Lack of information of the Control Wizard, not in the FAQ, no Dev response at all.
Something tells me within a few weeks you're gonna see a post stating "Control Wizard's won't be availble for the first 60 days unless you buy Hero of the North Founder Pack".
I can be cynical because I no longer trust this company.
Character is what a man is in the dark
We all have that inner voice that occasionally whispers obviously stupid things in our ear. The key is to learn to ignore it.
daed76Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
oh they are providing info on the gwf and control wizard but only in french. seems like they are doing live streams showing these classes but not in english. it's pretty lame.
You know what else they aren't releasing a ton of information about? Everything else that wasn't in the previous beta. You know why? Because of NDA.
As for the stream: Is that not the official PWE twitch channel? Yep.
So they have the right to show whatever they want in a game with their name on it? Yeah, they do.
Could they show some CW game play? Sure they can.
How about some Ranger game play? Yep, if they wanted to and it exists.
Would you still complain? Probably.
Hey, there's a conclusion! Ready, set, jump!
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
daed76Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You know what else they aren't releasing a ton of information about? Everything else that wasn't in the previous beta. You know why? Because of NDA.
As for the stream: Is that not the official PWE twitch channel? Yep.
So they have the right to show whatever they want in a game with their name on it? Yeah, they do.
Could they show some CW game play? Sure they can.
How about some Ranger game play? Yep, if they wanted to and it exists.
Would you still complain? Probably.
Hey, there's a conclusion! Ready, set, jump!
um..the complaint is that they are showing it with french commentators and not english ones.
um..the complaint is that they are showing it with french commentators and not english ones.
That is Perfect World Europe's TwitchTV site; why shouldn't it be in French? France is in Europe, you know, and as English-centric as we are here in North America, I am sure people in other countries appreciate content in their own language.
People need to remember that the developers are, themselves, under NDA agreements. Meaning that even THEY are not allowed to speak on these subjects because the public at large is too stupid to realize they they speak for themselves and will take everything as an official company statement. Hell, the developers are likely as much, or almost as much in the dark as we are regarding whatever the PR and sales departments are cooking-up.
Give them a break, will you?
If you don't like the news your reading, find a way to contact the Cryptic PR office and genuine, official answers to your questions. The simple fact is that most people who work for Cryptic, including the Community Manager and forum moderators, are not allowed to speak on things without permission, and in many cases don't know the answers at all.
Nothing wrong with complaining or grumbling about things. But we need to remember these facts and try not to put some of these people between a rock and hard place. Does anyone really think of a moderator of community manager knows the full and complete answer to a question that he wouldn't answer it if he were allowed to?
Always remember that a lot of these decisions (and lack of decision) is coming from higher-ups locked away in the bowels of the building. The people facing us have no control over when information is available and will certainly tell it to us when they have it and are allowed to do so.
Yeah, I think the drow lock for 60 days is stupid and a really poor PR move. I hope they wouldn't make that same mistake with the CW. Perception counts for a lot more than facts unfortunately and if people get a poor view of the game from some petty marketing mistakes that is bad. We'll see.
um..the complaint is that they are showing it with french commentators and not english ones.
So? Maybe the English stream isn't until later. Perhaps at prime time when the American English speaking audience will be much larger than noon on a Wednesday?
Perhaps not, does it matter? It's PWE and they can by all rights do whatever they want with their game. Which was my whole point.
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
So? Maybe the English stream isn't until later. Perhaps at prime time when the American English speaking audience will be much larger than noon on a Wednesday?
Perhaps not, does it matter? It's PWE and they can by all rights do whatever they want with their game. Which was my whole point.
The last time the released something in Europe first it took over 24 hours to make it to the states so I doubt it is prime time that drives their decisions. Nice for you to speak up for them though. No says they can't do what they want there just wondering why they are doing it the wy they are.
The last time the released something in Europe first it took over 24 hours to make it to the states so I doubt it is prime time that drives their decisions. Nice for you to speak up for them though. No says they can't do what they want there just wondering why they are doing it the wy they are.
Do you think the French say the same thing when something is released first in the US or in English? It is not like stuff has not been release in English before any other language before. Maybe it was just their turn? Who knows (Well except PWE).
Do you think the French say the same thing when something is released first in the US or in English? It is not like stuff has not been release in English before any other language before. Maybe it was just their turn? Who knows (Well except PWE).
ummm not sure what I said about it being released in Europe first. I don't care who gets it first I was just responding to a post about prime time being a reason for the delay. If anything I think the delay is to give whatever media outlet its exclusivity for x amount of hours/days. If they were just doing a rolling, roll out of information, what hit wherever they started first would be seen within 24 hours across the globe as the 2 o'clock release time hit. (note time picked arbitrarily)
ummm not sure what I said about it being released in Europe first. I don't care who gets it first I was just responding to a post about prime time being a reason for the delay. If anything I think the delay is to give whatever media outlet its exclusivity for x amount of hours/days. If they were just doing a rolling, roll out of information, what hit wherever they started first would be seen within 24 hours across the globe as the 2 o'clock release time hit. (note time picked arbitrarily)
Totally my bad I should have looked quoted the wrong person. Apologies.
Was totally supposed to be direct to daed76's post.
You know what else they aren't releasing a ton of information about? Everything else that wasn't in the previous beta. You know why? Because of NDA.
As for the stream: Is that not the official PWE twitch channel? Yep.
So they have the right to show whatever they want in a game with their name on it? Yeah, they do.
Could they show some CW game play? Sure they can.
How about some Ranger game play? Yep, if they wanted to and it exists.
Would you still complain? Probably.
Hey, there's a conclusion! Ready, set, jump!
um..the complaint is that they are showing it with french commentators and not english ones.
That is Perfect World Europe's TwitchTV site; why shouldn't it be in French? France is in Europe, you know, and as English-centric as we are here in North America, I am sure people in other countries appreciate content in their own language.
Give them a break, will you?
If you don't like the news your reading, find a way to contact the Cryptic PR office and genuine, official answers to your questions. The simple fact is that most people who work for Cryptic, including the Community Manager and forum moderators, are not allowed to speak on things without permission, and in many cases don't know the answers at all.
Nothing wrong with complaining or grumbling about things. But we need to remember these facts and try not to put some of these people between a rock and hard place. Does anyone really think of a moderator of community manager knows the full and complete answer to a question that he wouldn't answer it if he were allowed to?
Always remember that a lot of these decisions (and lack of decision) is coming from higher-ups locked away in the bowels of the building. The people facing us have no control over when information is available and will certainly tell it to us when they have it and are allowed to do so.
Oh and Zylaxx I sent you a PM.
So? Maybe the English stream isn't until later. Perhaps at prime time when the American English speaking audience will be much larger than noon on a Wednesday?
Perhaps not, does it matter? It's PWE and they can by all rights do whatever they want with their game. Which was my whole point.
The last time the released something in Europe first it took over 24 hours to make it to the states so I doubt it is prime time that drives their decisions.
Do you think the French say the same thing when something is released first in the US or in English? It is not like stuff has not been release in English before any other language before. Maybe it was just their turn? Who knows (Well except PWE).
ummm not sure what I said about it being released in Europe first. I don't care who gets it first I was just responding to a post about prime time being a reason for the delay. If anything I think the delay is to give whatever media outlet its exclusivity for x amount of hours/days. If they were just doing a rolling, roll out of information, what hit wherever they started first would be seen within 24 hours across the globe as the 2 o'clock release time hit. (note time picked arbitrarily)
HA Appeal to ignorance! The smell of Fallancies, this board is rank with it! You cannot prove that Crab people don't exist, therefore they must exist.
Totally my bad I should have looked quoted the wrong person. Apologies.
Was totally supposed to be direct to daed76's post.
Again apologies for being a dumbass.
The crab people perished in the Time War.
Thank you voice of reason. Please, please feel free to post more reasonable things such as this in the other hyperbolic threads.
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