It's not a Timer issue - Day three - no Snake Coin. That's seven coins instead of nine. Very Tedious. The worst part is when I picked up the quest on day two, it said I'd get a Snake Coin. When I turned it in, it showed me being rewarded a Snake coin, but I didn't get a Snake Coin.
So the fix seemed to have the effect of sometimes only one character could collect on the quest, per day, instead of the max of two characters per day. Supposedly someone is looking into it, and maybe a solution will be found and posted. Maybe it'll be posted here, maybe it won't.
So, now we have to change our default way of playing? I don't mind needing to temporarily change gathering all the quests on all the characters before running all the quests, but this being punished for normal game play because someone failed to check things and inform the players beforehand is malarkey. I have to…
Zero Free companion or vanity pet this year. I did collect vanity pet last year. It should be directly stated, if players can collect only once per lifetime.
I have the same issue, and I did all the Summer Event quests and I went to the Workshop and I have only three employees, so there's plenty of room for an artisan and I closed the game and restarted it. Yesterday and today. Is there a master topic on this?
How about the fact that the currency was capped at 300 and any rewards that went over the mark just failed to surpass 300? Good buy extra vanity pets for many characters.
I've been using the shortcut: "C:\Program Files\Games\Neverwinter_en\Neverwinter.exe" So I'd be guessing just find the Neverwinter.exe and shortcut that to your desktop, or wherever you keep your app launching shortcuts. Me, I have it pinned to my taskbar.
So we can simply stall and hope the rewards become more appropriate than low level refinements or eat the cost in the name of progress? Developer answer would be appreciated here, so we can make a better judgement call on moving on or stalling.
erm... the solution worked when I changed loadouts and applied to all loadouts. Thanks for asking. Customer Service is going to need outside intervention.
Holey Moley! I been dealing with this bug for over a year, but it hadn't stopped me from changing gear until this last Feast of Lanterns event. Never occurred to me to resort to the [Apply to All Loadouts] trick. :s Thanks pitshade. Now someone just needs to update Customer Service.
I've been using it for a long time, but wasn't seeing the damage floaters for it, any more. After reading your post, I went to test it a little more deeply. Still no damage showing in the damage floaters. But, combat logs show the damage. Messed up, but at least it's working as described. Thanks for making me look deeper.
I shouldn't have to refeat my fighter's feat to an unwanted, disrelated feat in order to make this work. But, at least those that don't mind switching feats have a workaround.
Why is this still a thing? Thirteen companions and only three powers available is intolerable, especially when it's been a bug for four years? Someone just needs to authorize customer service to dole out bound replacement companions so the players can delete and rebind the defective companions. Submit bug report, Customer…
All Class Specific Gear that is Bind On Pickup. ESPECIALLY Gear that can be bought from a vendor. I don't even know why it would be an option to buy gear for a different class that was Bound to Character Upon Pickup.
I'm not finding the items they quoted as available... "The Staff of Savras intro campaign and Deeds store have been removed, with their relevant rewards moved to the level-up reward box."
greenwirez, I'm always thankful for the free gifts, but it hurts that the content is waning and the gifts are declining.* It hurts that they promote a free gift each day and don't even acknowledge that the promise was broken. * It hurts that the new mod is a recolored Stronghold zone with demons, rather than an actual…
A company in danger should not be conserving and cutting costs, they should be promoting. Conserving and cutting costs are what you do when your company is doing great.