Comprehensive Venomancer Guide



  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Melee can work, but you'll have to use a gimp weapon since you can't keep up with both heavy armor reqs and magic weapon reqs without a lot of +stat equipment.

    I'm not entirely sure how much damage you'll do, since I've never really tried it out myself, but even as a light armor fox which will have pretty low melee damage compared to a heavy armor pure melee fox, I can still pvp in fox form fairly efficiently, although I find it hard to kill once a hiero is broken if I'm in fox form unless they're in robes or use light armor and stand in one spot.
  • supachocobo
    supachocobo Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hi, I am new to the game. I started 2 days ago as a veno(I am currently lv.12) and i have 2 questions.
    1.Where do i get pet food? (Like pure water or fruit)
    2.How do i level up/choose my pet's skills?
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The pet master in the beast city / west archosaur can sell you three different kinds of water that vary in loyalty added. There's an npc in the southeast corner of archosaur that you can purcahse skill books from, once you teach a skill to a pet you can then buy level up skill books from the same npc. Skill books can cost anywhere from 100k-900k depending on the skill, and a level up booklet costs 200k.
  • supachocobo
    supachocobo Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Okay thanks a lot, now i come across something else.I just bought a Sawfly and its lv 9 right now, I am level 15(if any of those matter) and it has a loyalty of 172. When i walk around sometimes it stays in once place and then i get really far from it and it teleports to my position. Is it normal for the fly to just hover in one spot? Can i manually move my pet, as in tell it where to go?
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    No, it probably stopped moving because it got stuck. PW's flying pets are somewhat ****, and move by ignoring terrain and just flying in a straight line. Because of that, they get stuck a lot.

    You can't control their movement specifically, but you can tell it to stop moving and stay in one spot while you wander around or you can tell it to follow you. If it's on follow and you're too far away, it'll teleport to you like what happened to you. If it's on stop and you're too far away, it'll just disappear.
  • Dalilia - Sanctuary
    Dalilia - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    This is awesome! I will be referring to this for a long time! >^ . ^<
    I just started my werefox, and she is lev.21 now. I had been using light armor, and I got worried I wasted a bunch of points. But it looks like my build will work out.
    Thanks for all the tips on PvP and pets. Looks like I need to rethink those.... I have a lev.21 golem (originally lev.17) and a lev.21 snow hare (originally lev.20). Are those starting lev.s too high to make for effective pets?
    I know they are both land, but I can't fly and I hardly ever fight underwater. So I prefer'ed a tank and a cutey...
    Anyway!!!! Awesome and thank you!
  • kratosirving
    kratosirving Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    What is the best weapon for INT build?
    I know maybe it's a noob question but i wanna know everything for having a good first character
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The golem is fine. Even though it's level 17, it's still the lowest level of its family of pets (all golems in general) so it'll have better stats than any other golem, which are prized for tanking.

    Bunnies in general really aren't too good... if you like, keep it as a show off pet, but I wouldn't use it as a tank or put any effort into leveling it.

    Just use whatever mission reward weapons you get. Once you hit level 60, you'll start using HH weapons which will be the best for your level. To ensure you can always have the best weapons for your level, keep your mag at your level*3 (exception is wands which require your level *3 +2, and I _think_ banner staffs which is your level * 3 - 2).
  • inka
    inka Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    How do I raise my spiritual cultivation level. I went to the Venomancer skills upgrade character and was told that to get the fox form I need higher spiritual cultivation. Can someone fill me in on this please. (I'm level 12 now so I should of gotten it a while ago)

  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Open your quest dialog, there should be a quest in yellow text. Finish that to get your cultivation done.
  • dungo
    dungo Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Great guide, ty so much!b:victory I got a question though: What do you mean with vit = 7+? Do you mean that you have 7 vit total? Like you add only 2 vit in it total? Thanks alot!
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The maximum int you can have while still maintaining the build is 7. You can have more than 7 if you get equipment that adds stats for you though.
  • Saxira - Heavens Tear
    Saxira - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hi,this is my first message in the forums but i read them 2 weeks now.
    I have tried several classes and like the veno's much more !!
    To my questions now:
    I am lvl 30 now and the golem is my best pet so far ,i have tried many normal pets but till now no other pet can tank so good as the golem,but ...

    1) the golem is slow and especially with kiting mobs it brings me troubles because it aggro other mobs also ..

    2)the golem is HUGE,so some times and especially when i am in trouble it likes to use most of my clicking area so it is tough to click on the 2-3 mobs that attack me...

    3)against mobs with magic.attacks the golem is not good as it have low mag.defense.

    So are there better all around pets than the golem at higher lvls ??
    I prefer NORMAL pets because rare pets (like the dodo bear) have a long spawning time and are usually camped and on the market they cost too much for a veno at my lvl who play normally and don't farm...

    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated...
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    1. As soon as a mob kites, click follow on your golem. Be sure to have your golem at manual attack. Your golem will run back to you, bringing the kiting mob back at it. Then you can just send the golem at it again. Alternatively, there's a level 4x gorilla thing that attacks with range with normal hits, so kiting mobs won't be able to pull it away. It's also a decent tank.

    2. If you wish, you can always pick up a mech crab by fishing village, they're supposed to be somewhat decent tanks and they're a lot smaller and more manageable on the screen than a golem. I'm not sure about their speed though.

    3. A good magic tank would be the frog, which unfortunately is rare, but is often cheap. In my version the frog is about 1/8 the price of a dodo bear and is the cheapest of all rare pets aside from the bunny. However, if you really want a normal pet, an infant antilope will eventually have the highest m.def out of all normal/rare pets in the game, although its hp sucks a bit.
  • Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary
    Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited November 2008

    2)the golem is HUGE,so some times and especially when i am in trouble it likes to use most of my clicking area so it is tough to click on the 2-3 mobs that attack me...

    I sometimes play with one finger on the shift button. It allows you to click on the mob through the magmite and other players.
  • dungo
    dungo Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The maximum int you can have while still maintaining the build is 7. You can have more than 7 if you get equipment that adds stats for you though.

    So you mean the maximum VIT is 7 while still remaining the build? :P...
    Btw.. another question: ... i'm running the light armor build like your "recommend", should i buy all skills you say that are important (fox + mage) or do i have to choose to not get trouble with spirit. I bought all, exept the ones you said that were useless and keep it at lvl 1.

    thanks again!b:victory
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Yeah, light armor will want to pull from both sides of the tree. You'll run short on sp though, so I'd recommend holding off on the big costly ones like the level 59 aoe's until you can get all your key ones upgraded.
  • supachocobo
    supachocobo Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Thanks for all your help so far, this thread is extremely helpful but i kinda ran into a dilema. Can you explain the pros and cons of Light Armour vs. Robes? i sorta understand that light provides for phys def and robes will have more mag attack. But do you know how much less damage a light armour caster would be dealing vs. a robe caster? Is it a huge difference? Im kinda stuck between the 2 and i don't know which is better for a caster fox ><''
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I'm not sure what the exact difference is since I never played a pure mag build before. However, do know that most robe users pour their extra mag into vit anyway, so the difference won't be too much. Generally, it'll look something like this

    Light armor = significantly higher p.def, less m.def, slightly higher crit rate.
    Robes = higher m.def, higher hp or higher damage/higher pet heal. (Higher pet heal/higher damage lower the hp they have, and vice versa)
  • dungo
    dungo Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I think/hope this is the last question! b:laugh
    Well, what is the best manufacturing skill I should use? Blacksmith, Tailor, Apothecary or Craftsman? I thought of Blacksmith because you don't need alot of potions, and you don't take alot of damage because of your pet etc. So please give your recommendings (if i spelled correclty lol) b:victory Thx...

    Oh yeah... so sorry for not understanding correctly b:surrender , I'm level 25 now. My stats are: 7 vit, 29 str, 29 dex and 75 mag. Is that correct or did I do something wrong?

    Thx (again) for the guide and the answers you give!b:pleased
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Apothecary's probably the best. It's the cheapest to level and for all others, you can just get someone else to craft for you. If you want, tailor/jeweller are also cheap and somewhat useful, while blacksmith is probably the most useless since you only need to craft 1 item every 10 levels or so and you can always just get a friend to do it for you. Only good to get it if you want your name on your weapon.
  • zunny4fun
    zunny4fun Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i have decided to make a light armour fox following the stat distribution as above, but is it me or is it really weak?? Normal attack to a monster around my level only does 40-80 damage each!
  • dungo
    dungo Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Oh yeah... so sorry for not understanding correctly , I'm level 25 now. My stats are: 7 vit, 29 str, 29 dex and 75 mag. Is that correct or did I do something wrong?

    Btw... What about the skills:
    - Frossilized Curse (lvl 100)
    - Feral Concentration (lvl 79)
    - Arcane Antinomy (lvl 100)
    - Myriad Rainbow (lvl 79)
    - Myriad Rainbow Venomancer (lvl 79)

    Get those?
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Yes, your build is correct for light armor.

    And I haven't gotten any of those skills, so I'm not too sure how good/useful they are as of yet.
  • supachocobo
    supachocobo Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Helloo, i have a couple questions.. they aren't venomancer related but it deals with the weapons and stuff..
    1.What are sockets?(On my weapon it says "(2 socket(s))"
    2.How do you refine something? And what does it do?
    3.What do the stars in front of an item's name?( my weapon has 3 stars before its name)
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    1. You can add soulstones to your weapon (called shards in this version?) Soulstones can add all kinds of stats, like +accuracy, +hp, +p.atk, +m.atk, etc. Since you have 2 sockets, you can add 2 soulstones.

    2. You refine something with mirage stones at a city elder. If successful, this'll add a + to the item. In other words, if the weapon is called Magic Sword, and you refine it, it'll become Magic Sword +1, then Magic Sword +2, etc. This'll add attack boosts to weapons, hp to armor, defences to adorns.

    3. Stars symbolize the rank of the weapon. A 3 hollow star weapon will be better than 1 hollow star version of the same weapon.
  • supachocobo
    supachocobo Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Where can i get these soulstones and can i choose what to add?

    and about the refineing, what happens if it fails?
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You can get soulstones from npcs named "Merchant ____" and synthesize them to make the effect greater. You can add phys attack, mag attack, accuracy, hp, mana, or any of the 5 elements to your weapon.

    Refining is done with mirage stones at any elder in a city. Each + gives the item a bonus. For weapons it gains in attack, for armor it gains in hp, and for accessories it gains in defense. If it fails, the + goes away entirely unless you used a special item while refining.
  • Snowlilly - Heavens Tear
    Snowlilly - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I had a question as to whether a ranged pet (such as the lvl 41 eldergoth marksman) or a pet with a fast speed (kowlin, puppy?) would be better for luring? The faster pets will be able to get to the mob faster, but the marksman can attack from a distance, and I only have one slot! xD Also, are there any regular mobs that can be tamed normally that have a fast speed other than the kowlin or the puppy? Thanks in advance !
  • Kittychan - Heavens Tear
    Kittychan - Heavens Tear Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I had a question as to whether a ranged pet (such as the lvl 41 eldergoth marksman) or a pet with a fast speed (kowlin, puppy?) would be better for luring? The faster pets will be able to get to the mob faster, but the marksman can attack from a distance, and I only have one slot! xD Also, are there any regular mobs that can be tamed normally that have a fast speed other than the kowlin or the puppy? Thanks in advance !

    So far I've found that the lvl 61 Petali Hexkiss is pretty fast at 9m/s