Comprehensive Venomancer Guide



  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Senovit.. could you give the explanations of the skills then? I already have a few... but you have to confirm if they are right or not...

    Bash (Bash) = A fierce strike, inflicting physical damage.
    Ripping Bite (Flesh Ream) = Bite enemy to inflict physical damage and cause the enemy to bleed.
    Bluster (Roar) = Roar to attract enemy's attack.
    Decelerate (Slow) = Decrease enemy speed.
    Crustaceaous (Tough) = Reduce all damage received for a short period.
    Frighten (??) = ??

    So are these skills the right ones? I wrote the names behind it from the version of PW i use. So pls give the explanation of Frighten.. then i know what that skill is :).. ty
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You're right on all of them so far.

    Frighten = reduce enemy's physical attack by a certain % for 15 seconds, 30 second cooldown.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    i got two questions:

    1. i tamed me a snow hare. it is now lvl39 and has the following attaks:
    Sandblow lvl1
    Pierce lvl1
    Shriek lvl1
    Boost lvl1

    i think these skills arent that good. is it possible to get other skills for it?
    i would these skills on it:
    Armor Break

    is this possible?

    2.when i started playing my veno i deplorably put too many points in VIT. is it possible to get them out of VIT and in MAG?

  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    dungo wrote: »
    Senovit.. could you give the explanations of the skills then? I already have a few... but you have to confirm if they are right or not...

    Bash (Bash) = A fierce strike, inflicting physical damage.
    Ripping Bite (Flesh Ream) = Bite enemy to inflict physical damage and cause the enemy to bleed.
    Bluster (Roar) = Roar to attract enemy's attack.
    Decelerate (Slow) = Decrease enemy speed.
    Crustaceaous (Tough) = Reduce all damage received for a short period.
    Frighten (??) = ??

    So are these skills the right ones? I wrote the names behind it from the version of PW i use. So pls give the explanation of Frighten.. then i know what that skill is :).. ty

    I pulled the following information from various websites/webpages so I'm not sure if I may have left something out, but as far as I now the descriptions are pretty accurate. Though I'm not really sure what it means for the Pounce skill when it says "Stun Enemy or Increase Attack Rate," as if it can do one, the other, or both? I don't yet have a pet with the Pounce skill, so I don't really no what to make of that particular description other than it may have been a typo? b:surrender

    PWI / PW-MY

    Roar - Bluster
    Pierce - Armor Break
    Threaten - Frighten
    Shrill - Screamshock
    Tough - Crustaceous
    Boost - Embrave
    Bash - Bash
    Fleshream - Ripping Bite
    Fireball - Fire Orb
    Icicle - Frost Sting
    Toxin - Poison Sting
    Thunderbolt - Summon Storm
    Sandblow - Sand Raise
    Howl - Howling
    Slow - Decelerate


    Bash - A fierce strike, inflicting Physical Damage.

    Flesh Ream - Bite an enemy to inflict Physical Damage and cause the enemy to Bleed.

    Fireball - Cast a fireball at an enemy, inflicting Fire Damage.

    Icicle - Cast an icicle at an enemy, inflicting Water Damage.

    Toxic Mist - Cast a fog of toxin at an enemy, inflicting Wood Damage.

    Thunderbolt - Cast a thunderbolt at an enemy, inflicting Metal Damage.

    Sandblow - Cast a gust of sand at an enemy, inflicting Earth Damage.

    Sacrifice - Lose HP to inflict great Physical Damage on an enemy.

    Bloodthirst - Absorb an enemy's HP.

    Bloodhunger - Absorb an enemy's HP equal to half of the pet's missing HP.

    Penetrate - Attack an enemy and Neglect Physical Defense to inflict Physical Damage.

    Consume - Absorb an enemy's MP and turn it into the pet's HP.

    Devour - Burn an enemy's MP equal to half of the pet's missing HP to Fully Heal The Pet.

    Roar - Roar to attract enemy's attacks and Generate Hate.

    Howl - Scare the enemy with a howl, Decreasing the enemy's Magic Defense.

    Threaten- Threaten an enemy to Decrease Physical Attack.

    Pierce - A calculated attack on an enemy to Decrease Physical Defense.

    Shriek - A shrill yell which Interrupts Enemy Channeling.

    - Decreases Enemy Speed.

    Tough - Reduce All Damage Received for a short period.

    Boost - Recover HP.

    Pounce - Stun Enemy or Increase Attack Rate.

    Reflect - Reflect Some Damage Taken for a long period.

    Claw - Increase Physical Attack for a long period.

    Protect - Increase Magical Defense for a long period.

    Strong - Increase Physical Defense for a long period.

    Blessing - Increase Max HP for a long period.
  • Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    inarichan wrote: »
    hi.1. i tamed me a snow hare. it is now lvl39 and has the following attaks:
    Sandblow lvl1
    Pierce lvl1
    Shriek lvl1
    Boost lvl1

    i think these skills arent that good. is it possible to get other skills for it?
    i would these skills on it:
    Armor Break

    2.when i started playing my veno i deplorably put too many points in VIT. is it possible to get them out of VIT and in MAG?

    1. Snow hares are **** as pets. Don't waste money on skills for it.

    2. Yes, you can use a cash shop reset scroll.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    :3 heehee My game is just about done downloading, and I plan to use this class so this was really helpful. Is there n00b PK here? Like....I couldnt have a lv 85 player PK me when Im not looking can I? xDD *imagines a .****//roots scene in her mind*.........*cowers* ;___; eep!
    "There is no one in this world without scars upon his heart...and if there were someone like that, he would be a foolish b******." -Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho: Bonds of Fire)

    b:flower We should heal all of those scars b:flower
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Im going with the light armor build but accidentally sacrificed 2 points of magic for vitality earlier on. I have a feeling this will hurt me later on with using magic weapons of my level. Does higher end EQ generally come with a couple of +magic mods to make up for this or would it be worth it to pay a few bucks to get the 2 gold to buy the 1 stat reset from the botique?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    2 points is the cutoff. You're fine as it is, and won't need a reset. Just don't add anymore o=
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    just checked, i guess i had put 4 points in and not two.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    There's still not much of a problem... just make sure at least one of your accessories will add +2 to mag str or dex and your stats will work out. It might be a little harder at lower levels since you'll be cycling through new higher level jewelry all the time, but 2 points shouldn't be too hard to grab. My light armor fox has like 30 some base vit I think, since my accessories add a lot to my other stats.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ok, thats what I was wondering. Im not too worried then if some +magic jewelry is available later.
  • Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    well this thread got me confused again
    around lvl 30 i bought a reset cause i had messed my points and chose to use light because i read a lot of recommends for it and also liked it cause it has a balance of pdef and mdef. And since i only play as mage and am not interested in pvp and fox form i'm getting anxious if i picked the right choice.
    Is the difference in damage & pet heal that big compared to pure mage
    I'm kind of satisfied with light for now except bosses aoes really hurt (which makes me think raising agility is useless) and sometimes i really feel my pet heal isn't enough.
    How much points does pure mage put in int every level? When i run around ingame i also see very few venos wearing light while there's tons of them wearing arcane.
    Banned TB hairstyle made my Kallen cry b:sad
    Training my new wizzie. Current status lvl5X. b:pleased
  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    :3 heehee My game is just about done downloading, and I plan to use this class so this was really helpful. Is there n00b PK here? Like....I couldnt have a lv 85 player PK me when Im not looking can I? xDD *imagines a .****//roots scene in her mind*.........*cowers* ;___; eep!

    Since no one has answered this one yet, I'll do it.

    No, there is no noob PK. On PvE servers, you need to switch to PK mode to be PKed and to do the PKing. On Lost City server (PvP) you get put into PK mode automatically at lvl 30, so until then you're safe unless you go into PK mode earlier.
  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    well this thread got me confused again
    around lvl 30 i bought a reset cause i had messed my points and chose to use light because i read a lot of recommends for it and also liked it cause it has a balance of pdef and mdef. And since i only play as mage and am not interested in pvp and fox form i'm getting anxious if i picked the right choice.
    Is the difference in damage & pet heal that big compared to pure mage
    I'm kind of satisfied with light for now except bosses aoes really hurt (which makes me think raising agility is useless) and sometimes i really feel my pet heal isn't enough.
    How much points does pure mage put in int every level? When i run around ingame i also see very few venos wearing light while there's tons of them wearing arcane.

    If you're never, ever going to do PvP or fox form, arcane is usually the way to go. Light armor gives you better defenses, but in PvE your pet will be tanking for you. The added defense is really useless unless something spawns on top of you or your pet draws too much aggro and dies. As for stats, personally, I put 5 MAG every level and only add in STR when it's time to up my gear. This is just what I do, you don't have to do it yourself and it probably isn't BEST but I play the way I want to.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If you want to keep the build simple and easy, add 5 magic every EVEN level and 1 strength, 4 magic every ODD level. That way you'll always have enough strength for equips (bar Patakas, which kind of suck anyway.)

    Trying out a new Veno with a Vit~pure build. So for myself I am adding:

    Even levels: 1 Vit, 4 Magic
    Odd levels: 1 Vit, 3 Magic, 1 Strength

    No idea how it'll work out as this one is only lv11 currently, but we'll see. b:victory
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So I'm a full caster/arcane/robes build. Not quite a glass cannon, I think.

    At level 26 my stats, minus boosts from equips, are

    Vit: 17
    Str: 17
    Mag: 101
    Dex: 5

    I'm wondering if that's... okay? If one point into vit only gives you 12 more hp, is it even worth it? Wouldn't the point be better off in mag?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I am planning to become a Venomancer and i have some questions about this class:
    karmelia wrote: »
    Here's my favorite Venomancer build, tested up to level 91, PvE mode.

    Intel build, you wear robes. Low phys def, Very high magic defense, low hp.
    Str = enough to wear the armor/weapon appropriate to your level
    Con = base
    Agi = base
    Int = as much as you can put in

    You are very weak against physical damage, but it does not matter much, since your pets will take the damage. And if you steal aggro, except for some ranged mobs, the mobs will be dead before they can reach you anyway. And magic mobs won't bother you much, you'll have very good Mdef.

    - very high damage : high intel spells + pet damage = a killing machine (with some luck, at 89+ you can pull out criticals at 50k+)
    - high survivability : let you pet take aggro before attacking, and you'll seldom die
    - very high healing power on your pet, making for easy solo HH runs

    - if your pet dies, you're in trouble (that will mostly happens with multiple aggro)
    - you may draw aggro to yourself while healing your pet.(that will mostly happens with multiple aggro)
    - not the best in PvP (physical damage chars can kill you fast)

    Is this a good setup to follow? I want to avoid PvP as much as possible but I also don't want to be 1-hit killed by other mobs :P. What setup would you suggest me (yes, i read the guide).

    In the main page it says that venomancers are solo based. I enjoy party play. Will i have trouble finding a group/party?

    Thanks :)
  • Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hermit31 wrote: »
    I am planning to become a Venomancer and i have some questions about this class:

    Is this a good setup to follow? I want to avoid PvP as much as possible but I also don't want to be 1-hit killed by other mobs :P. What setup would you suggest me (yes, i read the guide).
    for PvE full int is the way to go. before 60, your pet should be tanking all damage, and after 60 when mobs get more clustered, you won't have to worry really because 90% of them are magical and pure int = high magic res.

    In the main page it says that venomancers are solo based. I enjoy party play. Will i have trouble finding a group/party?
    Of course. venos are still a very essential part of party play. In fbs you'll be asked to pull mobs, and to pass chi to the tank. In HH venos are so prized because of Amp damage, chi transfer, pet pull, and the fact that pets deal full damage to HH bosses. Grinding wise, venos are always good to have in the party, as they're close to the fastest killers. The only thing you might be left out of is Zhenning, and you'll only be able to join those if pulling on a mount. Which isn't often
    Thanks :)

    A few questions of my own though;
    I'm following a LA build, mainly for PvP, and I was wondering what exactly should I look for in stats for items. My background is coming from a LA mage (earth barrier just neglects any need for +pdef jewelry) and a pdef robe cleric (plume shell ftw), but a veno only has +pdef while in fox form, which isn't all that often. So should my main target be +pdef? or +mdef? Or a balance? I'm not entirely sure.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    DO you also know the minimum required str for arm/weapon? Like in how much should i add per level? 2? 1?

  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hey Senovit,

    I always wondered what sort of necklace, belt and ring I should wear.

    As necklace, should I wear a:
    - Protection Necklace (gives physical resistance)
    - Ethereal Necklace (gives evasion)
    - Elemental Necklace (gives elemental resistance (metal, wood, water, fire and earth))

    As belt, should I wear a:
    - Protection Belt (gives physical resistance)
    - Elemental Belt (gives evasion)
    - Ethereal Belt (gives elemental resistance (metal, wood, water, fire and earth)

    As ring, should I wear a:
    - Mighty Ring (gives physical attack)
    - Magic Ring (gives magical attack)
    This, since i'm a light armor venomancer (so I also use fox form, so I also use physical attack)

    Thx :)
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have a quick question..

    It's my first time making a Venomancer..

    I plan to be a magic dmg dealer, and I expect the pet that I have to take most of the damage done by monsters.. Anyway, should I use Robes, or Light armor?

    And how should I distribute my stats between Vit and Agi?
  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Intel build, you wear robes. Low phys def, Very high magic defense, low hp.
    Str = enough to wear the armor/weapon appropriate to your level
    Con = base
    Agi = base
    Int = as much as you can put in

    Perhaps im a noob.. what would the base be?
    right now i have been putting more into my magic than anything esle... and i was going to up my strength so i can get some better armor.. is that the best thing to do..??
    and i was told that light armor is better in lover levels since most mobs attack phy damange so its best to have that higher.. and as you get to higher levels that arcane is better for more magic defense.. is that correct..

    where does Heavy armor come in to play.. and what is it about robes again..
    sorry i dont understand.. ??b:cry
  • Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Base means leave it as it is, which is 5 and do not add any more points into it.

    Armour comes in three types Arcane (robes), Light and Heavy. Arcane is Magic, Light is a Mix, Heavy is Physical.

    All three different types have different requirements (for example. Light armour will require points in Dex/Agi) - it is for this reason that it is better to pick an armour type for your character and stick with it, since it is quite expensive to re-stat at a later level to be able to use a different armour.

    Since you are a Venomancer, you will have a pet doing the tanking for you so there's no need for any other armour than Arcane/Robe (in my opinion, which may be wrong).

    Hope this helped a little :).
  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Base means leave it as it is, which is 5 and do not add any more points into it.

    Armour comes in three types Arcane (robes), Light and Heavy. Arcane is Magic, Light is a Mix, Heavy is Physical.

    All three different types have different requirements (for example. Light armour will require points in Dex/Agi) - it is for this reason that it is better to pick an armour type for your character and stick with it, since it is quite expensive to re-stat at a later level to be able to use a different armour.

    Since you are a Venomancer, you will have a pet doing the tanking for you so there's no need for any other armour than Arcane/Robe (in my opinion, which may be wrong).

    Hope this helped a little :).

    yes.. it did.. i think sometimes i have a hard time understanding this stuff,, everyones saying this and that... but you explained it very well and now i have a better understanding.. thanks vm..b:laugh
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    so i have a level 34 veno light armor

    i have 17 vit 99 int 34 str and 35 agi.
    i have these stats because i was playin arcane in the beginning untill i decided i wan to pvp.

    thing is now i have 12 points i put into vit. hence i can only wear armor 3-4 levels later.
    should i buy a restat? or is wearing the amor 4 levels later acceptable? i was going to restat untill i saw senovit had 30 point in vit. wasnt sure if that was from +vit items or just his base stats.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Trough more then a year on PW...First PW-MY server for 12 months, Now here on Heavens tear 3 months. First was PVP server now PVE.

    I found out that especcially for a Veno and also for a wizard there is only one build that really works and these are full INT. builds.

    Believe me I tried them all and only full int. gives you the ability to earn easly money , to tank magic bosses , and to solo fb's and HH/TT.
    I see daily people struggling trough the game because of their special builds.
    First of all there is no point to attemp to lvl a Pvp build in a PVE server.
    And even on a Pvp server heavy, or light foxes are on hitted by high lvl's aswell as an int fox..make no mistake.

    You want to PK? Again the only thing you need is as high as possible dmge.
    don't count on your crits you can trust them.
    So why on earth you would make it to you almost impossible to earn some gold. a full int fox has amazing damage an much faster casting the a wizard, there is also your reflect skills and moyor degeneration skills.
    And most important of all...You have a pet to tank.
    Allot of people forget that your pet healing skill mainly depends on your magic attack. The higher your magic attack the more you heal.
    Dex on a veno is a pain in the **** .. crits makes you take aggro over your pet. I always remove that.
    besides dont forget that the higher your points on magic the more mp regeneration you have.
    I also would suggest that instead of spending money all the time on hiero's/ charms or repairs on your heavy or light gear.
    Invest the money to lvl or to buy skills for your pet.
    There are awsome books you can buy. PHY. Buff,Magic buff, or reflect buff......
    Or do as I did go farm for a herc with a bit of luck you collect the money in 3 weeks...
    O btw...On this server my veno is 66...I Have NO dex, 5 Vit, strengt just enough for my lvl 70 gear. and about 315 int/ magic.
    In my gear everything is magic attack+ based or magic+.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm following
    1 vit 8 mg 1 str /2 levels

    You srsly think the one in vit is going to gimp my mag dmg?
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    what does HH and FB stand for?
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    hi, i've read the guide and all 18 pages of information, but i seem to have missed the one thing i've been wondering...
    What is the best weapon or weapon type to use in Fox Form?
    Does Fox Form rely heavily on Melee dmg? Therefore making Melee Mastery an important skill upgrade... ?
    And what about the use of Fists and/or Claws?

    Thanks for such a fantastic guide b:pleased
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm a bit slow, and haven't had the chance to look through the entire thread.
    I'm mathematically challenged, so following the formulas for light armor (going for pure fox, light or heavy [haven't decided yet] armor), how many points should I put in each stat ever level/every 2 levels?
    -- Currently playing Perfect World version Vendetta b:victory --
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    - Albert Einstein


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