I like this idea and I'd love it to be similar UI to the Refinement UI. You can always mark items you don't want to lose as protected. So I'm all for the mass salvage cause It gets irritating having to manually salvage each item.
@mynaam I don't disagree but I think they should implement them in certain dungeon loot boxes so it could encourage people to run more dungeons. Like Cradle , Tomb , Castle Ravenloft.
@artifleur Most likely a troll. It even has a typo or a weird font https://prntscr.com/kmqq7j . I went to her and Initiated a conversation with her 50 times never got that dialogue. I hope I'm wrong.
No, It's a debuff enchant like all other enchants such as plague fire, frost. It doesn't buff your damage the 18% is a self debuff and the 6% extra damage your allies do is the debuff in theory without considering diminishing returns you would be doing 24% more damage but it's nowhere near that amount. The mark of the…
Ok now jokes aside, The bronzewood enchant is a debuff not a buff enchant so it won't give you 18% in a group. And the feat that gives 15% damage to marked targets doesn't stack with other marks as long as you have 1 mark it will work. Second of all You are looking at the tooltip values scaled from your stats Unparalleled…
@strathkin Bronzewood BiS for GWF also brilliant energy is very good I heard they are both at the same level dps wise. It's sad that you found out about it now every GWF is going to start using it. Extra 35% damage.
As I play both classes. HR and GWF I can tell HR has some disadvantages and it mostly shines in 10 man dungeons. I'd love to see some changes made to HR especially, they destroyed careful attack and now the meta is just stormwarden. I also never got why plant growth had such a low target cap but then again it hits pretty…
@schietindebux From my experience from last boss if you die once. Then prepare to die even more because you lose the protection buff from sunsword which gives 80% damage resist per stack. So once you go in downed state that buff is gone which means if you died with that prepare for something worse.
@dolrey Could be doing something wrong but seems like it's RNG and only stuns 1 person at a time. I've ran it like 45 times for the first 5-10 runs it was fun but then it got more and more aggrevating.
@dolrey In first boss there is not only reflect but an untelegraphed stun. which is rng most of the time but It happened to me 3 times in a row. Buffed myself up got stunned, waited for reflect then buffed myself up again got stunned then reflect then buffed myself up again got stunned.
@dolrey It is more challenging but some of those mechanics just make it annoying while challenging especially in first boss where you are just caught in a loop of stuns and reflects. Im probably wrong about last boss not skipping phases maybe giving a chance to lower end groups to finish it.
@chadd02 there's other ways to implement those mechanics what throws me off is the 1st boss and the 3rd boss. The main issue I have with the 1st boss is that you can't even avoid the stun you get stunned and you're stunned for the rest 6-8 seconds I don't really care about anything else there. 3rd boss decides when to die…
@thefiresidecat I checked them if they were post mitigation as SoD that would double dip through debuffs then it would be a very big buff for HR but it seems like it's post mitigation but the damage is the same as before.. What I want them to fix is piercing blades procced from blade hurricane being double mitigated.
It seems like it's not implemented yet on preview maybe next patch it will be implemented but im highly optimistic that it will be better than before in pve.
@pitshade yeah after reading it again it is possibly a big buff for HR's damage if it works like SoD on preview currently. But the changes have not been implemented yet. Went to preview with 5k armor pen at the level 73 target dummies it should have hit for way less. But it was still 50%.