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  • I based the DC fair fight only on survivability. A good DC can stand on a node for well over a minute in those situations. Of course they wont be able to kill anyone and more than likely die if the fight lasts til one man standing, but since domination is the only mode in pvp, that is what I based my definition on.
  • @arcmoon99 Please stop trolling, your "guide" that takes 90% of its content from the wiki/game tooltips, doesn't exactly show you know anything. Telling me in game that you know this game better than me because you played a year longer (yet your best enchant is a normal vorpal, and your "main" character "pvp HR" is only…
  • Despite all the trolling you've been doing on my thread, and claiming that you are better than me because you've been playing a year longer (with your best enchant being a normal vorpal(?!)) here is your DR info: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3dqpvhuavj Also armor pen caps at 24% in PVE, DR is largely based on opinion…
  • Sorry, this will be my last reply @hamlet, since you don't seem to be understanding. 1) Thread is rankings, top 1 doesn't mean I think the other 5 aren't OP. 2) When you throw a CC at someone who dodges... it says "IMMUNE", therefor Dodge = CC immunity... Icy Rays is an exception, however you follow that up with? Poor CC.…
  • @hamlet "Please take time to read before doing a reply." 1) Top 3.. bottom 3... I don't know what else to say if you don't understand at this point. 2) High mobility means in between the CC or near end of fight, you just drag everyone away and/or survive. 3) someone already pointed out, good TRs have no CC: dazing is…
  • I use shield ONLY in GG, where I throw people into spikes. I definitely DO NOT take GG seriously, but apparently we found out the 1 guy who does, sorry for pushing you into the spikes. People who think a 20v20 is evenly matched, and takes it serious needs their head checked. Most agree 5v5s are imbalanced (poor…
  • @hamlet 1) I play all 6 classes. I think HR/TR/GWF are all OP, however I decided to try and rank them. No one here has denied the top 3 or bottom 3 rankings. 2) CC immunity = dodge, sorry. Besides, the HR has *high mobility*. 3) You provide no information other than opinion. Nobody will agree that an HR is equivalent to TR…
  • Sadly entangling force is 2nd longest CC compared to icy rays (which is still short compared to prone). Although Shard is good for prone, I have never seen a CW land one well - because you either dodge move, or just simply prone/daze to make it disappear (since it takes time to cast/push), even with it on tab, you're at…
  • "Everyone" is incorrect, and besides that, people are disagreeing on specific points, but not everything. Feel free to make some statements, I'm sure someone will disagree with you on. The only difference is, I can't respond fully to everyone's misunderstanding. I already stated before HR's use range immunity, and auto…
  • Sadly, you don't play CW in pvp... the ray takes several seconds to build up, and is only useful against GFs (if at a good enough range) All control powers are merely interrupts that last <1 second. Icy rays being the "longest" however, prones/constrict are currently king of CC in pvp. Icy Knife is easy to counter, and…
  • @sdffgghdfh Thank you, thank you very much for this response. Although we might not totally agree on everything, this was very informative and helpful feedback.
  • @zokir "DC? Well I two-shot a PvP-spec'd tank DC using vorpal a few days ago, is that not enough?" That's a 1 off, and very unbelievable "2 shot" @arcmoon99 Your sig doesn't really tell me anything, except that you might have 7 characters As stated before, I earned over 50k glory on all classes (which implies lvl 60). I…
  • @godlysoul2 1) 1 off scenario in unbalanced matches. 2) HR has 4 control moves, 1 being a gauranteed interrupt for 3 times every 3 seconds, add roots into the CC. I direct you towards the tenacity information. 3) You are agreeing with me, thanks 4) Already answered 5) Shocking execution will normally be performed…
  • Updated DC dodges, @adamy2004/magenubbie threatening rush is useless due to poor network code. The way cryptic's net code works is: any packet loss (on your side or their server's) results in consecutive packets being dropped, which causes the rubberbanding issue. On top of that there is no sync, (like when you knock your…
  • PVP can never be taken seriously: 1) fix the imbalance (also the cheating/bug abusing - when an HR plays super man and FLIES 80 feet high, and 80 feet forward, theres a problem, or when they become IMMUNE to all ranged attacks for as long as they like) 2) The terrible latency issues (try and actually SYNC the combat, if I…
  • 1. No 2. Its nice that PVP gear is easier to get, however: Tenacity is a requirement now, so prepare to be useless for 20 games as more people get geared. (Tenacity is still just a broken stat) Team balancing is still worthless 1 week in, but leaver penalty still exists. People just disconnect to avoid penalty, or leave…
  • Please fix.. only way to trade lucky coins is in trade chat. Trade chat is -ALWAYS- full of ripoffs (50% or more) regardless of items.
  • After acquiring 4 crystal raven skulls on 4 different characters, here's the major bullet points that need fixing: LAG (this goes for PVE as well, rubberbanding is terrible, fix the netcode with shift+move too, missing 1 packet sends me flying back) Broken stealth mechanics - When I play rogue, I see people flinging spells…