I have just open 800 Thaumaturgic bags and 800 Artifact Paraphernalia with the next results:
800 Thaumaturgic bag Flawless Saphire: 8 Emerald: 235 Peridot: 558 Mod. Mark of Potency: 33 Lesser Mark of Potency: 344 Minor Mark of Potency: 419
800 Artifact Paraphernalia Flawless Saphire: 12 Emerald: 224 Peridot: 564 Mod. Mark of Potency: 20 Lesser Mark of Potency: 216 Minor Mark of Potency: 311 Greater Enchant. Stone: 15 Mod. Enchanting Stone: 239
I wonder what other players are crafting in this particular profession. I suppose most of them are crafting to get Refinement Points.
PS.- To Neverwinter developpers about the Minor Marks of Potency: Would you please change them for something a bit better or at least make them possible to convert in rp. You could obtain those marks at a lower profession level.
Thank you
Post edited by tholther on
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited March 2018
Quite frankly, I just do a little bit of everything: Enchanted Coffers, Artifact Paraphenalia and Resonant Bags. That is, 6 of my characters would run each Leadership task in 3 slots.
My 7th character just does alchemy tasks (Elemental Aggregate and Unified Elements) and my 8th does mostly leadership, except for one slot running some task using my Mythic Forgehammer.
Combined with the RPs I get through Quartermaster/Dragon Hoard and Fey Blessing enchants, I have more than enough RPs for my needs - so selling unbound refinement stones is a nice source of AD for me.
And of course, I wait with opening any bags that benefit form a 2x event until those events take place...meaning that I often open hundreds of bags at the same time.
Reso bags are best for RP as they don't have Minor Marks of Potency. Artifact bags are next as they have either Potency or Enchanting Stones. Thaum are worst because of potency, natch.
Enchanted coffers are mostly only good for the XP related to the task. How much this changes depends on how bad the RAD nerf was. They do still rarely drop GMOPS, but not really enough to matter.
Because I typically set tasks twice a day, before work and after work, it is necessary to pick tasks based on completion time. That means I end up with all 4 types.
Post edited by pitshade on
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
edited March 2018
I prioritize the task by the highest XP per hour and has a "bag'. The bag priority is enchanted coffer, Resonant bag and then Artifact Paraphernalia.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
Thaum bags are best for RP as they don't have Minor Marks of Potency. Artifact bags are next as they have either Potency or Enchanting Stones. Thaum are worst because of potency, natch.
I think your first "Thaum bags" is "Resonant bag".
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I dont know about the Resonant bag; it takes 16 hours... so only once a day you can get it while the Thaumaturgic takes 12, so about 2 a day. Unless ofcourse you have Adventurers (+25% speed) or Heroes (+50% speed) that for me are unaffordable (I would need like 80 of them ).
I use Adventurers but also, I don't start tasks on a 12 hour cycle. Around 6:30 am before work, I set up only 8 and 12 (base) hour tasks. After work, around 5:15 pm, I can take the 16 hour task. All of the tasks fit in those times.
There is also a rare 8 hour task for reso bags that uses easy to get mats and a 12 hour rare that uses much less common ones.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
I dont know about the Resonant bag; it takes 16 hours... so only once a day you can get it while the Thaumaturgic takes 12, so about 2 a day. Unless ofcourse you have Adventurers (+25% speed) or Heroes (+50% speed) that for me are unaffordable (I would need like 80 of them ).
I don't take that task and that only gives 500 XP. There are rare Resonant bag tasks. One takes 8 hours and one takes 12 hours. Both gives 1000 XP. I don't make any Thaum bag at all and I don't take any task which is longer than 12 hours or less than 1000 XP.
If there is no 'suitable' rare task available, these are the 3 tasks I run: Battle Elemental Cultists Guard Young Noble on Trip Guard Clerics of Ilmater.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I wonder why you take tasks for the XP. You can get more than enough XP by questing or doing skirmishes or dungeons. Leadership quests I do them for the rp's that you get from emeralds, saphires, peridots, also for the ench. stones, marks. Mostly for the rp's, but for the XP ??
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
I wonder why you take tasks for the XP. You can get more than enough XP by questing or doing skirmishes or dungeons. Leadership quests I do them for the rp's that you get from emeralds, saphires, peridots, also for the ench. stones, marks. Mostly for the rp's, but for the XP ??
XP reward gives rAD.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Yes, but very rarely, especially now. Since the last update I havent got any RAD from XP. Before that, maybe I got once a day the 30k RAD on one of my toons.
lantern22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,111Arc User
I did a quick comparison during a 2x enchants weekend when opening bags. Not a huge sample size - approx 150 of each bag. I recorded the drops and then used the average AH price for each item to calculate a bag value.
I did a quick comparison during a 2x enchants weekend when opening bags. Not a huge sample size - approx 150 of each bag. I recorded the drops and then used the average AH price for each item to calculate a bag value.
For Enchanted coffer, using per bag/coffer to compare may be a little bit misleading because for the same amount of time, it will make 2 coffers. It also usually takes longer to make a Resonance bag.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I did a quick comparison during a 2x enchants weekend when opening bags. Not a huge sample size - approx 150 of each bag. I recorded the drops and then used the average AH price for each item to calculate a bag value.
For Enchanted coffer, using per bag/coffer to compare may be a little bit misleading because for the same amount of time, it will make 2 coffers. It also usually takes longer to make a Resonance bag.
Yeah but Enchanted Coffers have a very high hit rate of Healing Potions
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
I did a quick comparison during a 2x enchants weekend when opening bags. Not a huge sample size - approx 150 of each bag. I recorded the drops and then used the average AH price for each item to calculate a bag value.
For Enchanted coffer, using per bag/coffer to compare may be a little bit misleading because for the same amount of time, it will make 2 coffers. It also usually takes longer to make a Resonance bag.
Yeah but Enchanted Coffers have a very high hit rate of Healing Potions
But it is still a lot better than minor mark of potency from Thaum.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
I prefer Enchanted Coffers. Well, mainly as a relic of the past - as with double enchantment event those gave more RP for my artefacts than any other alternative ...and a lot of random stuff as bonus. Now the enchantments are gone and double event boost other stuff too, so I have no idea how is the statistics now. But still - time wise - for any other bag you could get at least 2 enchanted coffers. The experience and gold gain is in favour for E. Coffers too. So I stick to those until I will get some reasonable evidence to stop.
I did a quick comparison during a 2x enchants weekend when opening bags. Not a huge sample size - approx 150 of each bag. I recorded the drops and then used the average AH price for each item to calculate a bag value.
For Enchanted coffer, using per bag/coffer to compare may be a little bit misleading because for the same amount of time, it will make 2 coffers. It also usually takes longer to make a Resonance bag.
Yeah but Enchanted Coffers have a very high hit rate of Healing Potions
But it is still a lot better than minor mark of potency from Thaum.
I opened the coffers, arti, thaum, and reson bags during the last 2X enchant. I wish I could import a table--it would save some typing. And make it easier to see.
Coffers: 2400 total coffers Rough percentages for Amethyst (15%), Peridot (6%) Pearl (15%), MOP (2.5%), GMOP (0.2%), Aggregate (.8%), Unified (0%), G.Enchant (1%). Total RP was 227,000 (not counting any bonus crits or mod enchants) I didn't record moderate enchants and healing potions. I was in a bit of a hurry.
Artifact: 1900 total bags Sapphires (.7%), Emeralds (29.6%), Peridot (69.7%) MOP (3.4%), Gr. Enchant (2.5%) LesserMOP (27.4%), ModEnchant (29.1%) I need to check why my numbers don't add up on the enchants/MOP side. Total RP was 454,000.
Thaum: 880 total bags Sapphires (1.3%), Emeralds (28.9%), Peridot (69.8%) MOP (5.6%), LesserMOP (41.2%), Remainder is 'baby' MOP, total RP was 200,000
Reson: 330 total bags Sapphires (1.5%), Emeralds (28.1%), Peridot (70.4%), Gr. Enchant (6.6%) , ModEnchant (93.4%) total rp was 91,000
I agree with the posts about the Thaum bags--not much reason to do them except to get the materials for the 8 hr resonance bag. The XP is only 1,000 if I remember correctly, and it is a 12 hour task. The best bang for coffers is the four hour task--better XP and short time for completion--but 4 hours isn't very helpful unless you can log into the game somewhat frequently.
I do like the coffers and artifact bags for the MOPs and occasional GMOP. I use the MOPs to generate AD by refining rank 5 and rank 6 cruel, brutal, savage, etc. If you have enough and a 'free source', you don't need pres wards. What would be nice is if they update the coffer to include the latest healing potion--not one that is significantly out of date.
I opened the coffers, arti, thaum, and reson bags during the last 2X enchant. I wish I could import a table--it would save some typing. And make it easier to see.
Coffers: 2400 total coffers Rough percentages for Amethyst (15%), Peridot (6%) Pearl (15%), MOP (2.5%), GMOP (0.2%), Aggregate (.8%), Unified (0%), G.Enchant (1%). Total RP was 227,000 (not counting any bonus crits or mod enchants) I didn't record moderate enchants and healing potions. I was in a bit of a hurry.
Artifact: 1900 total bags Sapphires (.7%), Emeralds (29.6%), Peridot (69.7%) MOP (3.4%), Gr. Enchant (2.5%) LesserMOP (27.4%), ModEnchant (29.1%) I need to check why my numbers don't add up on the enchants/MOP side. Total RP was 454,000.
Thaum: 880 total bags Sapphires (1.3%), Emeralds (28.9%), Peridot (69.8%) MOP (5.6%), LesserMOP (41.2%), Remainder is 'baby' MOP, total RP was 200,000
Reson: 330 total bags Sapphires (1.5%), Emeralds (28.1%), Peridot (70.4%), Gr. Enchant (6.6%) , ModEnchant (93.4%) total rp was 91,000
I agree with the posts about the Thaum bags--not much reason to do them except to get the materials for the 8 hr resonance bag. The XP is only 1,000 if I remember correctly, and it is a 12 hour task. The best bang for coffers is the four hour task--better XP and short time for completion--but 4 hours isn't very helpful unless you can log into the game somewhat frequently.
In my opinion, doing Thaum bag for the material for 8 hr resonance does not worth it. I understand you were not suggesting that neither. Each task only creates one Bandit Camp clue and it needs 3 to do one 8 hr resonance. The material can be obtained through enchanted coffer. In the worst case, we can buy that from AH and the price is pretty low.
I do like the coffers and artifact bags for the MOPs and occasional GMOP. I use the MOPs to generate AD by refining rank 5 and rank 6 cruel, brutal, savage, etc. If you have enough and a 'free source', you don't need pres wards. What would be nice is if they update the coffer to include the latest healing potion--not one that is significantly out of date.
For whatever reason, the out-of-date healing potion actually sell well in AH. Because the enchanted coffer does not make the latest healing potion, it also keeps the price of the latest potion high and that is another item I also sell a lot. Hence, I am not complaining about enchanted coffer not generating the latest healing potion.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Arrrrghh! (not the pirate emphasis, but the charlie brown frustration kind, like when Lucy pulls the football away! ) I never think to sell those types of items on the AH--I just tend to dump them or sell them for gold. Missed opportunity, i guess.
Did I understand you to mean that the enchanted coffers drop bandit clues? Or were you thinking of the other materials for resonance bag tasks? I don't remember getting bandit clues in the coffers. Buying them on the AH is a good idea, though.
The Battle Elemental Cultist (two coffers, 30 silver, and 2500XP) is a good option if you can't log in every four hours for the single enchanted coffer version, which is Guard Young Noble. GYN is four hours and gives one coffer, 30 silver, and 1500XP. If you can log in, you get more XP for doing three of those (or even two of them) than you do for the single Twelve hour version. And more gold. The drawback is that if you are managing a few dozen toons, selecting all those four hour tasks can be a job all by itself.
I tend to run the three you have listed above, @Plasticbat (Battle Elemental Cultists, Guard Young Noble on Trip, Guard Clerics of Ilmater.), but I also run the Protect Magical Goods market, knowing that I will eat all the thaumaturgic bags and their minor MOPs. Maybe if enough people stop running that one, I will sell all the bandit clues for a decent amount on the AH For Rare tasks, I really like the Hunt Down an Escaped Experiment (Artifact bag, no gold, but 4,000XP in 12 hours). Kill a Dragon and Hunt Down Bandit Leader are the other two rare tasks that provide resonant bags.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
edited March 2018
Enchanted coffer drops different kind of profession material. It also drops Bandit Clue. Not a lot but there are some. That is based on my memory. However, you should not trust my memory though. I won't bet anything on my own memory. On the other hand, since I don't make the Bandit clue through Thaum bag task and I seldom buy it from AH. Unless I can always pick them up from the ground, I believe it has to be from enchanted coffer.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
I dont know about the Resonant bag; it takes 16 hours... so only once a day you can get it while the Thaumaturgic takes 12, so about 2 a day. Unless ofcourse you have Adventurers (+25% speed) or Heroes (+50% speed) that for me are unaffordable (I would need like 80 of them ).
Leadership has 2 slots for Professionals, 2 slots for tools, so you only need 18 heroes.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
I dont know about the Resonant bag; it takes 16 hours... so only once a day you can get it while the Thaumaturgic takes 12, so about 2 a day. Unless ofcourse you have Adventurers (+25% speed) or Heroes (+50% speed) that for me are unaffordable (I would need like 80 of them ).
Leadership has 2 slots for Professionals, 2 slots for tools, so you only need 18 heroes.
He probably has 10 characters with 8 professional slots open. Probably why he said he needs 80 of them.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Right now I have 12 characters, each with 6 slots open, so it makes a total of 72 needed persons. Seeing the prices in the auction it would cost me around the 6 millions AD to buy Heroes just to reduce crafting time in 50%. Adventurers are of course cheaper but the reduced crafting time is just 25%. I can't afford such a huge amounts of AD's. Maybe in the future but not right now.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
Right now I have 12 characters, each with 6 slots open, so it makes a total of 72 needed persons. Seeing the prices in the auction it would cost me around the 6 millions AD to buy Heroes just to reduce crafting time in 50%. Adventurers are of course cheaper but the reduced crafting time is just 25%. I can't afford such a huge amounts of AD's. Maybe in the future but not right now.
Just in case one day you acquire an Hero and be disappointed, an hero does not reduce crafting time 50%. You need 2 Hero to reduce crafting time 50%. Hero is 50% more productive but that does not cut the time 50%.
The formula is: time / production
Hero is 50% more productive: original time / 1.5 = craft time = 0.67 of original time. 2 hero is 100% more productive: original time / 2 = craft time = 0.5 of original time Same thing applies to Adventurers, etc.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
My 7th character just does alchemy tasks (Elemental Aggregate and Unified Elements) and my 8th does mostly leadership, except for one slot running some task using my Mythic Forgehammer.
Combined with the RPs I get through Quartermaster/Dragon Hoard and Fey Blessing enchants, I have more than enough RPs for my needs - so selling unbound refinement stones is a nice source of AD for me.
And of course, I wait with opening any bags that benefit form a 2x event until those events take place...meaning that I often open hundreds of bags at the same time.
Enchanted coffers are mostly only good for the XP related to the task. How much this changes depends on how bad the RAD nerf was. They do still rarely drop GMOPS, but not really enough to matter.
Because I typically set tasks twice a day, before work and after work, it is necessary to pick tasks based on completion time. That means I end up with all 4 types.
There is also a rare 8 hour task for reso bags that uses easy to get mats and a 12 hour rare that uses much less common ones.
Both gives 1000 XP. I don't make any Thaum bag at all and I don't take any task which is longer than 12 hours or less than 1000 XP.
If there is no 'suitable' rare task available, these are the 3 tasks I run:
Battle Elemental Cultists
Guard Young Noble on Trip
Guard Clerics of Ilmater.
Results were
Thaum - 467AD/bag
Resonance - 508AD/bag
Enchanted Coffers - 234AD/coffer
Now the enchantments are gone and double event boost other stuff too, so I have no idea how is the statistics now. But still - time wise - for any other bag you could get at least 2 enchanted coffers. The experience and gold gain is in favour for E. Coffers too.
So I stick to those until I will get some reasonable evidence to stop.
Coffers: 2400 total coffers Rough percentages for Amethyst (15%), Peridot (6%) Pearl (15%), MOP (2.5%), GMOP (0.2%), Aggregate (.8%), Unified (0%), G.Enchant (1%). Total RP was 227,000 (not counting any bonus crits or mod enchants) I didn't record moderate enchants and healing potions. I was in a bit of a hurry.
Artifact: 1900 total bags Sapphires (.7%), Emeralds (29.6%), Peridot (69.7%) MOP (3.4%), Gr. Enchant (2.5%) LesserMOP (27.4%), ModEnchant (29.1%) I need to check why my numbers don't add up on the enchants/MOP side. Total RP was 454,000.
Thaum: 880 total bags Sapphires (1.3%), Emeralds (28.9%), Peridot (69.8%) MOP (5.6%), LesserMOP (41.2%), Remainder is 'baby' MOP, total RP was 200,000
Reson: 330 total bags Sapphires (1.5%), Emeralds (28.1%), Peridot (70.4%), Gr. Enchant (6.6%) , ModEnchant (93.4%) total rp was 91,000
I agree with the posts about the Thaum bags--not much reason to do them except to get the materials for the 8 hr resonance bag. The XP is only 1,000 if I remember correctly, and it is a 12 hour task. The best bang for coffers is the four hour task--better XP and short time for completion--but 4 hours isn't very helpful unless you can log into the game somewhat frequently.
I do like the coffers and artifact bags for the MOPs and occasional GMOP. I use the MOPs to generate AD by refining rank 5 and rank 6 cruel, brutal, savage, etc. If you have enough and a 'free source', you don't need pres wards. What would be nice is if they update the coffer to include the latest healing potion--not one that is significantly out of date.
I never think to sell those types of items on the AH--I just tend to dump them or sell them for gold. Missed opportunity, i guess.
Did I understand you to mean that the enchanted coffers drop bandit clues? Or were you thinking of the other materials for resonance bag tasks? I don't remember getting bandit clues in the coffers. Buying them on the AH is a good idea, though.
The Battle Elemental Cultist (two coffers, 30 silver, and 2500XP) is a good option if you can't log in every four hours for the single enchanted coffer version, which is Guard Young Noble. GYN is four hours and gives one coffer, 30 silver, and 1500XP. If you can log in, you get more XP for doing three of those (or even two of them) than you do for the single Twelve hour version. And more gold. The drawback is that if you are managing a few dozen toons, selecting all those four hour tasks can be a job all by itself.
I tend to run the three you have listed above, @Plasticbat (Battle Elemental Cultists, Guard Young Noble on Trip, Guard Clerics of Ilmater.), but I also run the Protect Magical Goods market, knowing that I will eat all the thaumaturgic bags and their minor MOPs. Maybe if enough people stop running that one, I will sell all the bandit clues for a decent amount on the AH
For Rare tasks, I really like the Hunt Down an Escaped Experiment (Artifact bag, no gold, but 4,000XP in 12 hours). Kill a Dragon and Hunt Down Bandit Leader are the other two rare tasks that provide resonant bags.
On the other hand, since I don't make the Bandit clue through Thaum bag task and I seldom buy it from AH. Unless I can always pick them up from the ground, I believe it has to be from enchanted coffer.
The formula is:
time / production
Hero is 50% more productive:
original time / 1.5 = craft time = 0.67 of original time.
2 hero is 100% more productive:
original time / 2 = craft time = 0.5 of original time
Same thing applies to Adventurers, etc.