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  • The problem is, not many people want to play GF due to it's near non-viability. I played one up to 30, only to realize that holding aggro is almost impossible, and you still get hit just as hard as a DPS. Cleric, however, really can make a group (or break it if you don't have one). Their shield is insanely powerful.
    in dungen queuing Comment by relek May 2013
  • I do the same. I usually end up with group leader for some reason. I do enjoy the fact that I can just simply boot someone from the group if I'm leader. No 'voting' process to it. If someone is needing on everything, Boot. Have fun in town. If someone is AFK, Boot. If someone is bad-mouthing another player, Boot. Then the…
  • This is NOT the way loot should be distributed. If a specific class needs an item that just dropped, they shouldn't have to deal with people like you rolling just for the 30 silver. There's already a message on the roll window that states "Your class cannot use this item." Why not just take it a step further and make it…
  • Why exactly should repeccing being a massive inconvenience? All it does is punish unknowledgeable players for mistakes, and completely demote the thought of experimentation. I never understood why people think it's a good idea to offer players (even new ones) significant options that can severely hinder or improve your…
  • I'm hoping they eventually get around to fixing this as well. AH shopping is one of those things that gets me by in a lot of MMORPGs. I can excuse the problems currently, though. The game 'is' still in Beta, and I think they need to work more on server stability than anything right now, anyway.
  • Yeah, running in Admin got the game to open for me. Nice find.
  • Wonder how long it'll be down... Guess I'll go take my monthly shower, my musk caused the neighbors to call the cops yesterday.
  • Are you really looking for a handout because of an unexpected downtime on a game that's still currently in Beta? How entitled are gamer kids these days?