It has actually always been the opposite like when they added a second paragon path for the HR there was no respec token given. The only time they give a respec token is when they change the powers drastically, otherwise if they only change feats their was only a feat respec given.
I know you said you don't want a stone but if your going to do dungeons like elol and the likes the stones are the best and its not because of the active bonus it's because you get all the stats on the stones transferred to your char you can get like 1k power and other things like crit recovery which all increase your…
I think its funny reading the comments, you can tell the people who played the SW and the people who haven't. As for the best DPS class thats a very relative statement to how you enjoy to play the game, but if you want to watch the faces of your opponents melt quickly SW ftw!
I like the idea but not the rewards 2-3 opals thats just crazy should be more like what you get from the DR lairs 1 aqua or 2 peridots. Unless you made the exact same thing available to pve example would be same reward at the end of dungeon, or if you buy with glory same reward should be able to be bought with seals.
Are you clueless what do you think their buying the coffers for... to get linu's... so now you want to get rid of being able to purchase items with linu's and only rely on RNG good luck convincing the community of that.
So you like the idea of being able to pay to refine but you don't think they should be able to pay for coffers to get the legendary item.... sounds hypocritical.
There is nothing to suggest what you said is true that is just your perceived interpretation based on a very small sample size but alas I see there is no reasoning with you, your just looking for someone to agree to help justify your skewed beliefs. Good luck with that.
No one is saying you have to but if your too impatient to wait for it to drop then you could possibly increase your chances but sill there is no guarantee that its even true... I'm just stating from personal experience.
Well Dragon Hoard Enchants but i guess if everything you have is already legendary then whats the point of that, oh you could always increase your movement speed.
I'm the same Blades, Bargin, DT, and usually i curse hit blades, bargain, then DT. Which i believe synergies well because Blades can be up while DT is increasing the damage taken so in turn increasing your blades damage or so i think, although i don't have any facts to back this up other then what the tool tips say. Any…
I think that it is funny that in Mod 4 the community asked for more BoE loot and that all the BoP stuff was killing the game. Now they have given you what you want all the BoE loot for T1 and T2, but now that is killing the game. The real thing these people wanted was BoE loot that is difficult to get so only the elite can…
It will defiantly help its Power, Recovery, and Stamina gain I love it, plus what is in the 3rd slot nothing? Any artifact is better then that, its better then the catalog too anything with power is good. I run with sigil of the devoted, hunter, and Great Weapon (until i don't need the ArP then back to Warlock). The…
I would defiantly get the stone it will help a lot you can get lots of stats off one. I think i remember you saying that you don't have artifacts is that true? Do you have other chars at 60 with IWD unlocked if you do i would suggest getting the class artifacts, those will also help you.
Hrm maybe we should just petition the WotC to get some improvements into the game, to hell with the middle man just talk to the people calling the shots.