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Auction House filter getting fixed soon?

krnefraikrnefrai Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Been looking through the forums a bit, but haven't found any mention of the AH issues. Any word on Cryptic fixing it? Currently, the filter is totally useless. Is anyone able to set the filter to search based on level or only items you can use and have it work? I just always see the same list of lvl 16-18 items, if I choose a filter, regardless of how high my level is. I would like to by some stuff my level, I have plenty of AD...but just using what I find as drops, since I can't find my specific level items on AH unless I already know the names of the gear. Not mad about it or anything, just curious if Cryptic is planning to fix this soon, or has said anything about it.
Post edited by krnefrai on


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    askopdkapokaskopdkapok Member Posts: 648 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    krnefrai wrote: »
    Been looking through the forums a bit, but haven't found any mention of the AH issues. Any word on Cryptic fixing it? Currently, the filter is totally useless. Is anyone able to set the filter to search based on level or only items you can use and have it work? I just always see the same list of lvl 16-18 items, if I choose a filter, regardless of how high my level is. I would like to by some stuff my level, I have plenty of AD...but just using what I find as drops, since I can't find my specific level items on AH unless I already know the names of the gear. Not mad about it or anything, just curious if Cryptic is planning to fix this soon, or has said anything about it.

    Nope its broke... and mind boggling. Its simple SQL. Any freshman comp sci intern can do it. I assume this is why stuff isn't selling.. at least I hope this is the reason.. otherwise this economy is in big trouble.
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    grierdongrierdon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm beginning to think stuff isn't selling (besides all those that post no buyout) is the leveling happens so fast there seems to be little point to doing anything other than using what you pick up as drops. I was in the AH today trying to upgrade and by the end realized that it was kind of pointless. I would out level it in a few hours of game play.
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    krnefraikrnefrai Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I only go to the AH to look for blue gear, since it usually lasts a bit longer. But when I search for my level gear (lvl 26 on this character), all I see is lvl 16 and 18 stuff. I know my level gear is in there, because if I find a specific name, I can search that name. I would have to spend a lot of time searching all the gear out that way though...would be nice to just say "lvl 23-26" and see only that gear. So not really sure if I'm under-geared right now, heheh. Luckily you get drops all the time in dungeons/pvp/etc, so I think my gear is ok...based on my PVP matches, I seem ok compared to other players. I have only sold one thing on AH so far, and that was one of the special Profession packs, that go for around 50k AD a piece...and that sold in less than a day.
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    erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you hit the equipment tab (or any of the other major tabs) and put in a level range it will work. If you use any of the sub-tabs (such as arms, or off-hand that is under the equipment tab) then the level range filter will not work. So if you want wizard head armor for example, you click on the equipment tab (but not the helmet sub tab) put in the word cap (or whatever the base word of the type of item you want is) and use the level filter to put the level you want. You can also use the class filter at the same time if you wish.

    A bigger problem with the auction house is the 400 results limit. I looked up nightmare lockboxes last night and all of the first 400 results had bids but no buyouts. There is no way (that I can think of) for anyone to immediately purchase a nightmare lockbox on my server because you cannot get any results that are not bid only.
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    teflondon75teflondon75 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Anytime I take a peek in the AH I can NEVER find anything that has a buyout. Not sure if they are just not showing up or if people are actually silly enough to think others want to wait 5 days for a piece of green leveling gear lol. Either way it's the worst MMO auction house I think I've ever seen lol @Shrugs@ Usually I use them quite frequently but to date I've not bought a single piece of kit in NW.
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    lollielollie Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I never buy unless item has buyout...the negative countdown timer makes the whole thing ridiculous.
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    saryxsaryx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Anytime I take a peek in the AH I can NEVER find anything that has a buyout.

    Agreed. The AH is my biggest complaint of the game so far
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    krnefraikrnefrai Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thank erethizon1! That worked for me as well :) Still pretty bad to filter through, but at least I can narrow the list down to my level. So it's just the sub-tabs that need to be fixed it seems.
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    relekrelek Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm hoping they eventually get around to fixing this as well. AH shopping is one of those things that gets me by in a lot of MMORPGs. I can excuse the problems currently, though. The game 'is' still in Beta, and I think they need to work more on server stability than anything right now, anyway.
    *Actual screenshot taken in game.

    IGN: Relek
    Server: Lost City

    PVE Is for Cowards b:surrender
    PVP is for the Cool people b:cool
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