Agreed. It would be nice if there was some form of disclaimer to that effect (or if RNG didn't hate me), but that's the truth of it. I also wouldn't mind if there was the option to spend 10 cubes to choose the feature you want, but this isn't the place for that discussion.
I agree that SE is currently quite broken as is, and that it should at least respect tenacity. But guess what? Complaining about it on the TR forums like we coded the power isn't going to change anything. Try gameplay, or bug reporting, although you're not the first person to notice or report this.
This. The war dog is ridiculously adorable when kept as a puppy, and stacked with the right runes and equipment can tank basically everything in the solo PvE environment. I remember using him to hilarious effect against Sazohiel in DR. Good times. :)
Emphasis mine; off-topic. This is the second time I've read that HoF does less damage than FS (even to individual targets) in a day. I'm admittedly new to using a late-game DC - only been L60 with this character for 3 weeks now - but my belief was that to single targets HoF is superior, in terms of damage at least. At my…
What if they had stat bonuses while equipped, like generic artifacts? :p Anyway, I would like a more cost effective way to upgrade mounts as well. The mount transmute idea is interesting, so long as it wasn't called that and the mount's name still changed (something more akin to an energy transfer). Apparatus of Gond -…
Nah, they're just a glass cannon executioner. Maxing out HP only matters if you expect to be hit. Glass cannons/one-strikers, when striving for max damage, sacrifice their HP/defense to obtain that level of ridiculous power. Note: I am not agreeing or disagreeing on whether more nerfs need to come to TR's, just your…
I'm quite surprised that hit you while sprinting. Makes me realise just how bad my latency is when my LB "hits" against walking targets often do nothing.
I have one or two friends who I contact or run with semi-regularly, as well as a handful of irl friends, but the majority of my list is made up of random people who I chatted with for a few minutes/ran a dungeon with and then never again. I've had to start leaving notes just to remember who the heck everyone is. :/
Me too, was just entering PvP. Thankfully I hadn't made it there yet, or I'd probably be looking at a leavers penalty as well. Thanks for getting in touch Akroma, hopefully it's nothing too complicated. :)
Now that you mention it I saw this today when fighting Green Dragonfangs in Shores of Tuern. Can't say for certain whether the bleed was not working or just not displaying as there was no reason to stop attacking, but there you are.
It's new years day morning for me, not eve. But thanks for the work engineers, especially at this time when you should be celebrating. Hopefully things are back up soon and you can get back to celebrating/sleeping as you see fit. :)
Monk for me; far and above one of my favourite classes, even if they polarise the DnD community so much (ask anyone pre-4th ed. and they're either brokenly good, or weak and a waste of time, there is no in-between). It saddens me that they fall under "other", when the less known Warlord, Shaman & Swordmage classes get…
I don't believe this is a bug, so much as an intentional feature. When you transmute item 'a' to take on the appearance of item 'b', the game also gives item 'a' the binding rules of item 'b'. So an item that can't be bound - like a common/white piece of equipment - when transmuted into a BoE item will then become BoE.…
I don't know about the wording for block, but IIRC ItC actually states that it gives immunity to most control effects, not all. Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't read it's tooltip in months and am far away from NW right now.
I noticed this yesterday, and was rather rudely surprised. I wasn't killed afterwards (or again that battle), but was confused for a while where the death had come from. It wasn't until it happened a second time that I realized. Anyway I'm certain this can't be WAI (in that regard), I may post it as a bug.