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  • Ok guys got it, Thanks to all...........
  • OK, just tried 2 different types of shards, but I'm not sure I'm getting the right things. In my quest description it states "Attempt to upgrade an elemental enhanced shard" (So I guess I chose elemental), is that a particular shard. Can you be more specific in which I should be buying ?
  • Yes he probably did, I don't remember. Would the shards be sellable, could I have sold them not realising they were part of this quest ? If I did is there anyway of completing this quest.
  • Yeap I use Xpadder as well, seems to be OK.
  • Getting the same "Too many attempts, please try later" message. Just a guess but I would think that there's been multiple failed attempts to log into my account by persons unknown. (Attempted account hack). I can log into the forums ok, just not the game. Have checked my account details, email address etc. (All ok). Have…
  • @greenheart................ I may class myself as a casual player, but in comparison to other players in PVE, dungeons, parties and open world PVE I am generally above average. I'm pretty sure Cryptic would want to attract all types of players for financial reasons, from "leet" to very casual, not everybody want's to…
  • Whatever that means, your way off the mark............... I do very little chatting. The only time I chat is if I'm looking for a party or in a party.. In fact I have no idea how you came to that conclusion from my post. (Maybe the word "casual" confused you). Just because I said I'm a casual player, doesn't mean I don't…
  • Quote........... goldheart.......... "Split get nerf ES will be next good option. Your having a laugh, now I'm a casual PVE player, I'm not into the deep mechanics of slills etc, I just like to log on, enjoy the game (Edit: Oh yeah and have that thing called "FUN"), in other words I'm not hardcore or "leet" as some of you…
  • Well I only have my Hunter/Ranger, I have played for months to level, complete the campaigns, get armour and weapons. Just bought some Zen for the first time to make the game "experience" better for me. And Cryptic come along and cut one of my skills by 45% Some peoples answer in this thread seems to be tough, just reroll…
  • Yeah same here, ordered EQN as well.................. Rangers were pretty much excluded from dungeons and end game content in GW2, and the same will happen in Neverwinter, in fact it's already happening. It's a shame, I was really enjoying my Neverwinter Ranger, and just bought my first Zen, but never again, just thought I…
  • Yeap have to agree, I only play a Hunter/Ranger, don't intent to play anything else. Probably the end of Neverwinter for me. I can never understand why so called developers want to nerf everything into the ground, it's not only happens in Neverwinter, but many other MMO's as well. And seems to happen mainly to Rangers,…
  • Same with me, disconnects. disconnects............. getting fed up with it now.
  • Yeah I'm having trouble dodging as well, doesn't seem very responsive. And having come from GW I'm having some problems getting used to being rooted to the spot while using my bow, I'm more used to kiting and being rooted seems so frustrating.
  • Bumping this, it's a big problem for me.
  • Well thanks for the help guys, I seem to be back on track now with a few quests, nothing from Knox yet though. Just did a couple of foundry things to gain a level. (I find the foundry quite confusing).
  • Yup I'm in favour of a wipe, lets start from fresh with the game when it's released properly.
  • Hunting the harper I've done, it either gave me further quests that have been done or it gave me nothing. I have looked everywhere, talked to everybody, gone back over the entire area's, I don't know what level I might need to be for Knox to give me a quest in a new area. I'm sort of stood here wondering what to do. Guess…
  • Why ? Shouldn't I have game quests that still need doing to progress through the levels and game story without resorting to foundry quests ? If I do foundry quests and level higher I could outlevel any future storyline quests. I'm level 19. See attached.
  • Well Knox has nothing. Pressing "L" the right hand box of the 3 "Earn Experience" say's "No new quests seem appropriate for you now. Explore the world to find new adventure and check here again later". So do I just go to a higher area which warns me that the area is too high a level ? I have no idea.
  • I don't see how I could "Do something horribly wrong", I followed all the quests through, completed all the quests, did as I was directed to, my friend would tell me if I did something "Horribly wrong".
  • As far as I know I've done everything, and like I said I've searched everywhere for something else. And yes initially the quests were stacking up, but as I've completed quests (And taken on new quests) I've gradually run out of things to complete.
  • That's much better with a wider field of view. Although changing the value in the file didn't work for me, just kept giving me an error on starting the game. So been using the command to do this while in-game /gfxSetDefaultFOV <number> However it would be really nice to be able to zoom in and out using the mouse wheel,…
  • I actually bought the founders pack ages ago when it first came out, I'm in the UK and had the same problems the op was having. I asked support why it had cost me about 40GBP than it was if you converted USD to GBP and their excuse was it's VAT added on. I have never EVER had that problem with any other game in the past,…
  • I don't care what you say there isn't a tax, the game is $199.99 in the EU, not $199.99 + tax. The difference is just because of the exchange rates, which vary quite regularly. So people in the EU would theoretically pay more for it one day than another, although PW seem to have set the exchange rate at a fixed rate.…
  • Your wrong, there is no vat tax added, I have just had a reply back from suppport and the cost is a direct conversion of the $199.99, there is NO tax added.
  • It IS their fault by not letting GB buyers pay in US Dollars.
  • It's nothing to with EU users paying more, they are NOT paying any more than the the asking price $199.99 It's to do with exchange rates, if you wanted to buy $199.99 with Euro's you would pay 147.87EUR for them, so the game is not any more expensive, and it's nothing to do with European taxes as they would have to state a…
  • Well I just bought the game in the UK, and I'm about to cancel it. The game (The founders pack) is $199.99 a lot of cash, which I don't mind paying. Paid by Paypal, and they have charged me in Euro's, so I have ended up paying a lot more for the game than paying in USD. 199.99USD = 189.99EUR (What it cost in Euro's)…