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  • Doesn't work for me either....i am about to lose a weeks worth of celestial coins on my characters too if I can't log in soon....Sheesh Edit: In now.
  • Me too............
  • There is nothing wrong with the HV set or its bonus. The problem is that multiple players can stack the debuff. That is what needs addressing, not the set bonus itself. I hope the devs see a bit further than that because it is just that type of culling/trimming/nerfing the basic ability rather than the situational problems…
  • I don't believe that respec'ing is optional....it should NOT cost $3-$5 in real money each time. It is an unavoidable tax especially as there is little guidance in-game for character building.
  • Fully agree that the cost of respec'ing is exhorbitant. The game has little guidance on character setup and, as such, respec'ing is a vital part of character development. It should NOT cost the equivalent of $3-$5 in real currency to change your spec everytime....it is a form of "taxation" that actually penalises those who…
  • 1. Remove or substantially lower respec costs...respec'ing is an integral part of character development (especially without in-game guidance on how to build a character) and should not cost the equivalent of $3 to do every time. 2. Stop with the bazillion adds as the main way to make encounters more challenging...it is…
  • I gave up and just gave dogs (white) away along with all the 1 and 2 enchants and bags and scrolls. Given away to random people (and boy were they surprised and skeptical at first) 3 dogs, 130 enchants, 40 bags and a heap of scrolls. As a CW I think we had an unfair advantage in these types of fights with all our AOE and…
  • To me it looks like the cooldown reduction feats are not stacking nor are they stacking with set bonuses. Could be wrong but all I seem to get is the highest (set bonus) of 25% reduction on base cd....the feated cooldown reductions seem to be ingored or only the highest is applied. Nowhere does it say they do not stack etc.
  • Well...the 4 set bonus of the Gladiator's set is only reducing the spell mastery slot CD by about 10-12% or so...not the 25% that they said they fixed. This applies no matter what encounter spell I slot into it. (I have also feated for the 20% reduction in encounter cd's as well so it may be getting confused there).
  • If you think this is bad you should see GW2. I had a necromancer (yeah pity me) and major bugs from release of the full game over 8 months ago are still unaddressed. Today was supposed to be their big bug fix patch day...the necro got about half a dozen tooltip fixes (really) and one change which was stuffed up.…
  • And the only way to trfr AD is by setting up a transaction on the Auction House (I did yesterday..my alt put a scrub item up at high buyout and bought it with the main thus sending AD...10k...to the alt.... minus 10% AH fee.)...actually mentioned as the only alternative for AD trfr in the Wiki.
  • Me too. And a support ticket to prove it for the looooong delivery time for the pack after purchase. Plus in game I have only chosen the "of Waterdeep" title.... not the founders title.
  • I agree. Ahh yes youthful impatience. They will get it sorted as equitably as they can without ruining the game for everyone. By sheer coincidence (and I mean coincidence) I looked up on thew wiki yesterday how to transfer AD from one character to another one of mine (I got the founder pack and wanted to trfr a small…
  • Resolved and items delivered in-game. Thanks.
  • Purchased Guardian Founder Pack on Saturday. Transaction completed and mail advising completion received. Also received a mail saying it failed (even though the credit card has been charged) and a link was provided but it only led to the pack purchase page with the Guardian pack greyed out as already purchased with no…