> @adamsforum said: > I used to love playing this game because I could use the interface and could advance my skill tree, no longer liking this game i die and I'm a tank and cant even take on 5 enemies 15 levels lower without dying. thats probably scaling causing your issue
the rubberbanding makes some things unplayable. it becomes impossable to move out of the red areas. can't count how many times i have died because of this
please fix the scaling system, as it is, it is punishing people for making progress. Also please add character portrates back to the HUD. It is very difficult to keep track of our teem mates without them.
> @"iamsmokingone#2455" said: > i've made this same comment before.....they didn't add any new mechanics, they just sped up all the enemies, nerfed everything and removed all our buffs, which does make the game more challenging, but not in a fun way > > from the limited amount of dungeons i've ran this increased attack and…
> @"luciano#9913" said: > Portuguese translation of the neverwinter has to be updated she is not translating many things this thread is specific to the foundry which doesn't exist anymore. maybe post your issue in the PC general area? esse segmento é específico da fundição que não existe mais. talvez postar seu problema na…
you can only slot 3 at once though (4 for CW) so outside of customization -which they are obviously moving away from- there really only needs to be a few viable powers. but yeah CD is rediculous especialy while leveling up
> @adinosii said: > NWO: The game that punishes players for progressing. you know you have a problem when players are saying stuff like this. Unhappy customers don't spend money, no money = no profit. business 101 here. I honestly don't know why the devs don't listen to input.
upscaling is in a good place yes but downscaling is horrible, with the way things are with how much damage we deal i don't think scaling really is needed anywhere except ques
> @revenantpt said: > i want my artifacts neck and waist...faaassttttttt.....srsly... CRYPTIC.... > > you could always buy them from ah for a ridiculous price, just saying They don't bind on pickup? Most of the campaign gear binds as soon as you buy it