“We're beyond thrilled to develop a brand new version of Neverwinter. It's been years since the original became a gaming icon and we’re honored to work with such a great franchise," Above quote from Cryptics news site. Comparisons seem legit, to me especially when you consider the persistent worlds part of the comparison.…
psssst Aandre don't talk about people blowing their hard earned cash not knowing how good a game will be. *ducks before HoTN buyers fire up the torches* :) As for whomever mentioned vaporware I figured neverwinter was headed that way given who was making it.
"It’s less about our story than it is about my story. When the story belongs to only one, the collective story about all of us becomes less important. Within our own stories, however, we will make choices that will define who our characters become and the way they interact with others and with the residents of…
Agree with most but then you had to add opinion. Show me a post or anything from the Devs that says WoTC had anything do with game mechanics. The only stuff I could find said WoTC was very involved in the lore of the game and not anything else. If WoTC wasn't interested in having players decide what was D&D they wouldn't…
ummm not sure what I said about it being released in Europe first. I don't care who gets it first I was just responding to a post about prime time being a reason for the delay. If anything I think the delay is to give whatever media outlet its exclusivity for x amount of hours/days. If they were just doing a rolling, roll…
Not sure if you even need to worry about but I'll tell you waht I did to fit a cleric I liked from a homebrew into forgotten realms lore. Like you I had a character heavily built around his religous beliefs. What I did was find a god in the forgotten realms that came as close to the same ideology as the other god had that…
hmmmm tries hard to remember the first PC. Ummm nope not ringing a bell as it was a handme down character, it was and npc fighter the DM had with the group to help fill it out. I played the character as it was to get experience playing and to fit in more easily with the existing game. That is all I remember. The first…
Love the post and agree with it enough I'm not going to try and qualify any of it. Did I mention I love it. Where's the tip button for giving of some astral diamonds. :) Just my response to D&D is the story. I do think skills and feats really help define a character and how they add to the story not just the combat. I do…
The last time the released something in Europe first it took over 24 hours to make it to the states so I doubt it is prime time that drives their decisions. :) Nice for you to speak up for them though. No says they can't do what they want there just wondering why they are doing it the wy they are.
:)Where is the big header at top that says for entertainment purposes only. Everything can/will change :) Glad to see the update even if it did lower my opinion of Cryptic and tighten my hold on my wallet.
Thanks for answering but that is the wrong asymtope. :) Not that I would trust the upper number but saying at least 60 days is to me the same as saying maybe never. Your employer has already shown a willingness to change things on a percieved whim. :) I hope they pay you well. So the question is, the drow will be in no…
yeah check races page under game info guess what you see drow also see E3 2012 video by raging nerds. (google is your friend) the original new users FAQ
Hate to keep this going here but this is where it was answered. So that 60 days is a maximum and not a minimum. Nowhere do I see anything that says they will release the drow in 60 days. I'm learnig with this company you better read everything twice.
To everyone that says when did they say you would play drow at launch, They said it when they put it up on the about the game page under races. They are not doing this for legal reasons or any other reason but to see what the market will bear. They are checking to see what they can get away with in charging for everything…
You can find an E3 video recorded in 2012 by raging nerds that says drow will be there at launch. still looking for more using google. As per the original new users FAQ "What Races and Classes are listed as released for Neverwinter Online? As per the Neverwinter FAQ when possible, the listed races and classes for the…
Well I like the versatility of rangers but it seems Cryptic does not know the definition of versatility so I'll play whatever vanila flavor ranger they build if available at launch. My second choice is a battle cleric, oops not there either, so I'll play a devoted cleric at launch it seems. Race is undecided at the moment.
I posted my question in the wrong thread so I will post it here also so I can be told we haven't released that yet. What does minimum of a 60 day wait for the regular drow have to do with exclusivity of the mezo renegade drow option? I am confused as to how holding something for 60 or more days makes something else…
Sounds like back pedaling to me and given Cryptics reputation on failing to follow through (see STO klingon path), I'll be amazed if we see drow in 60 days after launch. Misinformation deliberate or otherwise is seriously making me consider any other optioni but this game. It doesn't matter if it is free if another game…
Might want to try some of the links under post number 1 in the download issues sticky. They deal not only with download but patching and launching in some cases.
When you clikc on more information fo rthe guardian pack it says becoma a founder by buying the pack. Seeing as the add calls you a founder ,this would in my opinion make the guardian pack a founder pack and eligible for the drow.
It seems to me that Cryptic is starting to get very politician like in their wording. For example using the wording "at least and we plan" plans change and having no release date for the drow race means 60 days becomes a year becomes your paying for it. Found this bit rather interesting form the polygon article. "At the…
At the moment, Velasquez said, the studio is leaning towards making its largest content updates — like additional classes to bring them closer to the 12-strong sweet spot — will be free of charge. Other aspects, like more microtransaction-based content, will be determined and priced by Cryptic's interpretations of player…