I agree with the writer of this thread. Before Mod 16 game was ok and fun for the big majority of the players. Mod 16 destroyed the game for us. That's the reason why so many players left the game (me among them). People play the game to have fun, not to suffer get frustrated, for FUN. So if people get angry and frustrated…
Because this company made a huge mistake on mod 16 and nobody wants to admit it. If they weren't so stubborn and had change it back on time, this disaster wouldn't have happened. You have to cherish your customers, especially in this kind of business.
I agree. It's not just the horrendous scaling but also the weird nerfings of classes. The whole gameplay has been destroyed with Mod16. My CW is now a shadow of what it was. He is not a controller now, he is a eunuch. Patches here and there will not solve the underlying problem. The problem is in the base. It's a bad base…
Dear Mr. Thomas Foss, My advice to you is very simple: Recognize that the implementation of Mod 16 has been a huge mistake and get back to Mod 15 and solve first all the issues there like bugs, lag, etc., then put a more capable team to work on the next Mod (not just designing it but also playing it) so that the game give…
It's not just the scaling. It's almost the whole Mod 16 that is forcing people to leave. It's not just dungeons being impossible to finish; it's also all the weird changes of feats and powers. Why? Why change good working encounters for bad others? why longer cool downs, etc. etc. Classes were nerfed and mobs were…
I suppose the majority of the players will wait wait until the new Mod16 comes out, see what it is like for some time and, if it's as bad as people say in the forum, they will leave. Many will come back every now and then to see if something has changed. I hope that after some time -probably the next Mod17- the game will…
I think most of us have the same problem. I guess that if you are a very expert player with the right boons and other stuff and with a friend group with high IL you could do it. Alas most of the players -me among them- do not meet those requirements. So I pass.
We will see how it turns out. What I am worry, and with me a lot of players, is the solo content of the game. The only thing I read in the forum about M16 is about dungeons and parties. It seems that the solo content does not matter. And it matters a lot. The great majority of the players play solo, campaigns mostly. I see…
Some people think this game has to be played like a science. Making a study of it like you were at school. Well, you are wrong. The majority of the players do not play games to break their heads on them. They play for FUN. And if they don't like it then they leave, that easy. If you die too often you do not have fun. If…
I wonder what kind of gear have those who say that it is a good thing lifesteal is going away. Speaking for myself and many others I spoke with 11-13 k IL, taking lifesteal away is going to make really very hard to do the campaigns. Your only argument is that this change is good for the Healing aspect of the game but you…
It is confusing sometimes. I remember some time ago (...) having 'normal'sword knot on a companion. That sword knot was red coloured and I was wondering why. Later I found out that the sword knot had to be a especial one for a companion. If this happened to me you can bet that it happens to others too. Anyway it was a…
Of course new players will need something for their companions but then NW should have to give them low level companions gear by completing some quests or finding some especial treasures or completing some dungeons. My point is that it could be better to use only companion gear on companions. It's more logical and less…
As far as I see the game is going to be very hard to play without lifesteal and recovery. Especially the solo content is going to be a pain in the butt. Dungeons will have to relay on clerics, who btw are difficult to find, and good ones even more. The solo part (campaigns) worries me more. Especially without lifesteal is…
I just run with one of my characters and got no token after 10/10 CTA Weird thing is that before that I did get 1 token on my other character. I wonder if this token are only meant for 1 per account. Anyone knows?
Thx for your answers! and thx for the link pitmonster! Very usefull. I hope in the near future the bonus can be added to the Yeti mount. And the bug of the starlight augment be solved.
Thank you for your answers. First of all, Spidey, I have a life so I dont have much time to search around. Second, @ adinosii, I dont see any improvement at all on getting less rad's. Probably some players (like you?) with millions and millions of rad's dont get affected by that measures. But for ppl like me with few rad's…
Can you elaborate that? I don't understand it. I cannot finish the quest 'Mercantile Missions' that gives 25 EoE due to lack of quests. Maybe over a couple of days I'll finish it, considering that today I did 33%. So how can I get 25 EoE a day? is there another way to do it without questing?
I see. I did today one quest (the other one is 'Mercantile Missions" which I got now 33%) and a couple of others I found around. That's it. And all I got was 3 (!) Evidence of Evil. Lol, at this rate it will take years.
Thank you for your clear answer. It seems that NPC Ostaram has now 2 quests for me. I hope that after finishing those quests I get some more (but I doubt it :'( ).
As I said I dont have any quest at all to gather more evidence of evil. And I need 307 (!) to finish those 3 quests because I only have 53. So how am I suppose to get 307 EoE without any quests?
Right now I have 12 characters, each with 6 slots open, so it makes a total of 72 needed persons. Seeing the prices in the auction it would cost me around the 6 millions AD to buy Heroes just to reduce crafting time in 50%. Adventurers are of course cheaper but the reduced crafting time is just 25%. I can't afford such a…
I agree with fireopal3, Ghost Stories is way too hard -compared- with others of the same class. I know many ppl dont do it because of that and I always see ppl asking for party to enter there. Same thing happens in the WoD where there are 3 quests that lead you to instances that are also way too hard. Let me be clear, I…