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  • There is no easy fix. What the OP suggested could end up killing the game because so many players would be furious and end up quitting. Legit free players would lose all their saved wealth and the paying customers who have been trading zen for AD would be flat out robbed (you have to remember SOMEONE is supplying the Zen…
  • Wow....It sounds like the economy went in the toilet. I haven't played in a long time and I was thinking of coming back but it looks like things have gotten worse. I left right before Mod 3 because they made coal wards BOP and nerfed the drop rate from the free chests. IMO I felt that meant you pretty much had to buy them…
  • Are they camping outside your spawn or are they IN your spawn killing you as soon as you rez?
  • I upgraded a cleric to 30 on the test server. It will not heal for more and it does stay alive a bit longer. In Feywild the cleric will survive most of the time because this is a weak area and as long as you kill everything quickly it should survive pretty easily. I still don't think it will kill too many mobs for you. It…
  • I am not talking about the key. I know you only get one free key and if you want to open more than one chest you have to buy keys. I am talking about the QUEST. You can still run all of the solo dungeons everyday if you chose. You will get the quest even if you never take a key. I am saying they should add a small reward…
  • You only get to pick the reward if it is a T1 or T2 set piece. If you get a belt, neck, or ring you are stuck with it.
  • I hate the BOP change, but since they put it in place I really think they should have made it all BOP instead of just what comes out of the DD chest. That would get rid of the stupidly high priced items on the AH that are pretty much out of reach of the free player. And by free player I mean a new player that just started,…
  • You do realize the only thing that gets upgraded is the stone's base stats? No matter what you throw on it, even if it is the most epic loot, you still only get a 4% boost to the stone itself, not the gear you put on it. It works out to be +35 to 3 stats at lvl 30. I am not trying to dissuade you from spending your AD how…
  • I posted this in another thread but it must have been missed by many. A way to stop the endless patching Sorry this is a bit late but I just figured it out last night. It will still give you a jump on the patching for tomorrow. In the game launcher if you look in the top right hand corner you will see "Options". If you…
  • I leveled the Green IGN cleric to 30 on the test server. The new ability it gets allows it to heal at a longer distance. Not really worth 750K. It is the same ability the white cleric will get if you level it to 30. It may be worth it to upgrade clerics to Rare for the extra equipment slot if you have tons of extra AD, but…
  • This is not a nerf, it's a total different set. They are replacing the armor you INVESTED in with something so inferior that you are forced to change it. Now you either unslot all of your enchants or buy all new ones. What a screw job. I swear they actively trying to <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> everyone off with…
  • Reaching level 20 really made the buyer's remorse kick in. At least shirts, pants, and reinforced gauntlets took some of the sting out of spending millions of AD to get the best tools and gave you a opportunity to get some return on your investment. Then they made gauntlets BOP and removed one source of income, but at…
  • You do know that they didn't change anything about the drop rate, right? This is not a 100% guarantee you will get a T2 piece every time you open a chest. All this change does is allow you to chose which set your piece is from IF you get lucky enough to get one in your chest. Of course it will probably be harder to get to…
  • Its a 4% upgrade to go from rare to epic. 10% is to go from uncommon to rare. I think it is 10% for common to uncommon also. I can't remember for sure because it was a while ago when I tested it.
  • I would upgrade the Stone of Might if I used one because then you get the extra slot. No matter what you do with the Stone of Allure you still only get +35 to 3 stats, there is no additional slot to open. You can slot whatever level Eldrich runestone you can afford and gain an additional % above the +35 but it will be such…
  • Yes you can. Companions bind when you use them. Mounts will bind when you buy them. Just some advice.... You are better off buying Zen and converting it to AD through the AD exchange. IF you buy a companion to resell buy the Ioun Stone of Allure. That one will have the best chance of selling because very few players want…
  • I was 1/2 defending this change in another thread yesterday. I said I did not like the change, but I could understand why the developers would want to implement it. I did not have all the facts. Now that I saw this post I have come to the conclusion that the only reason this change is being implemented is so the value of…
  • It's not even worth it for the augment companions. For 750k you get a total of 105 extra stat points from a stone at lvl 30. A rank 5 enchant will give you more stats for about 745k less. You can get over twice as many stats from a rank 8 enchant for less money. A rank 8 dark enchant sells for about 600k and a rank 9…
  • 100% agree. Seriously, we are paying them money for something that cost them nothing to begin with. It is a virtual item that they can reproduce at will for no cost. If I have the companion on one character or 5 it cost them nothing. The only companion they would lose money on is the stone because almost no one would buy…
  • I'm glad word is finally getting out about companions staying bound forever. There was an announcement about it a month ago but many people missed it. I wish the majority of players would get together and boycott Zen store companions. Don't buy them and please DO NOT upgrade them (this is another HUGE rip-off and there is…
  • Feywild gear is already better than T1 stat wise. It also has higher total stats than most of the current T2, it's just that some of the numbers are in unwanted stats or the set bonus is not that great. I am not a gear guru, that's why I come to the forums and look at the advice others post on here. When I pick gear on my…
  • They need to put in a system more like Ebay. Bid the highest you will pay and the system increases your bid for you automatically until your high bid has been beat. If they can't implement something like that then you should be able to bid on an item until the bitter end. It is supposed to be an auction.
  • Just a thought....IF this BOP change goes through they need to get rid of the DD event and make the chest always available. No one would farm it for the chests unless they actually needed the gear. Farming it for Rough AD would be silly because there are plenty of easier ways to get your 24k per day.
  • This may sound <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, but I don't think they use a RNG. I swear they just have things like fail/succeed or win/lose running on a loop that is the same for everyone. Winning/losing and failing/succeeding seems to happen in groups all the time. If you open a lot of lockboxes quickly in a row you…
  • They should buff the armor from Feywild to make sure it is BIS and add more sets for each class with definitive set bonuses that are attractive to different specs. Keep these sets BOP and leave the rest alone. Moving forward, the same should be done with each new expansion and the old expansions should be switched to BOE…
  • You are correct. It is the same as any other profession in the game. It will cost you more to make the weapons than it will to just buy something better from the AH (not talking about Ancient weapons, just your normal epics that are readily available on the AH). Although I think this might change because I heard they are…
  • 300k - White to Green 500k - Green to Blue 750k - Blue to Purple Total cost 1.55 Million to go from white to purple. It cost more to upgrade than it does to buy an epic companion from the zen store. There is no epic healer for sale, but upgrading a healer will NOT make it heal for more anyway. Benefits to upgrading -…
  • Hopefully most players are smart enough to realize upgrading their companions is a total waste of AD. It is not even worth it to upgrade the Stone/cat (the only endgame companions you should use). I tested the upgrade on the preview server and it was useless. A epic cleric will NOT heal for more than a white one and it…
  • Is there a way to get the pieces as a solo player? I haven't seen anything drop that would let me buy the armor.