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  • Put mine in last night before this current **** storm...... to bad it will be probably 10 days before it is even read with this **** company.
  • Nope no ban for me, you think I would get all huffy over getting what I deserved if i had used exploits?
  • BUMP Looks like this game is really going down the toilet, so lets see if we can get the support site fixed so more consumers can demand a refund on a bad product!
  • Will continue to bump this thread till there is some sort of response or progress. Its obvious they dont give a flying HAMSTER about players if the support site has been screwed for days.
  • So there are community managers and administrators that read these boards, but wont touch this thread about the support site being down with a 10 foot pole, or at least pass the message along to some one that can fix this HAMSTER.
  • I would still rather send it threw the actual support system because I have had emails to customer support just plain ignored before. But thanks for the info that is what I may have to end up doing.
  • Oh nice. I will try again tomorrow I guess.
  • Well at least I know that it is not working for multiple people.
  • Here I will try to translate from ***-hat in to English. Y U NO PLAY TANK OR HEALER!?!
  • Level 1-60 in 4-5 days of playing, doing evrey quest. A few weeks to run the same dungies over and over for T2. Broken PvP with 2 maps. Foundries that aren't really even worth your time to do. Yup that whole month of content will truly last this game a long time.
  • The thing is that this game HAS equal to or less to offer content wise than most other games that are new or in beta add to that the tons of exploits, bugs, and the general lack of caring about the game the devs have shown, why should any one bother with this game over generic MMO xyz? No one cares about your old timer…
  • What?! Unsatisfied consumers can be listened to to have positive things done regarding a product? I thought the only thing to do was either be completely silent in outrage or throw blind adoration! Sarcasm off. Finally some one understands.
  • Derp i keep forgetting to quote when i post
  • Don't like my opinion? To bad then shut up and skip my posts. I have the freedom to express my opinions and do what I please, and I will continue to do so, so that 3rd partys possibly reading these forums for opinions on the game can get arguments from both sides of the coin.
  • Its called having and expressing a point of view. If party A thinks a product is great and raves about it, while party B thinks it is utter HAMSTER but remains silent how are people looking for information about said product supposed to get a broad view of the opinions on it. Stop crying and being a jerk because you…
  • Its ok guys this recent patch fixed... the gateway! So now you can log in to the inter webs to update your crafting on the broken/bug/exploit filled game!
  • Evey one has an opinion, that's fine. But people that are so certain as to the actions of another person or group of people to then state what they THINK as a fact are ridiculous. You want to think and say that you think there will be no wipe fine. But for any one to say that one way or another it as a fact is asinine…
    in Wipe? Comment by theenigma7 May 2013
  • There also comes a point where its better to go back on what you have said than to keep that statement true. Is this one of those situations? Don't know. But no one can argue that the game would not be in a different state were it not for the multiple exploits it has had.
    in Wipe? Comment by theenigma7 May 2013
  • I am certain that as a business they have COMPLETE records of all zen purchases and transfers in to the game of Neverwinter. "Impossibility of the task" This is an issue of basic book keeping that every business does. Seriously its not that difficult, you make it sound as if these people can not put one foot in front of…
    in Wipe? Comment by theenigma7 May 2013
  • Did you buy zen with real world money? Yes = then its refunded to your account, in the exact amount purchased only. No = then it is not refunded after wipe You played the market to gain the zen you got, and you can do it again after the wipe just as easy. Why would they refund Zen that was gotten by in game means when they…
    in Wipe? Comment by theenigma7 May 2013
  • Its fairly simple.... only refund the zen to people that bought it from the website with real cash, and in the exact amounts. They know exactly who has and exactly how much zen some one has purchased, and can easily refund that amount to the account. And I am fairly certain that zen is purely a player market, no one has…
  • Many games in open beta would wipe for the mass amounts or exploits going on. Foundry exp exploit, afk pvp, one shot boss farming, profession pack exploit, on and on....... its kind of a rough launch and for the most part deserving of a fresh start. Make at least PvP gear and T 1/2 BOP, give players back any zen they spent…
  • Pvp afk farming will be fixed, hopefully they make the rewards based on your score and not just totally destroy it like they did the foundry. And all the honor gained this way will eventually in the long run balance out like all things do. Report and ignore gold site spammers. Join a guild and stop blitzing content with…
  • Sorry but that screen shot does not prove any thing, it does not prove that GWF is "ok", nor does it show that it is over or under powered. Your teammates have mass amounts of assists, showing that all of the kills for your team were all team efforts. All that shows is good group target selection. Your teammate rogue and…
  • Sorry but no, you have a good chance at obtaining a ward every 7 days..... per character that is level 11+ and can invoke. buy up to 6 slots for I think 6$ for evrey 2 and that 6 chances per week. Not to mention 6xs the daily rough to astral exchange rate to buy wards with (A little hint for you, wait a while and the price…
  • Really would be great if we can enter skirmishes that may have been forcibly skipped by inadvertent over leveling. Hopefully it will be put in soon, all they would need to do is link an npc to the skirmish and be done with it.
  • The simple fact that you can not "walk up to and enter" skirmishes after you are past the level range is stopping it. Thanks for the uninformed reply that shows you either can not read or have no clue, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Edit: DOH! I forgot to quote in my reply.