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  • This made me laugh, but seriously it seems the amount of players that enjoy playing support is very little. But changes to "correct" a certain play style always seem to have adverse effects non-popular builds.
  • Depends on your spec and gear and who you run with. I still get the same amount of hate and crying in chat without it since the changes. If I start getting owned, will look into it. But depending on how you play and spec its not mandatory as it seemed to be on test. Having tenacity will not turn most into a tank over night.
  • I have not seen a use for tenacity in PUG matches unless there is a ridiculous geared/skilled player on opposing team. In a premade might put on a max of 2 pieces and that is for defense and not tenacity. Have to play as a debuff/buff assister now basically. Don't have the best gear or all my boons, but DC still seems ok.…
  • As a PvP only tank DO with 13k gear score much has not changed, except other classes as others have pointed out. No clue how GWF in its current form got off testing. Its more work and not super tanky as before but it is all manageable. Will look into changing things up soon to try to make initial heals greater. Still win…
  • Seen you post on the preview thread on the upcoming changes Dio. How much are you going to change of this when it goes live? As a flat out tank DC/DO with 40% def resist and 26+% deflect I am beyond confused and not looking forward to starting over as a gimp healer buff bot. And good info and guide.
  • Testing the new patch has not gone well for many oldschool template DC. In its current form its pretty much a punch in the stomach. The only DCs right now that is competitive in PvP on test is a buff focused DC that uses tenacity for survival crutch. There really is no other choice. Its terrible that those who PvP will be…
  • Get ready for premades with 4 GWF in GG gear making DC gear look like cardboard no matter your build/stat/spec if this patch was to go live today. Hope changes come from what is obvious on test.
  • Another gear question lol. Barkshield or soulforged for armor enhancement in pvp? Not really having the AD to buy both and test currently.
  • Know this is not about gear, but what weapon enhancement do you use in pvp?
  • Tanking on DO is easier than AC. AC requires more work. Knowing other class abilities and mixing a little movement and DO is easy mode for tanking and holding a points. Regen is meh unless you have over 1000 and personally I never geared for it. Thanks for the answer, sacred flame synergy with deepstone does make more…
  • from the two above posts imagine 302 on the last group is pretty standard for pvp. 033,303,030,302 is what I have been running and thought about sneaking some points into healing action on my DO, but at a decline of cleanse its not worth it. and not even sure healing action would even add enough to be useful.
  • What is more widely used for PvP focused tanking DC that is either DO or AC for feats? 533,303,000,300 like this guide or 033,303,030,302 as many I see run. Is anyone running anything different in PvP and getting noticeable results? Anyone rocking 1 point in cleanse and still having it work almost everytime?
  • Not being elitist, and your the one who made a "GUIDE" build thread. Think you just need to accept that you do not know the class as well as you thought you did. And some pointed out that the build has been flawed through out some edits. Its a video game and its ok to admit mistakes instead of trying to defend things that…
  • This thread delivers, lol. A lot of knowledge to be learned from some of the posts and some really questionable explanations. Pro tip: If you use the words "theory crafting" you might as well paint a giant "L" on your forehead.