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  • Gratz, that is the one uber near impossible to get in the whole thing. I think i may have 8 or 9 triples so far, and everyone was luck, nothing but luck, got the right spell off when other team members were beating them to death and got 3 for 1.
  • I don't believe it is cheating, I do believe that the matchmaking queue is messed up. One match I find myself playing all new level 60's in blue gear Next match all top end max enchants and artifacts 16k gS players with perfect wep and armor enchants next is about even for me. (Grim gear, rank 7's minor wep and armor…
  • fought a TR earlier in domination match. He would come at me and I would blink. Usually I'm stunned, this time it was like I moved and had time to get my choke on him most times. after match I got to thinking that it was "different" from usual. And after he did get a stun off on me, he beat me silly, and I still had half a…
  • No word, and found a few more things doing the same. I may just take a few weeks off and play something else or just loaf. No point doing stuff when it ends up not working as intended (shown, tool tipped, etc.) There is battle gear for AD on the AH, but What I bought is still char bound. and never equipped as it was for my…
  • Sorry, soul bound means bound to character when bought BOP when should be BOE or BOA. Soul bound was a WOW term for BOP items that bound to character. My mistake, please forgive A.
  • Kill the SW, drop something like thorn ward or icy terrain and he rez / die till it stops, keep it on him and you will have 1,000 kill in no time. Gotta make what ya got to work with work for you. I can imagine SW stuck in an endless cycle of rez / die / rez / die. It is kinda funny-sad Just one of many bugs. Most nerve…
  • Seems all the boe stuff from pvp vendor goes to soul bound apparently the bind to account stuff also. I have the 6 piece set of battle gear for my other CW that soul bound to my main when I used glory to buy it. File ticket, do bug report Hope they do something Best advice I have. I will hate salvaging stuff that I spent…
  • I think maybe 10 triples so far. Depends on a lot of factors. What I pity is clerics, How are they supposed to get tripples, or often doubles. Well they could slot in the blue dragon glyph, those with gears probably had more than a few triples.
  • Could someone please just say a. Yes it is a bug, and when fixed you will be able to give your other CW on your account the gear b. It is working as intended, and the tool tip is wrong c. File a ticket this way: ****** (specifics) and if you can't file a ticket , then you can do this or this. d. Silence It is not something…
  • I want to thank folk for putting up some of their thinking. I have a spell storm that is new and a MOF that is old 60 but I"m leveling a new mage that is nearly level 30. I have a few ideas of my own, but now esp that assailing force is maybe not so good , and ogmas is not so great against CC (from the patch notes) I'm…
  • There are more than one set of ways for CW to kill these days. Assailing Force was nice, will still be ok, but not as nice. The blue dragon glyphs, Still not sure if they rolled them back enough, but I suspect that at max they will not get off maybe 12 damage when they proc depending on dots etc how much. At least they…
  • If the preview server patches go live this maintaince, then CW's getting a nerf to assailing force and repel. Still not going to give GWF the bugged roar / pron iwb back. But top end gwf are developing a new style. oF course they are also making ogmas go on cooldown so no perma CC resist. i suspect another couple months…
  • Come to think if It so am I. :) a silver lining, surrounded by a depressing dark cloud. ANd a couple were way below buy out. (Now watch it go up with one min left and they outbid me)
  • Well At best I can log in and see how bad they hurt my MOF. I am hoping for an improvement, and a feat retrain. Not much purpose to powers as I have all at 3 or 2 already and almost have another power point to throw in and will soon as i do daily's which will let me max one more power. The tree changes, a feat respec would…
  • Just loaded my launcher, server still red :(
  • AH, good on that, Are there some current youtubes up? I guess I can try out my google-fu and see. Thanks on the tip. XD
  • If you mean unintentional, it would be hitting finish on a task in leadership and thinking I was hitting collect. My fault (Note to self, more coffee and slow down the clicking) If you mean things I have bought that turned out not so wise, I would say companions, and gear pieces that I then realized I already had sitting…
  • Guy on livestream says they know about the chest and are still "working" on it. Whatever that means.