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  • Rather than offering insults, offer strategy. I play a Control Wizard as well, and I have completed the Dungeon on first runthrough. I ran it for the first time today myself on May 4, 2013. Level 35. We wiped twice on the third time we got it, we had a group make up of: Players: Cleric x1 GWF x1 Wizard x2 Rogue x1…
  • Here's the real kicker to everything here, ALL PWE/Cryptic Games are down. So it's not like Neverwinter went down by itself. Something major had to happen at PWE/Cryptic, or they just left the "new guy" in charge for the night. Give it time, good things come to those who wait.
  • I don't get why everyone is hating on PWE and Cryptic so hard. It's open beta, sit back enjoy the game, if you don't want to wait for a queue go play something else, just means less people in front of those of us that are willing to wait it out, and understand what a BETA test is.
  • I learned my lesson when SWTOR launched, pre-purchased Collector Edition. Played my full 5 days early access to get home from work on launch day and wait 3 hours to play. So I know how you feel, however, I have spent my fair share on the game already, not a Founder Pack but in ZEN. That doesn't mean i get priority, just…
  • been in que lil over an hour, down in the 500s finally from what ive been seeing: when your screen swaps up to the HIGH 5 digist numbers, it means its querying your spot and refreshing so give it about another 30s for your actual location in line.
  • I find it quite hilarious that most of you are raging so hard. Being a founder of any sort does not technically entitle you to priority login. If you paid 200 I can see that but if you paid 60.. Congratz you bought a new game so you should probably stop whining and actually do some reading on launch histories. You will…