in town or even leaving this game entirely. I have seen this happen many times...and I doubt PWI would want to lose their clientele all because clerics want payment for their services.
  • Keyne - Heavens Tear
    Keyne - Heavens Tear Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This thread has nothing to do with healing, just RES. Pretty much it is accepted that a cleric would not charge for a RES to a guild member or a party member. If they do, then they are a complete jerk. This topic was never a suggestion. Not to mention since there are so many other MMO's where clerics do charge, it would not kill the game.
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Clerics tend to make it sound as if they are better than any else. But the first time a veno tries to defend themselves against a cleric's banter...we are in the wrong...or atleast clerics make it seem that way.
    You must be unlucky, I don't see any clerics like that.
    Tell me...would any of you clerics be "WILLING" to pay any other class for them keeping you alive?
    I have before, I don't see the problem with it.
    Would there even be a thread as this, if all classes wanted clerics to pay them for their services? Perhaps...but it would be running slightly different...all you clerics would be complaining because all other classes are asking for payment.
    There's a difference. If a cleric rezzes a random person, that benefits the random person but doesn't help the cleric in any way. It's fair for clerics to get some sort of reward for doing that. If a random person attacks a mob that a cleric is attacking, that's called KSing, and that's bad. Who would pay someone who just stole their kill?
    If any of you clerics didn't like healing, then you should have never made a cleric/healing character.
    This feels like the FAC argument all over again...
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • shield
    shield Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I don't know about anyone else in here. If I were charged for a res I would go to town instead. A matter of personal choice. That same cleric would never go on a FB/TT/Zhen with myself or anyone else if I could possibly help it. Yes a cleric is extraoridinarily useful. Yes I go way out of my way to keep them alive even at the cost of my own life.
    Everyone has expenses that are inherent in playing thier class. Everyone has a role and abilities that go with those classes.
    While I'm always willing to give a free ticket to FB\TT to a cleric when I can, they can be done without if required. It's expensive and painful.
    I've never charged for tanking MantaVip. I've never hesitated to kill a boss or head into a dungeon when someone needs help.
    We are dealing with a worldview issue in this thread not a matter of whether or not its practical. If the practice is to become widespread then I imagine that clerics in general would suffer some fairly hefty penalties. While the ones that remain friendly and helpful will continue to be enlisted in FB\TT\Zhen.
    The level gap should open fairly quickly at that point leaving the unhelpful (read unfriendly) clerics behind.
    That said I will not be reading this thread again so save any flaming. You'll be wasting your time just like this thread is wasting everyone elses.
  • damphere
    damphere Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    LOL thats why peeps just revive when im near. Come on fokes if ya die and see me or im in the area hit me up its no big deal I only got it for utility (Syphion Ser. Sanctuary) Peeps have been really cool when ever I give a shout out for a name kill and other classes help in other ways :) Oh and love the class its **** easy to kill mobs :) Good times happy hunting
  • Tailynne - Lost City
    Tailynne - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I don't know about anyone else, I can only speak for me, but EVERY time some cleric who's just running by and randomly casts some buffs my way, I give a shout out and say thanks. So here's some of that to the rest of you, KEEP IT UP! I'm thankful, I think everybody else is too. That kind of stuff kept me playing in the beginning. I mean, it's a fun game, but it's more fun when you can say, wow, this community is REALLY nice!

    Now, on the other hand, I've never been caught dead with a cleric nearby, nor have I begged for one anytime I have died. But if a cleric just happened by and was like hey, for a nominal service charge I could save you some time and XP, I'd be like, here's what I can offer you... whatever that may be at the time. I usually keep less than 10k on me, but it's better than not donating anything, and it'll at least pay for a potion or two to replenish the mana you spent on my sorry ****. =)

    Still, that's shouldn't be the case for someone in your faction or squad. If you're on a run with a group, that's part of your job. But the random passerby, I'll kick you down some coin no problem.
    Cheer up little chappy, take your face off my boot
  • Dirik - Sanctuary
    Dirik - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    hmmm well if u dont wanna rez somebody den a jerk and dont. if u wanna charge sumone ure gonna get scammed. And personally i dont really care if i hav to rez sumone. i kept my rez at level1 cuz its never gonna benifit me in the future. but atleast its der to help ppl.
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    This happened today.

    I'm sitting, meditating after a kill, blademaster comes up, plops down next to me, meditating.
    Oh, btw, I have my LFG Slogan up, it's around Stairway to Heaven, most of us are doing the several kill 50 mobs quests, including myself.

    The Blademaster asks me what I'm hunting, I tell him, 'all of them'..'questing'
    He says he is killing dryads, only needs 2.
    I'm assuming he wants a heal or buffs, but, I'm trying to gain mana here to solo...and since I just joined a group not 10 minutes earlier, who I buffed all up (I'm a Support cleric, maxed buffs, regen, heals, and revive), and they all said 'thanks, we're done', and disbanded the group, LOL...

    So, I med up and go kill my one mob, return, to the same spot (my usual m.o.) sit and med (I'm a little under 50% mana).
    I look over and see the Blademaster dead. He asks me for a res.
    I politely tell him, 'I am sorry, but I need the mana for soloing, had we been grouped, it wouldn't be a problem.'

    This allows for him to..
    offer to group..
    or offer money/tip for my level 3 res.

    instead he says, 'ok', and releases.
    No skin off me, I continue my grind, with my LFG flag still up, and finish my quests in relative peace.

    Day in the life of O-isha-san.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Pynk - Sanctuary
    Pynk - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I came nosing around the boards today trying to figure out how to kill mobs with a cleric and came across this thread.

    I made a cleric for the sole purpose of helping people. I think that ability is totally cool. I'd follow someone or a party or help with different parties all day doing nothing but healing and resurrecting as needed. I love it. And I'd do it at no cost. Because if I'm with a group, we're sharing what's dropped anyway, I make money, I get stuff, I level up.

    Now I have reached a point that I can't kill anything on my quest level myself. This is forcing me to depend on a tank pretty much for everything. It's totally incredibly frustrating.

    So, should someone charge me to tank for me? Sounds about the same difference to me.
  • wenh93
    wenh93 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    hmmm well if u dont wanna rez somebody den a jerk and dont. if u wanna charge sumone ure gonna get scammed. And personally i dont really care if i hav to rez sumone. i kept my rez at level1 cuz its never gonna benifit me in the future. but atleast its der to help ppl.

    ur probably the worst cleric ever, i myself always thank the cleric, i just ask for a rez and thank him, if he/she choose to buff me or not is up to him. btw "never gonna benifit u"? dude clerics arent dd's(im a mage in my 70's never been out dd by a cleric even tho im LA buildb:thanks) so if u cant heal and rez normally as a top priority no1 will ever need u for partys.
  • Teny - Heavens Tear
    Teny - Heavens Tear Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    last time I tried to charge someone for a Res, they straight out bitched at me saying that it's unheard of and that I'm super mean.

    I was like, hey, I've got a super hard mission right now, and you're probably on the same one, so you should understand how valuable mana is to me.

    But nooo, I get, "LOL NOWAY. ill go find sum1 2 res me 4 free"

    Me: Yeah, good luck with that while you're dead.
  • Mohkano - Sanctuary
    Mohkano - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I think a lot of it depends on the situation. If there's someone halfway across the map yelling at random people to come res them, that would be the sort of person I would charge money to res.

    If it were a friend, someone I was grouped with, or doing a dungeon or something with, I would not hesitate to resurrect them.
    If it is someone you're supposed to be supporting, then it is your responsibility.
    If it is someone who wants you to go out of your way to help them, that's your decision.
    Not really saying it's right or wrong, but if it is an unknown person who is in no way affiliated with you, it's really up to you.

    As a cleric you have certain responsibilities to your party, your guild, and your friends, however, the guy at the other side of the mobs mucking up everything and being a tard is not your responsibility imo.
  • duvall
    duvall Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I suppose it's about how you enjoy playing the game.

    Since I got the revivie skill I've ressed about half a dozen characters - none from my party. In some cases I've healed and buffed them so they can survive a little better against the nearby mobs. Most have thanked me, but it's not a big deal - I enjoy reviving people.

    I've also juped in and helped people who have been struggling against monsters that turned out to be a little too strrong for them. It's an enjoyable challenge keeping someone alive in those circumstances. I don't need to be thanked or paid for enjoying the game that way.

    But we all play for different aspects of the game so not everyone will take the same approach. The important thing is jus tto have fun.
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Throwing this out there,
    since watching this thread I have actually had more groups, but 50% of those groups have been players joining...demanding buffs, from the moment they join, even while we are usually fighting quest mobs...

    Then when I buff them, they leave the group, immediately. LOL.

    My advice is since our mana is so needed when we are actually grouped attending members that are with you for the duration, wait it out until you have the mana to re-buff the whole group at once. Don't buff these players who are demanding it, especially if they aren't actually contributing, just jumping around in your face...

    It's pretty sad to see so many players act in this manner lately, and I do hope it isn't indicative of what is upcoming. or honestly, I see myself doing the EQ thing, and sitting around charging for buffs in camp.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Pynk - Sanctuary
    Pynk - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yesterday while waiting for a party member to return from the city to where we were questing, I started throwing buffs and heals on people around me from the air. I don't think they could see me. But not one "thank you." Even when I saw people stop and look around and try to figure out who did it. I found it funny to watch actually but I did note the lack of response.

    If someone buffs/heals/res's me, and I don't know who, I give a general shout out thanks. So far everytime I've done that the person steps up and says that was me and you're welcome. I'm going to play the game my way. Everyone here is going to play their own way. If I'm dead and you want to charge me, it really depends on just how bad I want that res. But if you DEMAND a buff from me and then leave w/out a thanks. Getting help from me again might be more difficult.

    Just play your way. Whatever that way is.

    BTW... I TOTALLY agree that getting exp from res'ing would be sweet. Heck, I'd even take SP cuz I need that too.
  • palatia
    palatia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Personally, I sometimes charge to tele across the map to revive a friend or guildy.. I see nothing wrong with being reimbursed if it cost me 10k or more to get there... (not to mention down time from grinding/questing) ...

    I am also willing to pay another cleric for their tele fees for revive if I'm near lvl'ing and don't want to lose more exp than I have to..