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  • I'm not the only one. If you went and looked ANYWHERE in the bug forums, or read my post in the first place, you'd realize that. Do i REALLY need to link the 5 or 6 threads full of people who ACTUALLY posted, thus meaning there are tons who didn't even post? Or are you just out to make yourself feel better by wittily…
  • So there's a large number of people who literally can't even log in since this last patch. No response on the forus, no response through support tickets, and apparently they don't even RESPOND to bug reports, so how can we even get this fixed if they won't talk to us about it? All of us are going to miss this event, and…
  • It's been several days and nothing has come back except "looking into this". Meanwhile, a large section of your player base can't log in for your special event. I for one am absolutely uninterested in spending more money on this game when I CAN'T ****ING PLAY IT, and now can't even enjoy this AWESOME drop event. :( After…
  • This is absurd Cryptic. At least ****ing respond to the LARGE number of people posting they can't even ****ing play. I'm at the end of my rope about this, definitely not going to get to play for this event and I know they won't compensate us for **** for it. ABSURD. Considering filing a fraud claim here, since they refuse…
  • My game is literally unplayable since this patch. PLEASE SOMEONE FROM SUPPORT HELP ME PLAY. I paid for a Guardian pack before release - I invested in your game. Do ME the courtesy of helping me get in to play it. It won't load chars, it freezes on loading protector's enclave at the last 1%, and the one time I got in I…
  • I got the patch no problem. Can't get into game at all. Literally unplayable since last patch, no support available. May request refund from months ago if they don't get their **** together.
  • Safe mode doesn't do anything for me. Absolutely no reason why the $1500 I've spent on a computer and router can't play this game, this is 100% on your end Cryptic. I literally can't do anything. I just want to farm your special boxes, but nope. Won't get to.
  • All i want to do is play and farm this special event :(
  • if i can even get into PE, I can't do ANYTHING :(
  • literally unplayable, can't even get into game, fix or refund incoming and stop nerfing everything fun in PvE just b/c of PvP; make separate abilities for PvP ffs
  • Yet another instance of PvP ruining PvE. The only reason they did this is for you PvPers and it RUINS my PvE fun. Cry somewhere else.
  • Yuan-ti, Dinosaurs, carnivorous plants, deepspawn (in Mezro)
  • ""SEEDYMAN42: I haven't GOTTEN to level two, from all appearances you have to pay money to level Alch. every other green item like that is CA$H only to get them. (e.g. bag of gems) "" Why are people so concerned about Cryptic tryin' to weasel another buck out of them that they refuse to remember the game is free to PLAY.…
  • Obviously it's very unclear to players; too many people just don't even -look- at the other tasks, see that basic gathering gets them nothing, and quit the whole project. Good riddance I say! I think it's fantastic. Potions that you can't have otherwise, like +stamina potions that heal you too, and making batches of…
  • Wards cost ~4k... don't even use them 'til you're trying to combine rank 5's, as most rank 4's can be found on the auction house for just under 4k. As for the RNG: On SWTOR, I even kept a log of some 500+ crafting attempts and my less-than 1/3 of the supposed success rate. All I ever got from anywhere is: well that sucks,…
  • You can't bid on the item after it drops past 1 minute remaining. I think this is specifically to -keep- people from sniping bids at the last second. I appreciate the feature, as I've won several auctions by bidding with "1min" remaining, then when it goes to countdown the last minute in seconds, the item is mine! Given…
  • I'd be willing to bet that this guy is a bot, sitting there doing crafting :P
  • You gambled, on an "event" that guarantees a prize, and you got the lowest roll. I did it twice and got the lowest roll. Lets see though... that blue sells for about 250k; and the greens go for about 25k for the dudes and ~50k for the needles, so around 400k in all. That's about 12-13 bucks in Zen... and you got the pack…
  • 5 days, 6 days, and 6 days. I went to bed around 2am, they rolled back to 5:20 am, but I didn't get to play until around noon on Monday. More than 1day 5 hours possible, and only because of their timing. It's -their- choice to rollback, I don't understand how that didn't reset the 1day:5hour timers though. THAT is the…
  • There's a huge difference between "we're swamped" and "ticket closed", sir moderator.
  • Ban the cheaters; but the money's already spread around; and what about people that found it but didn't exploit it?> They are getting bans in the wave too, but I thought this was beta... so testing...
  • Will we be refunded our posting prices on the Auction House? It's not our fault that they're going to expire; I find a loss of my posting prices to be unfair for sure, it's a risk I take to sell it, and it's having to stay up there and -not- sell b/c of exploiters. I won't lose "grand" amounts of AD b/c I wasn't posting…
  • Q: What happens to our Auction House posts? Please don't tell me you're wiping the Auction House.
  • A clone of Manshoon survives to this day to head the Zhentarim. Don't you people play Forgotten Realms? Fzoul Chembryl is dead. :p
  • I have this same issue, had a bug ticket in for more than a week and no dice. Considering that they essentially charge real money for in-game inventory spaces, we have a legitimate argument for malfeasance.