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  • Im already unsillenced just got a response to my ticket and they said clearly i dit not spam so the sillence was removed. and now come again.? people wil ingore you for stupid reasons trust me but wat im gonna do from now on if i see one person saying things twice i wil ingore him see how the rest likes it. End of the…
  • guys if you dont have any intresting to post just stfu i already said i dont feel like playing when sillenced. i can quit the forum but i made this treath so i want to see wat people say abaut the system. its kids like Elessym/kimmur that come up with stupid stuff just be be funny if you think that just keep it to yourself…
  • and dit they really help you that fast:O Stormdragon?
  • and kimmuriel somthing somthing cant come up with a decent name. You're posts wil be checkd out. i dont really give a fck wat you say xD. i even lookt at all you're posts there all troll message's So good for you.!
  • stop replying then xD Im out gonna party like it's my B-day OOOOOOOO it is!!!! wohoooooo!
  • So im a little punk that says nasty wurds? O_o' Clearly people are ingoring for no reason if you like say 2 things in 15 min hardly wurd a silence for 24 hours. and yes there should be a button like that. but watever im done with this treath i know i dident do anything wrong Hey its my b-day im not gonna bother have fun…
  • ye but the problem with the queue is there is no role you can choose so you end up with like 4 rogues and wiz try and clear a t2 then;) dont get me wrong i kinda liked the game huge D&D fan but there are some serius flaws wat in my oppinion is alpha stuff.
  • dont bet you wil lose alot of money:cool: and yes im done for now atm. wil be picking up my lol atleast there cases wil get reviewd. and im olmost fully t2 geared so there is nothing for me to do right now maybe new content wil check it out but it's like gw2 end game just blows.
  • yes i get there need to be some sort of silence for spammers but this is the second time in 48 hours. and if you're level 60 no chat fuction = like no dungeons because the queue system is broke:D but im not even gonna bother anymore i wish you all the best. But im done with cryptic atm:rolleyes: Cheers for the reply's glad…
  • Dont lissen to this guy all he does is troll the forum.! check his posts.
  • look at the previous treath of myne abaut pre made teams in pvp you wil find out wat this guy is all abaut hey even look at his post. but no need to explain myself and yes the system is weird but im not gonna stay in the game if i get sillenced 24 hours if some one else feels like it. do i sillence anyone only gold…
  • It's just really sad.. there are tons of new players spamming with lockboxes and im the one that get's sillenced.? Gonna leave the game for wat it is even when i spend 200$ on it Cheers for the reply.!
  • funny thing is i was recording. GG!
  • It's only a disciplinary action of you dit somthing wrong if not it's called abussing the system and the one that reports people for no reason should get sillenced.
  • I askt for people to do some t2 runs like only twice so some one left maybe he dident want me to whisper him why he left and ingored me and after that i got sillenced. like wat dit i do wrong there?
  • that wil take like 3/4 days this is just weird . and it's really sad to sillence people for 24 hours when they dident do anything wrong:S
  • Wat is it wurd because i cant find any in the auction i got 2
  • Continue the topic plz.... i was getting some positive feedback... on how people feel abaut it but like always there is a dickhead.
  • no one hase to be punnishd read the 1e post. Pre made's are fine trust me there not good at all just better geared but people dont stand to stay in pvp matches against pre made teams thats my point How can we fix that. if people just read wat im saying it's my oppinion that i dont like pre made's tell me why you think pre…
  • funny thing is you comment on the game when you dont even play it or own it. You just trying to be a dickhead wel np it's probably you're job and first of all im not english. second of all this treath is not based on spelling. you can clearly understand wat im typing or you wont be able to reply. but watever if it's you're…
  • you got some serius anger issue's do you really think A fully pvp geared pre made team against random people Wich most of them have no gear is a challenge? dit you even play level 60 pvp.? you die in 2 sec im pretty geared right now and 9/10 matches i play against pre made's People of my team leave wich in i have no…
  • guys cmon dont wanna be (aXXhole) no need to be hostile just let people give there oppinion and you give yours!
  • it's basicly more abaut the level 60 pvp i really enjoyd lower level pvp. thats not the point my fault should of sayd clearly level 60 pvp!
  • 400 zen no rename token i opend a ticket wil see wat happens.