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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Thanks guys for the advices, I'll check the Moonstone Mask, and the Social panel then ! But I'm note sure what Sandukutupu (what kind of a name is that ? :p ) means by "locked away inside the brothel" ... are RP Guilds only E-RP Guilds ? That would be weird...
    in RP Guild Comment by zaarr September 2018
  • Well honestly I find it incredible that in the MMO of the grandfather of all RP games there is not one single RP Guild :o ...and moreover, noone that seems interested in creating one, or at least doing some RP from time to time ! I think I need a minute to wrap my head around this :p
    in RP Guild Comment by zaarr August 2018
  • Ok, that's very clear, thanks for all that !
    in Map Comment by zaarr August 2018
  • Ah ok, that's why this little fool wouldn't leave his disc then :p So his use is to increase my own stats then ? Well, ok, I can live with that, I feel that my Warlock is a bit too powerful already anyway ... maybe thanks to him ;)
  • Thanks, but I was more asking if there was a way to actually see the whole game world map, like bind it to a key or something ? It seems that the only way we can see the map is when we need to choose to travel to a specific zone, which is not very user-friendly I think. But if I understood correctly what you're saying, if…
    in Map Comment by zaarr August 2018
  • Warhammer : Age of Recknoning ? https://youtu.be/MYh8LzIK5KQ
  • Yes I've tweaked a few things thanks to this, but the customization is really limited, for instance it seems that I cannot change the size of the big d20 that's used for the Action Points, which is a cool idea but takes a bit too much space in my opinion :/
  • Oh yes I'm enjoying it a lot ! To be honest, I tried it out when it first came out and didn't like it that much, but I returned to it just a few days ago after watching a video on YouTube, and man does it have changed for the better ! I'm probably gonna buy some more character slots to create alts cos every Class and Race…
  • Haha I like that, yes, I might try it just to see :p But seriously, we should be able to customize this Interface more, I mean, that's possible in most other MMOs I play so why not here ? I understand that some things like the Stealth meter (or whatever this is called) can be useful, but at least let us put it on the side…
  • I now have another question, but I'm afraid I already know the answer : I'm a Trickster Rogue, and now that I've reached lv.10, I have a Stealth Ability (which is nice), with some sort of Stealth gauge next to my character (which is not that nice), is there any way to remove it from my UI ? As you may have guessed, I love…
  • Oh ... that's not much then ;) Well, thanks anyway !
    in Map Comment by zaarr August 2018
  • Damn ... they have the same reticle in Secret World Legends, but we can choose the shape, the size, or even remove it completely ... are there mods maybe for Neverwinter that could change the UI ? Excellent, I'll try that as soon as I get ingame ;) Thanks !!
  • Well, yes, but we could have done that without having to switch modes, just like in any other MMO where you can zoom in and zoom out just as you want, why did they feel the need to separate two viewing modes ?? Anyway I set it at 38 and like it this way so far, thanks guys !! :D
  • Ah excellent then, I'll try a few values and see the one I like better ! (I should go to bed right now but it makes me want to log in the game and try this instead :p ) And, just out of curiosity, do you know what's the use of having this "normal mode / inspect mode" ?
  • Oh woah that was fast, thanks :) So if I want to see my character a bit bigger, what value do you suggest I choose ?? 40 ? 30 ? And where do I type this ? Just in the chat panel ?