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What is the Arc Client?
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  • Better they add banner "Give me your RL money" than doing this sneaky thing with VIP.. How i see they will ruin everything in this game just to force ppls to pay more.. :) I see why ppls leaving this game.. there is more better MMO's.
  • Idc if will take 6-8-10-12h.. just don't ruin something.. Better we wait lil' bit than to play with more bugs or broken instances/dungeons.. :) I expect patch fix tomorrow. ^^ Just kidding.. good night all :D Edit: 1212 MB update.. wtf they add lol..
  • Guys i found solution, i saw one dude use one program for VPN connection called "BattlePing" i use this and belive me i played few hours without any problem..All work perfectly like server is in my room ^^ haha. It's free to use so check it. Everyone who have this problem try that program, choose which server u will use…
  • The way how i avoid this is.. when i have server not responding and teleporting arround.. stuck few secs.. for 10 secs etc.. i just log out and log in fast.. and all is good... i think problem is between user and server.. is like "u pick wrong line" after log out/in u just "pick up good line" lol This is not every time,…
  • They should first give for free on preview shard ppls to try it.. and if they like, they will buy it.. so everyone is happy.. not like u buy smth u don't even know what u buy..u just saw on trailer something ( what someone make video from 1-2 angle and that's all..) So now if u ready to give money for something ( what u…
  • That happen to me few times.. try to close/open few times that should work. Worked for me today :)
  • I have the same problem with my Hunter Ranger.. filled all till paragon tree ( second feat in paragon tree is filled and next one's no) Wth.. i do respec 4-5 days before this update and i don't understand why "everyone" get that for free and i must pay for that -.- ffs.. i don't rly have AD for respec :O
  • I had a problem like everyone here, then one day i played 3 hours all was ok.. next day starts again... i though is my pc/internet, installed new system, call my internet provider and we check everything ( changed modem too ), i install game and now log in.. all was good.. but.. when i enter in dungeon i have same problem…
  • Guys.. after server maintenance today my game worked well.. i played 3 hours all was good.. ( once i had lagg in dungeon but after 2 min was ok ), idk to test ping to servers etc.. Well like everyone here ( i am sure ) i just wanted report a problem not to judge or smth.. Just i don't understand something, if we have (…
  • This is not normal how game laggy... I log in normaly, all perfect.. but every 2-3 mins i have "Server not responding" sometimes is 10 secs.. sometimes is 120secs.. and sometimes let me play 20min then every 5 secs teleporting me arround.. I don't know what that is.. i though is my pc first.. then internet.. i checked…