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  • The problem is. ME, just as a gamer. Would have thought. "You know...the AoE classes will just stand on the portals and AoE the mobs before anyone really has a chance to hit them for enough to get loot. And this will cause a lot of lag." So it begs the question. Why didn't the Devs think this through.
  • lol...pathetic event. My guardian barely gets a hit in before the mob dies. Luckily, there's not worth getting that's worth my time.
  • Pretty sure they'll (Cryptic or PWE) will milk the playerbase for as much Zen-purchases as possible then finally "fix" the "issue with companion training tomes". And suddenly, they'll be there......for AD. Lots and lots of AD (starting at 1 million, 2 million, 3 million (uncommon, rare, epic))....then they'll probably…
  • You have got to be ****ting me. I was giving Cryptic the 'benefit of the doubt' that they wanted to keep people (ie lvl 60s) from power leveling buy-for-gold Companions, training them (Tomes), then reselling them on the AH....allowing people to horde massive AD to turn into Zen. But this.... This is just plain greedy. Did…
  • I like seeing people still calling for a wipe. Because these same people would be crying if the game was 'Officially Live'. And a wipe occurred. Literally just changing the game's status from 'Open Beta' to 'Live' and "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I LOST EVERYTHING!!!! WAAAAAAAAAH!" --- As for population. Doesn't…
  • I would say people should plan for a minor rollback (to Saturday?). I say this as of 1:47pm EST the servers are still up. No need to take them down to prevent further damage or increase the time needed to sift through logs if you're just going to rollback to a time before the exploit really took off.
  • Oh...that place. I forgot all about it. Maybe they don't have a proper replacement for an Orb. That Bazaar is really a 'Re-skin Shop'. As far as I know there are no other Axe-type weapons in the game. Unless they drop from the Epic Dungeons.
  • Must of missed that area of the city...though I doubt it if it's in the Market Bazaar area.
  • Won't happen. Neverwinterian Guard is a purchaseable item from the Zen Market. They simply wanted to get some of them out there so others would see it and go "I want it too."....then buy it. ...in fact, there's no guarantee that more than 5 of those codes were actually legit keys. So...all I have to do is create multiple…
  • It will probably be Druid. Right now there is no Class that can 'gather' resources requiring the "Nature Kit or skill". Note "SKILL" part. Though this is generic text and just the 'kit name' is replaced based on which resource it is (Religion, Dungeon, Thief, Nature, or Arcane). It would be odd that Nature would be the…
  • Would rather see the Training Tomes first :P
  • Actually, putting the codes in the image was a smart idea. If you play a Google Game called Ingress. You know that people Text Mine for the Ingress passcodes and the codes are literally invalid with in seconds of being put out.....for those not in the know those codes are usually valid for the first ~100 uses. So, would…
  • I dunno. I usually top the Damage Done Chart and Damage Taken Chart for Dungeons/Skirmishes. It's usually pretty narrow (Damage Done Chart), so it's not like the DPS sucks. Though, I'm sure most of my Damage Output comes from Cleave and Enforced Threat and the AoE Damage they do. I think a GF would be nice if you ran into…
  • You can also keep an eye on: http://orcz.com/NeverwinterGDN_Promo_Keys Don't know if it'll be updated but...you never know :P
  • I dunno. I found a color scheme that works nicely...makes my Guardian Fighter look like a Royal Guard of sorts. Just need to get the Glory-purchased Gauntlet and Boots.....Total BA here! :D Oh, I should remind you all that Dyes will probably not transfer if you change the appearance of the armor (at least I think you can…
  • I believe, if you're referring to the same NPCs I think you are, that the 'Shops' shows only what your class can wear. There's a check box some where on the pane to 'Show All'. *Not in-game to check
  • The bigger issue is the item is only obtainable through the Zen Store. So..."If you missed out; cough up money.". Is what they're saying. Also like how they waited till most of the USA is asleep....you know since it was posted at 3:30am (I assume the time stamp is adjusted to your timezone?). Either way. It was either…
  • Doesn't matter if they were GIVING away the cash-shop companions. I still wouldn't take any of them. I need a one that heals.....and for what ever reason there's only ONE (don't even mention the Lifesteal one; it's a complete joke). ...actually starting to have trouble now outside of Foundry Quests.
  • Level 33 Guardian-fighter. Went into Blacklake Gold (Foundry) with 30 lvl 30 Healing Potions. Left with 17; I 'looted' 4. Potions were on CD most of the fights that involved mobs that would AoE (red circle on ground).... Why? My Rank 15 Cleric spent most of the time on the ground because the <font…
  • I desperately need this. I'm now dying in just about all of the Foundry Quests I do....the same ones that were a breeze at level 20, with my max-rank (level?) Cleric. She dies now way to easily. Plus the Companion AI is ****ING <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.