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  • That's the worst possible attitude to have in an MMO as the size of the community is everything....the moment the player base dies is the moment funds stop rolling in and the servers are shut down. You will always have people who're unhappy with change or who don't agree with the direction the game is heading in...however…
  • Mod6 content as easy to solo as mod 5 with the right gear? Someone is drinking the koolaid..... Look I get that it is POSSIBLE to solo all of the content in the game with the right gear and the right character spec...however I was destroying everything in sight during Mod 5 with a character build that was suspect at best.…
  • Solo'ing is a thing of the past for the casual gamer....I can still get by in many areas, but if you actually plan on accomplishing anything in MOD6 (without paying) you'll need to group up
  • I suspect with all of the AAA titles hitting stores over the next few months framerate issues won't be a problem....
  • I'll throw a few hits but NEVER inflict so much damage I potentially steal a kill that could count towards one of their objectives ...of course on the reverse I would never turn down help from others even if it cost me a few objective kills.
  • Based on the ease of getting a group together roughly 4-5 months ago I would say yes the system is broke....Frankly at this point I would take an option that allowed you to queue for all available dungeons, or better yet have them show the number of players currently in queue for a particular dungeon
  • Considering the amount of companion fortification kits i've gotten over the last 45 days (roughly) from VIP daily keys I will say it definitely can't be worse than the black earth lock box's i've opened....
  • Sounds like a horrible strategy for earning AD's.....typically these items are immediately bought so you're taking a major gamble by hoping that others will post at your set price prior to someone buying your items out. The fact is when I see three or four of an item well below market value (factoring in TH fees) I snatch…
  • It's unfortunate the game doesn't have a bounty system....I would gladly pay good AD's to have a few of these #$%^@ tracked and killed on a routine basis.
  • Went through the same while upgrading an enchantment with a 25% success rate (yes I know they're cheaper on the TH...lets tag this in the "things i now know thread")....after burning through my 10th preservation ward I was pissed, by 15 I was enraged, had I hit 20 I might have gone into full on hulk rage mode.
  • There are at least a dozen quests in the mod 6 content that this applies to (specifically Dwarven Valley as this is the most difficult area to solo)...the fact that you shrug it off as an open world game says more about you and your lack of character than those irritated about it. Neverwinter isn't a cut throat world, it's…
  • I've practically given up on pvp....there is simply too large of a gear disparity once you hit 70 for it to be fun as one side almost always dominates the match.
  • This is an absolute maddening aspect of the game that needs to be fixed....it's those kind of gamers that make me hate online gaming.
  • From my experience you're only cheating yourself by using #3 or #4.....if the market appears stable and prices are tight I can knock 1 AD off the price and have the item sold before I log off. It's human nature to pick the lowest priced item (even if it's 1 AD) so there simply isn't a need to drastically undercut the…
  • If you sold just the 4 coins and egg you would've came close to breaking even at150k leaving you with the rewards from 148 boxes....10-15k AD's seems well worth the gamble
  • The biggest issue creating distrust within the community is the lack of transparency when these decisions are being made while knowing the impact it will have on people's accounts....as Zak pointed out, it's fairly obvious that conveniently dropping the price of GMOP after DR was intended to drain the market of AD's. You…
  • I think this is the entire problem with neverwinter in it's current state....new content is great, however there has been so much so fast that people haven't had an opportunity to soak it all in. Over time everyone will catch back up (DR helped), however in the meantime people are simply overwhelmed trying to keep up to…
  • A bit of the pot calling the kettle black is it not?
  • The inadvertent instant double button tap has happened to be on more than one occasion....sometimes it's my fault for being impatient, but typically it's just good ol' shoddy coding ruining a days worth of RAD's
  • The inadvertent instant double button tap has happened to be on more than one occasion....sometimes it's my fault for being impatient, but typically it's just good ol' shoddy coding ruining a days worth of RAD's
  • I have always found it odd when someone drastically undercuts the market by 10-20% when you can sell something valuable within a few hours by simply posting it 1 AD below the lowest buyout price. Of course with that being said it's all about supply and demand....if you properly priced your item it will eventually sale.
  • I wouldn't argue with that.....90% of my stance is based around my view that the vast majority of the NW community, much like myself, only have 1 or 2 characters. I frankly find keeping up with the 2 I have to be tedious, 8 would just seem like a chore (50 would seem like a job). HOWEVER, if you have the patience and a…
  • This times a 1000....considering the length of time it took to obtain enough linus favors to obtain a single piece of draconic templar gear it's gut wrenching to have to salvage them for a few thousand RAD's...ESPECIALLY considering how rare it has become to even get in a full 25 person group in tiamat, much less one…
  • Leadership pre or post RAD's removal is the obvious so i'll go with playing for nearly 6 months with my standard mount. The 110% movement speed bonus of an epic mount simply can't be understated.....
  • 1st, take your spam that blows up my chat window and (sorry i'll be nice)....2nd, that has nothing to do with the value of gold in this game, that has to do with your ability to maximize trades through the use of gold and AD's (there are countless ways of buying low and selling high in this game)....3rd I'm not disagreeing…
  • "Honestly dude" you really should learn the concept of discussion forums...*hint* it's not so we can all sit around an imaginary camp fire singing kumbaya while agreeing how amazing everything about neverwinter is I stated a well established fact within the neverwinter community...gold is easily obtainable and virtually…
  • The solution is simple.....you only need to look at the black ice profession to see how they could make leadership in line with the other professions by requiring players be involved in the game in order to obtain the resources necessary to create RAD's (which could then be converted into AD's at the 24k limit). I…
  • Upped XP and coins? Those are 2 of the most worthless things in the game by the time you've reached lvl 70...
  • Thanks for the tip....it's a tad irritating as i'm generally rolling because i just got nailed and need to escape to heal. Thankfully with a TR there are enough alternative moves to either retreat or evade long enough to heal...it's simply a glitch that has put me in a tough spot on more than one occasion.
  • It certainly doesn't take much to get someone's panties in a bunch....if you're going to voice an opinion you should be prepared for someone to have an opposing view, if we all agreed then what would be the point of discussion forums? Now take a breath and act like an articulate mature adult...or throw a tantrum, either…