Side note to this, I just found that I have 2 legendary mount boxes and a mythic mount box that are account bound sitting in the bank. I have all contents from these boxes so they hold no value atm. Would be amazing to be able to open them and exchange them for upgrade tokens! Or something usable!!
This is actually by design, healing did heal companions at one time. The issue was in team play companions would get heals instead of players so it was modified. Check the auction house for Lliira's Bell(not the empowerment one) it will revive and full heal your pet and is used from your potion tray!
Patch notes can either go, or be used... Your the first one to post patch notes in over a year. It's the first place I look, I'm disappointed every time and have to go looking elsewhere.
I grab all I can as I go, it all adds up. Gold bars are almost 300k a stack on the AH right now. All that junk people walk by, I'll sell to a vendor and buy gold bars from the same vendor to stack up for sale. No, it's not a game changing prize, but pays off over time.
On the day the changes happened, if you stood in Protectors for more than 10 seconds, you seen someone ask what happened and someone answer. Not a point, but a point of view I guess. I hadn't really thought about asking support about something in the game other than login or purchase issues.
Thanks for the update, it is what it is and will be up when it's up. As for compensation, come on people, your not getting a coal an hour for downtime. Cryptic should have set some expectations here and gave us an idea of what the compensation would look like. But they didn't, they left if vague. In this case we need to…
Consider this, they open the flood gates and let us refine everything. What do you think a Mythic mount on the AH would cost? I'd be willing to bet we'd be back to old day prices of 10-20 Mil a mount(Was legendary at the time). The side effect is inflation of everything in the game, a zen exchange that doubles…
The info about the level change was in the forums for a long time prior to going live and was also talked about in game in various places. Usually one would turn to their guild to assist with in game direction.
I would be surprised if the support team play the game tbh. There is a list of 7 or 8 games they support. They are great for account based problems like login issues and zen store/purchase issues but if your looking for guidance or direction in the game your looking in the wrong spot.
Truth be told, most veterans are potent scaled and unscaled. In scaled content 2 things are changed for your character. Your base HP and base DMG. Nothing more. Your scaled in an attempt to match the monsters. If you want unscaled, do you know what we'll get? Jacked up monsters that pugs don't stand a chance with. Trust…
Not terrible loot! I hope you managed to get a few things that you wanted for yourself!! I'm still opening the last box trying to reach my Mythic! I opened 9 keys the other day and pulled a mythic barbed insignia and 2 legendary account mounts(manticore and black ice warhorse)
I get that. but it was 30 mins after the daily reset on the final day AND it broke the new battle pass in the process. I just feel it could have been planned a little different but hindsight is always 20/20 :)
Thx for the info @plasticbat wish I had of realized that in time to correct my completion! Suggestion for the future would be to end the event at the end of the final day. Let the procrastinators get done LOL
Well that's a dumb time to end an event on the last day... @nitocris83 is this intended? If so, why so early on the last day? I logged in to get er done when I got home from work!
This bug is a blessing and a curse. I may not be able to open doors but I always have full AP from this lol My fighter can lift his shield at any time and start gaining AP. My DC can cast and gain AP. If history has taught me anything, if we want a bug fixed we need to point out the benefits we're getting from it LOL
Ok, I'll have to look closer for the visual indicator because I seen nothing! At least nothing close to my character! And for this particular run I didn't have sound on, I normally do!
Don't forget invoke boxes for coal wards! Invoke toons once a day for the coin, every 11 days each toon has a chance at a coal ward. I find on average I pull 4 coals from 100 invoke boxes. I do stack them to 100 before opening(Superstition). Since the enchantment system changed, using only farmed stuff no money, I managed…
They should stay and rewards should be adjusted on them. I did 1 in SH over the weekend and for my solo effort I got 3 adventurer seals. 500 seals = 500 AD. So for my time/effort my reward was 3AD. Awesome...
I had the same issues with the mount packs from the last battlepass. In that case part of the premium reward was an account wide Legendary box of disappointment + normal reward of single character box of disapointment.
I chose not to buy this pack assuming it was all single purchase. I'm a big fan of account wide stuff and will wait for more vs doing a single purchase!
Celestial Stag from the mount pack is not reclaimable. Unfortunately I don't know if it's from the box in the upper or lower section of rewards(or both).
It's just superstition but I agree with it. I stack everything before opening! I've been opening 1 key a day since VIP came out and have never pulled a Mythic mount this way. Before the last mod came out I started saving keys. I had 22 keys to open and pulled a Mythic mount! Invoke boxes, I can open them as I get them and…
I don't see this listed already. It seems the enchantments being returned to us via mail can change binding status upon return. I have some things returned that are now bound to account. I also have things that were bound returned unbound. The example that grabbed my attention is I have a character who had a bound…
Thanks for the heads up on this, this was defiantly a communication thing because to the playerbase it seemed like these cubes were the proposed fix! I'm not in a rush to fine tune things, I'm fine to wait, but I wasn't aware there was something to wait for until now!