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  • A: I believe your apology is not genuine or written in good faith. You both intended to hide the change due to the marketing bait and switch, and then edit your blog to cover your actions! B: The removal of the Wards and Rubies from the store looks more like punishment than anything due to the amount for t-bars that have…
  • Why are we still waiting for an official response? It's been more than 24hrs and since we all know you knew about this issue for about a week minimum (going by the time line when you edited the Tbar changes blog to cover your A$$) We need answers Andy/Scott!!!!!! ------------- I also want you to tell us why you changed the…
  • Thx for pointing that out bro, I was kinda blowin my top, all my friends are so mad and some strait up quit. We had this awesome week planned out of what we were going to do for the start of mod 8, and this topic just ruined it! I still can't believe it really :0[
  • OMG you idiots, why the hell did you remove C wards, rubies and pres wards. This is borderline "fraud" After the BS stunt you pulled last time with Gmops and now this, I think I'm going to MS to report your actions. BTW, wait till people realize they pulled 2x AD off the table for this weekend too. OMG grab your pitchfork…
  • All the above, bar the Xbox UI and dye pack you need an "all the above" slot
  • Not sure if this counts as a stupid comment, but here goes :0P The UK Zen market prices...The more you buy, the cheaper it is The US Zen market prices...The more you buy, no price change The Australian Zen market prices...The more you buy, the higher the price I'm guessing PWE response will be the stupid comment
  • Your really going to bring these changes to Xbox tomorrow???, not 1 month ago, I was reading were you told us that Xbox economy was way lower than PC and what you expected. I play slow and steady and play all the content, but don't run much dungeons or skirmishes and never PVP! I was told by a PC player how to set yourself…
  • Well 36hrs after the patch and still NOT RELEASED in Australia! I'm sure you got your hands full fixing all the other things you broke, but ain't it time you release the damm game already FFS. Gotta admit, pretty disappointed right now with your attitude towards us players!!!!
  • WOOHOO, now I'm hyped.....don't leave me hanging too long, I'll get moldy (short attention span) :0P
  • try using the wiki search box, most of the stuff you want is in there http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Collection This one is also useful http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Active_bonus
  • The game was given classification of M on the 27th of April 2015, So it could have been released as they said (within 30 days of 31st of March) Why no release yet......beats me!