Comprehensive Venomancer Guide



  • Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Right now Im currently a mage veno, and i wear arcane armor. but i would like to reset my points so i could wear light armor. I'm lvl 58 and right now my stats are
    mag 210
    vit 34
    str 35
    dex 26
    what points should i reset for lvl 58 light armor?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    For level 58 light armor, you'll need 174 mag, 62 dex, 62 str as base stats. You'll have 2 points left over for whatever.
  • Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    senovit wrote: »
    For level 58 light armor, you'll need 174 mag, 62 dex, 62 str as base stats. You'll have 2 points left over for whatever.

    So should i buy an itermediate reset all note(resets 25 of each points) or itermediate reset 1 attribute(resets 50 of 1 attibute)?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Whatever is necessary to remove 27 points off vit and 36 points off mag.
  • Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    ok i think ill get the intermediate reset all note, so ill be left with 100 points. seems better than way than getting the itermediate reset note. Well time to farm 600k
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    u.u; Yes, i'm sure this is going to be a completely silly question, but considering i'm very new to this game....I figure I need to ask....

    okay, I keep seeing and hearing about Foxform....but how do you actually turn into it...?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    When you get level 9 and finish your first cultivation quest (the yellow one in your quest list, a system message will give it to you as soon as you reach 9) you can learn fox transform from your skill trainer.
  • Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Lately I have been wondering about my build. This is my first character and I messed up a bit at the begining - went LA mage and added some vitality too and because of that lost some skill points at mag/dex/str. I fixed that with different ornaments which gave extra skill points. Ornaments, because I don't lose points with changing equipement.

    My current stats:
    Vit: 22 + 2 = 24
    Str: 70
    Mag: 188 + 13 = 201
    Dex: 65 + 6 = 71

    HP: 2063 MP: 4337 (with equipement)

    I play only as caster, fail as fox and don't PK, but I tend to steal agrro, so I get hit quite often. I could solo TT 1-1 only with cleric buffs starting from lvl63, not sure if I can do it now without them (haven't tried).

    It works for me quite well and extra vitality has saved me. Can't complain about not getting the newest equipement, but sometimes I have feeling that I lack something. Also I don't have a clue how this build will work in later lvls. Lately I see less and less LA venos, but more arcane or heavy.

    Don't tell me to check ecatomb's Character Simulator. Checked it already and it didn't help too much.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    So for a complete robe user/pve type w/e. How many points should i put in what? I didn't get what senovit was saying with multiply this and add this blah blah no offense. Thx for answering.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    @Mefitas: You need to add at least 1 str point every two levels and 3 magic points every level. The rest is up to you whether you want to split them between magic or vit.

    @Damewort: This is fine, once you're higher leveled its pretty easy to get ornaments to stick with that'll boost your stats to cover your vit loss. My LA fox has 35 or so base vit at level 91.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    thx senovit for the replyb:pleasedb:pleased, will start my veno asap.

    oh yea one more thing, senovit where would would you put ur extra points?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I put them in vitality. But I've been considering switching them over to mag... I really have no idea how much the damage would change though, if at all. I only have experience with the LA build, so yeah. Take my advice with a grain of salt.
  • Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    For casting grinders:

    I agree with you on blazing scarab, past a certain level it does less damage than any of your other skills and it takes 30 seconds to take full effect.

    I dont agree with you on venomous scarab, the damage sucks. Your actually better off using the ironwood debuff and physical damage. Besides, lucky scarab is a million times better when you get it.

    I dont agree with you on frost scarab, the damage is the best. You get the chi when your grinding easy, just dont use it in pvp thats all.

    Soul transformation is god like you said. That and metabolic boost + Natures grace and you will never have to use mana potions when grinding. Even when spamming your most expensive skills. At least up until lvl 50 as I know.

    Keep Tame pet at lvl 1, huge waste of sp.

    Im maxing Revive pet for one reason, mana. Eventually, one day, your pet dies and you eat up 60% mana and like 12 seconds to revive it >.< During grinding or a raid that could be a huge pain in the ***
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I dont agree with you on venomous scarab, the damage sucks. Your actually better off using the ironwood debuff and physical damage. Besides, lucky scarab is a million times better when you get it.
    I don't believe casters will do very much damage physical attacking after an ironwood. But you're free to continue doing that instead of spamming venomous if you want.

    Lucky scarab is better than venomous, no question about that. But it's got an 8 second cooldown, while venomous is spammable. No reason not to max venomous.
  • Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Consider the time it takes to channel + the time it takes to caste. Then consider the 1.25 hits/second of the physical damage with a 30% boost.

    After level 45 or so, following a ironwood scarab, the physical damage was killing faster than spamming venomous.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    ...well, if it works for you. By all means, continue doing it.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009 through this entire thread and am having trouble getting a good build as I'm reading math formulas, then another says every 2 lvls divide up your 12 points (we only get 10). Here's the deal, I'm going to build a pure Werefox / Light Armor. I would like to know what should be done for statting. Every level would I go 3Str/1Dex/1Mag or 3Mag/1Dex/1Str. I realize light armor really doesn't allow for Vit points. Also, I'm not looking for "well if u add this necklace and that belt".....just looking for statting with NPC armor. Thanks in advance. And just so people know, I am an adept arcane veno, so I do understand the basics, LOL. Again, just looking for stats on Pure Werefox with NPC light armor. Oh almost forgot, since I'm going pure werefox, should I get anything in the Mage skill tree? Again, thanks to all who help. b:pleased
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    lordnik0n wrote: » through this entire thread and am having trouble getting a good build as I'm reading math formulas, then another says every 2 lvls divide up your 12 points (we only get 10). Here's the deal, I'm going to build a pure Werefox / Light Armor. I would like to know what should be done for statting.
    From the item tables it looks like LA require LVL+4 in both str and agi at levels 20+. If I am not mistaken that means you must commit 1 str, 1 agi every level just to keep light armor as an option. I have no idea how the other 3 points should be spent for a veno playing only in werefox form in LA, I was under the impression you should go heavy (lots of str) if you were going to do that.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    If you want the last weapon and the last Light Armor for your level, you have to put +1 Str, +1 Agi and +3 Mag.

    I choose to wear the last weapon instead of increasing my str, as it allows spamming skill, better heal, and I think (but not sure at all) that the damage is greater.

    For the skill, if you want to stay in fox form, don't take any of the mage skill (but take bramble guard as you may take some hits) to spare SP. At least, that's what I'm doing and I'm very happy with that!
  • Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Nightfaii: do you mean after casting Ironwood, you run up to the monster and hit it in human form? Or do you activate fox form beforehand? I know I like Venomous because it's the only truly spammable mage skill in the Veno arsenal.
  • Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    *Semi retired*
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    For casting grinders:

    I dont agree with you on venomous scarab, the damage sucks. Your actually better off using the ironwood debuff and physical damage. Besides, lucky scarab is a million times better when you get it.

    I dont agree with you on frost scarab, the damage is the best. You get the chi when your grinding easy, just dont use it in pvp thats all.

    I better not look and see youre the same one who posted this nonsense in my guide >_>;


    NO ONE LISTEN TO THIS GARBAGE IN THE QUOTE! Its bad enough you put it in mine, but this guys too? Thats just plain 'tarded man
  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I better not look and see youre the same one who posted this nonsense in my guide >_>;


    NO ONE LISTEN TO THIS GARBAGE IN THE QUOTE! Its bad enough you put it in mine, but this guys too? Thats just plain 'tarded man

    Where are you getting 1200 damage? And don't fox form skills do more than 1200 damage in 3 seconds, and don't they cast faster than venomous scarab does?
  • Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    in my thread, and this one its just labeled melee or physical damage. no use of fox or fox mode is ever mentioned.
    my "1200~" estimateis a round up of 3 attacks on a monster every three seconds, seeing as the cast and cool down is approx 3 seconds for venom.
    i dont think its possible to do more damage as a fox with a pure mag build either :| unless someone has a heavily refined weapon and actually invested in attack fox skills. not to mention its pretty impractical to keep changing back and forth anyways.

    in my vid I just bought level 1 of each of those skill.
  • Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    in my thread, and this one its just labeled melee or physical damage. no use of fox or fox mode is ever mentioned.
    my "1200~" estimateis a round up of 3 attacks on a monster every three seconds, seeing as the cast and cool down is approx 3 seconds for venom.
    i dont think its possible to do more damage as a fox with a pure mag build either :| unless someone has a heavily refined weapon and actually invested in attack fox skills. not to mention its pretty impractical to keep changing back and forth anyways.

    in my vid I just bought level 1 of each of those skill.

    My level 50 mage veno can deal ~2.5k damage in 3.6 seconds in foxform with Fox Wallop(level 5) and Melee Mastery 5 which is .1 seconds more than it takes to cast Venomous Scarab, and be able to re-cast it again (2.5 cast/channel+1s CD). Her magic weapon is not refined, and she has a melee attack speed of .8 s/attack (1.25 attacks per second) meaning her third attack will just be landing as you start channeling Venomous Scarab a second time.

    There are times when it's the best thing to do: cast Ironwood Scarab, drop to Fox Form, and beat the mob into oblivion, namely when it's got that tag that says "Magic Resistant".

    Also, you do not need a heavily refined weapon to do that, just leveled fox form skills, even just one will do the trick. Refining the weapon will simply allow you to do even more melee damage in that same amount of time.

    (these numbers are before any mob DR, and are the average damage that would be done)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Fox melee might do more than envenom spam to be sure. Ironwood is not even necessary since you have amplify, and switching back and forth just to ironwood and then melee again would take a lot of time/mana. But don't forget envenom is simply filler for when your other skills are on cooldown. Even as a light armor, I still kill faster with magic attacks than with physical (using an hh90 magic sword). Perhaps it's simply because monsters around my level have higher pdef than mdef (I haven't looked so I am unsure) but that's just from my own experience, and that is why I would not suggest an arcane user to try melee'ing.
  • Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    lol, i was too tired, posted in wrong forum XD
  • Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    lol, i was too tired, posted in wrong forum XD

    MiniST at his finest b:chuckleb:mischievousb:nosebleed
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    for some reason i cant learn metabolic boost and i have the money sp and everything.and my cultivation is aware of harmony did i do somethin wrong?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The only thing I can think of is that you haven't learned bramble guard yet. If you want to learn a skill, you have to learn all the ones before it in the tree first.


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