Hamster no I dont like playing a 3 button fishing game for hours on end in hopes I get a map so I can chip away the lanolin mountain I want to run dungeons .... its Dungeons and Dragons Neverwinter not tiger electronics hand held bassfishing
Theo 's WTH were they thinking blog .... a word from the author ... I used to play this game a lot with my friends and guild. I met a lot of people from all over the world that I am still friends with IRL I enjoyed going into dungeons and going ok you get valindras coffins from 12 to 3 you get from 3 to 6 ect you died…
I still play from time to time but not near as much as i used to and I was looking forward to this being the mod that drew me back but it wasnt. it feels like its copy pasted from mod 3. farm heroics to get your gloves ... I mean boots. fill them up with magic module mcguffin wait do dailies in a couple areas ether a…
as A GWF that doesn't run ahead and lets the tank grab first it still sucks to be one shot out of nowhere. if they arent gong to fix threat at least give us some kind of visual cue like omen or threat plates ala WoW I honestly have no idea at what point I am going to rip aggro off of my tank onto my face and die I would…
more dungeons?..... you know ones with bosses and actual fight mechanics that are interesting like the floor falling on the hentai nightmare boss from spellplague caverns
yea botters dont tend to leave their jobs but when most of my guild up and stops playing and i know many other guilds can say the same and not everyone plays through steam so the numbers are a bit skewed
what I read "introducing the grind engine" get out there a do your repeatable quests for your boons! 60-70 toons here have some more to grind out on top of shar DR WoD IWD and hopefully you will quit playing before you realize there is very little endgame content but by that time we will have the money you spent on mounts…
so as far as the new mount system goes all the mounts that I have had in the past and had to get rid of because "if it aint at least purple its a waste of bank (or bag) space", will we be able to use those mounts? the ones that were bound? great Idea btw some of the green and blue mounts are nice but would cost way too…
I have gotten the artifacr pack for the last 10 days and all they has were 2 cubes and a bunch of garbage refinemet (green stabilty stones ect...) and you know what I think? just bad luck you people really need to look up Gamblers fallacy if you have a 1/1000 chance to get x then each time you open you have a 1/1000 chance…
Honestly i would work on getting your ilev up with some enchants or elven gear and try to go for the twisted set being that they are just about the best weapon for any DPS class dont waste any more RP on the elemetal fire weapons
/sarcasm voice "oh why didnt I think of that?" how does it matter? because I do professions on 15 toons and the less clicky work the better some people have more than that and its annoying.
um what? I have no idea what you are talking about and i dont think we are talking about the same thing I meant the ticker that comes down when you complete tasks and start new ones telling you what you are doing it covers your profession slots I would like tha moved to the side so you can still see it but its not in your…
too bad you lost all crediblity for your Ideas when you devolved this into a nerf GWF post GWF is fine apart from its other 2 specs being useless but thats about par for the course for this game and the striker classes how about this BUFF archery HR to be a dps contender then you can be a little less rump stung towards…
no its completely doable in a pug and I have gotten gold many times in a non guild group I just prefer it but there really needs to be a queue where you can get a 10 man group in even if you are grabbing people from legit or just some PE randos