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Official Feedback Thread: Guardian Fighter Changes



  • giuseppegranatagiuseppegranata Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I still think that Armour of Bahamut and plate agility should be mooved deeper in the protector tree, or everyone will just go conqueror and take these 2 feats to minmax offense and defense.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I still think that Armour of Bahamut and plate agility should be mooved deeper in the protector tree, or everyone will just go conqueror and take these 2 feats to minmax offense and defense.

    Whats with the "will" ? Sorry bro but I've been a Conqueror ever since I made my GF and Plate Agility was always a part of my build so how about 'no'.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I still think that Armour of Bahamut and plate agility should be mooved deeper in the protector tree, or everyone will just go conqueror and take these 2 feats to minmax offense and defense.

    Instead of working against your fellow class, why not ask for a buff to the terrible protector feats other than the capstone and stamina drain? Maybe faster at-wills while blocking as well as the 15% increase in damage? Things like that. Don't nerf us dude, it took a year to get us here, ask for improvements to make your tree you like more appetizing.
  • marnivalmarnival Member Posts: 1,432 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Instead of working against your fellow class, why not ask for a buff to the terrible protector feats other than the capstone and stamina drain? Maybe faster at-wills while blocking as well as the 15% increase in damage? Things like that. Don't nerf us dude, it took a year to get us here, ask for improvements to make your tree you like more appetizing
    This couldent agree more....
  • xjosh19xjosh19 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    Could you please make the animation on Crushing Surge better? Currently seems clunky and slower than it should be.
  • killernorekillernore Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    Martial Mastery: no build ACTION POINT base on DR

    Steel grace: dont work


    need buffing o boster feat like :

    Terrifyng Menance: can stun more time

    Dautin chanlleger: 10 % less dmg of markes target can be applied also in the gf too or 15% dmg on target mark like GWF

    crushin pin : buffed it whit % crit strike o put more time tham 3 sec

    Potent challenge: can rework whit lower the def/deflec or speed target mark or you get a % rege for target mark

    inspiring leader: increase whit more % hit point
  • iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    xjosh19 wrote: »

    Could you please make the animation on Crushing Surge better? Currently seems clunky and slower than it should be.


    i couldn't agree more in fact im not oppossed to a entire rework of the animation all together it doesnt even fit the desctiption sure it's slow but it's not satisifying by any means it feels slow clunky. when using it it sort of feels like im lagging it's more or less a swing stop 1 sec then another swing stop....repeat it's just so unpleasent to the eyes and not fluid at all.

    i wouldnt expect an animation improvement it's been like that since beta although in beta it was slower there are numerous thread about it. it's just never going to happen because it's a quality of life issue and has never been on the priority list
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014

    1. Some controll powers go through the gf shield. I noticed this when testing with a friend and his bull charge was hitting me even when I was blocking.

    2. Griffons Wrath loses 2 stacks instead of 1 sometimes.

    3. Maybe just me but it seems our shields aren't always pulling up, sometimes I try to escape and pull my shield up and it just does nothing.


    The shield should be more reliable and feel smoother and crushing surge needs a better animation, the current one is clunky and just doesn't feel right.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    imit8r wrote: »
    God, I ran the epic skirmish on preview earlier. That was just bad. I know that I shouldn't expect random people to be able to get out of the way of red stuff, but I did not fully prepare myself for the full on suicide pact that befell me. Running KV in this thing is just madness with PUGs, or else I am just too **** squishy for this. I had my shield up and everything, but it sure as hell didn't help one bit. I do think that at least 2 of my team decided to test out their theory of who can kill the GF the most by standing in stuff that newbs know better. I am really loathe to suggest that we need more defense, but this 80% DR while blocking is just not cutting the mustard for this content. These AEs are just BAD BAD BAD for my health. Someone remind me why I decided it was a good idea?

    Problem was running KV without a party of people you know who know what you are doing, not the 80% DR. Between the GWF "I will stand in red to gain determination' and every other class 'Use lifesteal to heal' mentality KV can get you dead fast. Basically everything they do to mitigate creates more damage for you. The only time KV makes it to my bar is when it is part of a plan the whole party agreed to.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    feedback: after the recent and heavy buffs to gf damages maybe it s time to reconsider the huge AP gain they have. They can build AP 4 to 5 times faster than a TR just to name one
  • aiulianaiulian Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    feedback: after the recent and heavy buffs to gf damages maybe it s time to reconsider the huge AP gain they have. They can build AP 4 to 5 times faster than a TR just to name one

    I think you (you devs and you rayrdan) should consider a rework to the TR and a buff to the DC. because other classes didn t got a buff that dosen t means we should nerf the ones that got a buff. + keep in mind we lose 1 encounterer for KC and 1 for Intro the fray for max dmg and remember the cooldowns. And 1 more thing KC can be canceled by stunts and means double dmg from both sides.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    rayrdan wrote: »
    feedback: after the recent and heavy buffs to gf damages maybe it s time to reconsider the huge AP gain they have. They can build AP 4 to 5 times faster than a TR just to name one

    This is because the extra stat GFs get on Con is AP gain (unlike GWFs who get ARP).

    This is also due to the fact that MOST GFs today are rocking the DC artifact and +AP gain gear/boons as well because SM feature is a 5 sec immunity after daily - so players are trying to play around that one feature.

    I agree with some of the damage GFs have though, Which is why I posted about Knights Challenge getting a re-work, but it was met with massive amounts of flame.

    Ill re-post my suggestion however dunno if it will be seen or not:

    Knights Challenge:
    Locks a foe in 1v1 combat... You deal +25% more damage to this foe, while dealing 25% less to anyone else. He deals normal damage to you, but 25% less to everyone else.

    BASE: 15% more / 15% less
    Rank 1:+5% more / 5% less
    Rank 2: +5more / 5% less - for a total of 25%

    Feated for 10% more dmg this would mean +35% dmg (for just yourself).

    Remove the "downtime" and allow this to be like KV- perma until cancelled then given a CD.

    This still gives it alot of usefulness, its a mix between:
    Knights Valor - splits damage with party (full defensive)
    Into the Fray - gives entire party damage boost (full offensive)

    *NEW* Knights Challenge - some defensive (that target deals less dmg) but gives some offensive (only to you).

    This offers unique play style options, and also POTENTIALLY allows for beefing up some boss damage with these utility abilities, making the tank that much more useful (consider KC+Prot Capstone) = a huge dmg reduction for his team!
  • isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    feedback, okay mm why the **** does disruptive shot go through our guard?
  • isuuck2isuuck2 Member Posts: 491 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    disruptive shot goes through guard. that **** needs to stop
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Probably a bug, so....
    disruptive shot goes through guard. that should stop
    Ive noticed quite a few things going through our block... Dont know the cause of it, but its really annoying... Dont know an easy way to fix it either from a "catch all" coding wise, since purely making us CC immune during block wouldnt works - as people can attack from behind, but it seems as it is right now some spells/power have issues and are cutting right through block....
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback and question:
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
    Terrifying Inpact : ginivg an exultant battle cry you pulverize the ground, foes hit by the upheaval are Stunned.

    But the thing is its not do wat the inscription says actual it will prone all in the line of red area and also cc immune target/s affected by prone also .

    One of the GF s testing in prev he told me you say to him this is not a bug if this is true then i fear the new pvp viable GF after mod 4 will be asked agan to tone it down . Cuz he can do now what GWF do in live ignoreing CC resist + high survive ability +good dmg.

    So pls clear us Terrifying Inpact can prone or stun ? If not then i report this as a bug .

    Terrifying Inpact can ignore cc immunity or not ? If not then i report this as a bug .

    Bug :Terrifying Inpact prone instead of stun and ignore cc resist.

    PS :ignore bug report if this is incorrect but change the tooltip on Terrifying Inpact.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • mfgamesysmfgamesys Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    Anvil of Doom: This encounter will not hit if you are on higher ground elevation when the power can be activated on a target.

    example: In domination maps if you fight in the stairs of either map and you are higher up and can activate AoD it will not hit at all no dodge or any kind of hit.

    Block: With the re-addition of the *clang* to block it has gone back to being slow in use(slower response time to putting guard up) and blocking 100% damage.
    Main-Lothor Syralth Guardian Fighter
  • iceshard2faceiceshard2face Member Posts: 289 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Feedback and question:
    Chris "Gentleman Crush" Meyer
    Terrifying Inpact : ginivg an exultant battle cry you pulverize the ground, foes hit by the upheaval are Stunned.

    But the thing is its not do wat the inscription says actual it will prone all in the line of red area and also cc immune target/s affected by prone also .

    One of the GF s testing in prev he told me you say to him this is not a bug if this is true then i fear the new pvp viable GF after mod 4 will be asked agan to tone it down . Cuz he can do now what GWF do in live ignoreing CC resist + high survive ability +good dmg.

    So pls clear us Terrifying Inpact can prone or stun ? If not then i report this as a bug .

    Terrifying Inpact can ignore cc immunity or not ? If not then i report this as a bug .

    Bug :Terrifying Inpact prone instead of stun and ignore cc resist.

    PS :ignore bug report if this is incorrect but change the tooltip on Terrifying Inpact.

    you do know that skill has been that way since beta right? it's also very easy to avoid.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Original my main was a GF i still have it greaded its my second best char.
    The change(ignore cc resist part) on TI was after CC system rework( if i remember rigth).

    BUG: Anvil of Doom act like TR:daly Executioner player killed by AoD cannot be ressed .
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • damnaciousdamnacious Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Dear Crush and the Dev team,

    Sorry for the late feedback and response. Completing my company's tax and auditing has kept me snowed under for the last month or so.

    Bug: Knight's Valor
    Knight's Valor when turned on will sometimes turn itself off at seemingly random times and for seemingly random reasons. There is no cooldown however and KV can immediately be turned back on. I believe this may be the original bug still cropping up but in another manner. This has a large negative effect while tanking as the GF assumes that he is benefiting from KV when in fact they aren't if they aren't paying very close attention.

    Judging by the period of time the 'original' bug has existed for, the inability to fix it and the now evident occurrence of a similar bug, is it reasonable to assume that you, the Devs, don't know what the problem is and / or how to fix it? Or, is it now fully working as intended?

    I would really love for KV to work as it is intended so that i can turn it on and leave it on without having to keep checking if it is on and turning it back on when it has inexplicably turned itself off.

    Feedback: General
    Thank you for the hard work you've done so far on making the GF more useful and desirable in parties and for making it a 'tank' that has a far better chance of tanking. Quite obviously, you've spent a considerable amount of time and effort identifying in-depth what the class needs and have gone about making successful improvements. Considering the changes to other classes also, the GF does indeed look to be a promising 'tank' class for the future of the game.

    Prior to the last 2-3 changes, I had written in Word 15 pages of criticisms, suggestions, feedback and bugs but had not had the time to complete and post. I had actually begun to despair that the GF would ever be a class anyone would ever really want to play in end-game content and had seriously been considering moving on to another game. I was overjoyed when i saw the changes that had been made, particularly as they incorporated almost every single thing i had written about and then there were the improvements you made that i had not considered that absolutely blew me away.

    So, A BIG THANKYOU TO YOU CRUSH AND THE TEAM, FOR REALLY LOOKING AT WHAT HAS NEEDED TO BE DONE AND DOING IT. The fact you have done so in such a short time is phenomenal and impressive, especially considering you have done so while keeping in communication with us players. I really appreciate everything that you guys have done, regardless of whether i have agreed with it or not. Please keep up the good work!

    I particularly love the changes made to ITF, KV and CS. It seems as if you've taken my build, spec and rotations and focused on improving my style of play! ;)

    Feedback: Guard / Blocking / Damage Taken
    I've been doing quite a bit of testing with ACT in IWD using both GFs and GWFs as tanks and i have some serious doubts that the current Guard system is balanced.

    From what i've experienced, the Guard has a very similar uptime to the Live version in most PVE mob pulls, with the same base replenishment rate. This is quite adequate as a base, although i would prefer to see the base Guard Meter duration extended by 1-3 seconds so that it is an improvement on the Live Guard base uptime. I understand there are significant factors that need to be considered with such a large change, yet i think the GF needs that little bit longer for their Guard.

    The one serious problem i have with the current Guard system is the amount of sustained damage the GF takes while the Guard is up. In most circumstances, running anything up to and including most t2 (not including CN/MC/VT), the current Guard is perfect. This is also true for character levels from 10 (that i've been able to test). However, your initial reasoning behind the Guard only blocking 80% damage was so that HP damage would not spike so much for healers and instead spread the damage out more over a period of time and also increase the amount of damage the GF takes so that the need for healers is more pronounced. I have no issue with this in general, but what i have experienced is that the spike damage is still evident but now the healer must also somehow try to put out more sustained healing to compensate for that continuous damage. While this is not readily apparent with mob pulls smaller than 6, any pulls larger than this have a very large propensity to deal more damage than the GF and DC can heal over a 9 second period. The longer a fight lasts past 9 seconds, the deficit between incoming damage and healing increases quite alarmingly and seemingly exponentially. The reason for this seems to be because of the damage sustained while Guarding and then the spike damage obtained after the Guard Meter has depleted. If a GF was to pull their maximum 20 targets, there is little chance that the GF and DC can out-heal the damage before those targets have killed the GF or those targets have been killed themselves. This is, of course, subject to variables such as types of NPCs, gear, spec and party composition.

    The most pronounced evidence of this is that of a minimum geared GF entering IWD in a minimum geared rainbow party and trying to 'tank' Heroic Encounters such as the Major Corrupted Bears / Remorhaz Hunt / Yeti Rampage. If the GF was to pull and try to hold aggro on more than one 'group' (i.e. 1-3 NPCs) at a time, there is a very strong chance that between the Black Ice Damage, Guarded Damage and Non-Guarded Damage, the DC and GF will not be able to out-heal (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) the damage being taken before the NPCs are killed. The main problem the GF faces in this instance is due to the ~220 Black Ice Damage from each NPC per second. Even considering the use of Crowd Control in the party, this provides too much damage to the GF for the DC to heal. The most extreme situation where the same party and GF (amongst other parties) enter an Epic HE fight and the GF uses Enforced Threat and pulls the aggro of 20 NPCs definitely means the GF is dead unless there is an overwhelmingly large proportion of DCs available to heal them. In this scenario, even a moderately geared 15k+ GF will not be able to survive for long.

    What this highlights, is that the 80% block needs to be increased for end game content and content from IWD onwards. I would, ideally, like to see the block at 100%, at the least 90% and / or add in the facility to increase the block amount through feat selection i.e. a modified existing or new feat, preferably in the Protector tree. With the current 80% block, the GF takes an unreasonable amount of damage to actually make 'tanking' possible in all situations.

    I have also viewed this issue from the comparable perspective of an IV Sent. GWF. I placed both my GF and GWF against the exact same mob in a Major Yeti Rampage and discovered that the GWF has greater survivability, despite my GWF having no armor enchant and 3k less GS. The main reason for this, was due to the fact that the GWF can sprint out of some damage that the GF can't and the GF then has to block and take the damage. The upside of the recent changes meant that my Protector specced GF actually dealt more DPS than the GWF but could not survive for as long or as easily as the GWF. The GWF (despite having worse equipment), actually has a very comparable DR, Deflect and HP, (also factoring in Unstoppable and KV) but has the facility to avoid damage entirely. From my experience and for all intent and purposes, the GWF is a better 'tank' than the class that is supposed to be the tanking class. This therefore does not really improve the necessity to use GFs as a tank when there is another class that can tank and survive better. The only other difference with regard to tanking between these too classes is that the GF can gain and hold more aggro more easily. However, there is no use for the GF to gain and hold aggro more easily if they can't handle the damage that results.
  • topcat1984topcat1984 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2014


    I cannot select the reckless attacker final feat currently in preview, tried re speccing several times. Can unlock everything except the final feat in conquerer path. Quite a big bug as i can't test out my GF properly without getting that final feat!
    Has anyone else experienced this?
  • freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    you do know that skill has been that way since beta right? it's also very easy to avoid.

    Terrifying Impact has been our only way to get people out of CC immunity, unstoppable, stealth, etc.

    When fighting a TR - you have a bout a 10-15% chance to win, in mod 3 if you go against a good TR, you will lose. In Mod 3 if you go against a GWF you lose, (granted most of them are really bad players).

    - Mod 4, this daily no longer does this. But it is ok because we have other dailies that are better. The only reason we ever used this was for the CC to CC immune characters. For instance if a GWF was untoppable and your CW just got hit with a Savage Advance, boom pop it and they drop, unstop wears off, you prone, prone, CW gets up, shards game over.

    But mod 4, it's nerfed, it sucks, we can still use other dailies, no worries.
  • freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    damnacious wrote: »
    Dear Crush and the Dev team,

    Feedback: Guard / Blocking / Damage Taken
    I've been doing quite a bit of testing with ACT in IWD using both GFs and GWFs as tanks and i have some serious doubts that the current Guard system is balanced.

    From what i've experienced, the Guard has a very similar uptime to the Live version in most PVE mob pulls, with the same base replenishment rate. This is quite adequate as a base, although i would prefer to see the base Guard Meter duration extended by 1-3 seconds so that it is an improvement on the Live Guard base uptime. I understand there are significant factors that need to be considered with such a large change, yet i think the GF needs that little bit longer for their Guard.

    The one serious problem i have with the current Guard system is the amount of sustained damage the GF takes while the Guard is up.[/B]

    - I think the sustained damage is good. If it wasn't like that, people would cry nerf, it'd get nerfed to oblivion and then we'd never get it fixed. If you added 3 seconds to the base 8 seconds, that'd be 11 with no feats, no armor, nothing increasing it, It is a pretty dang good duration right now. If you are PVE, slot shield talent, use a profound set, iron warrior, ITF, and Enforced Threat, boom block away.

    - I was curious what you think about the new guarded assault? It seems it used to work very well, but now the feat kind of sucks. HR's can out regen a guarded assault + Supremacy of Steel + Perfect Briartwine all hitting them at the same time...
    - What do you think about Protector tree procc'ing on targets hitting you? I didn't bring up Conq becuse I like letting a person get a few hits on me, then blowing them up.

    - Do you think Knee Breaker should prock weapon enchant each tick? So the GF could get a dot up like Rogues POTB?
  • ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    Feedback: Anvil of Doom

    Please take a look into Anvil potentially being bugged as this damage is far and beyond what it should be.

    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
  • ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    My Anvil on Live with 8500 power 23% crit and 25% ARP and Mark hits mobs for about 35k crits from time to time, I want it to be an execute but now if its going to be at 40% making it more useful maybe it needs a little toning. Or at least tested to see if this combat log was from a bugged ability...
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
  • mfgamesysmfgamesys Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    KC is the main problem here it does have a nickname, "Knights Cheese". For very obvious reasons. Since we can take more hits the percentages from kc need to be changed so this is not such much of a problem for pvp and in pve I only if ever seldom use it when trying to kill stuff quick.

    Also a video is better to go on than just a combat log it explains things much easier than trying to decipher a bunch of numbers.

    Also we are considered a striker class as well not just a defender.
    Main-Lothor Syralth Guardian Fighter
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Feedback :
    Tone down Anvil of doom at the same lvl as GWF executioner's style x2 dmg on 30% hp.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • aiulianaiulian Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I see that everybody freaked out about the GF being OP, actually GF isn't and you would like to leave it this way. As long as CW/HR/GWF can cit like hell 100k easily our 80k is actually not that bad and remember that Conquerors reduce their tank capacity to get more dmg.

    KC - It was before and it DIDN T GOT ANY BUFF JUST A FIX and as I said above some posts it means double dmg for both sides so 80k crit from us but your 100k crit doubled means 200k and 80% of that is 160k so if we guard it (with this broken guard to that 80% we sould get our DR but we don t so... let s leave it 80%) is 40k and I as a tank have 35k HP that will be a 1 shot on me.

    Intro the fray - don t say you don t need the dmg in the PVE and even in PVP.

    Anvil of Doom - it works like shocking execution so what s the problem? 10-13 sec cooldown + it s very hard to land correctly and can be dodged.

    Please if you are not a GF and you don t understand that this is some sort of balance for the GF then pls (again) go to your class forum and ask for a buff to your class not a nerf to another class.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    mfgamesys wrote: »
    KC is the main problem here it does have a nickname, "Knights Cheese". For very obvious reasons. Since we can take more hits the percentages from kc need to be changed so this is not such much of a problem for pvp and in pve I only if ever seldom use it when trying to kill stuff quick.

    Also a video is better to go on than just a combat log it explains things much easier than trying to decipher a bunch of numbers.

    Also we are considered a striker class as well not just a defender.

    Very well put. Honestly the move IS just cheesy and causes flame issues and ALOT of tears. Id rather see it changed and given more utility so its less of a "niche" move. I actually think changing this would strongly benefit the class for a more mainstream option with less cheese and more utility.
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    Okay guys, this is getting a little over the top now. Keep the class feedback in the pertinent threads.

    The amount of off topic, cross contamination in the last two days is making my job far, far more time consuming and unfortunately at this point I am calling it quits in regards to saving posts.

    Please read the Official Feedback Guidelines which can be found
    on the first page of every feedback thread.

    Every day I remove at least two pages of discussions. Please guys, if you are clicking the reply button understand that there is, quite seriously, a 99% chance I am simply going to remove it from the Official Feedback threads. Please stop and think twice before posting a reply.

    However in the last two days everything is mashed together. Sorry guys but I do not have the time to read through all of these posts four times over to sort them out especially when the posts are actually 'GWF' feedback which is nothing more than complaints on what other classes have in comparison.

    TL;DR: If your post is removed and you feel it contained an important message then you can either post it as feedback (not a reply/discussion/debate), post it in the discussions threads or PM me and I will look into where it should go.
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