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  • Peas is my favorite player in this game, thus far.
  • I do give you props on the concept for this quest.
  • Inspired by are the words you are in search of. When you are inspired by something, it matters not who its parents are. People will get the hint as to what you were inspired by if you pull it off well enough. It is highly unlikely that you will encounter intellectual property right infringements whilst making content for…
  • I've been needing a home for this.
  • From my understanding, ALL games of this genre (RPG that is) are based off of the DnD model. Pen and paper coming to life in binary code. WoW is heavily inspired from the concept. However, WoW pretty much perfected (then subsequently broke) the MMO model.
  • Did you just... wait... he just... what the... you just... did you really just... implicate me as one needing killing with kindness and subsequently... yeah... you just... I don't even... I need an adult.
  • I don't realize that. Doesn't make me change my stance. :) Doesn't make you wrong, either. I support one defending one's self and one's guild/group/friends. Some fights just aren't worth bothering with, though. Kill em' with kindness...
  • Being that I have been seen as an aggressor in cases of my "perfect world" notions, I am not really one to be able to say much here. I will say, however, that both of you are highly out of line. Kam did, at least, offer a lot of feedback referring to issues you might check out in the quest. I am sad he did not bother to…
  • Battle of wits was funny but immersion breaking. Was "mispeled words" meant to be ironic? I didn't know whether to laugh or be pedantic. :P Was I supposed to climb up the "anvil" to get to the portal? Didn't feel intended. The "arena" seemed very tiny for an arena, especially for 500 ft tall creatures. The seer wolf…
  • Troll was at least optional. He only spawns if you go the wrong way. I will check out other options and dont mind reviewing yours.
  • Review complete, Slaidz. Posted to your quest's thread.
  • Traded Review: 1) I think there are too many "quit this quest" chat options. One or two for dramatic effect, fine, tons of them makes it possible to misclick and have to start the convo over again (since you effectively have no choice but to continue). 2) I like the detail you placed with NPCs. Not sure it is necessary to…
  • The portal you speak of is the portal that links to the end boss of that map. I could not find a way to add said portal without adding a room and a bunch of other things so I opted for the pillars to be there (and subsequently move) until you reached the end of that map so you did not have to run back through the dungeon.…
  • You may now skip ALL story based dialogue. That should cut 5+ minutes from quest. Next edits will be portals to skip significant chunks of the dungeon at will. To be included: Getting to Arias #1, Maze, All of the 2nd map extra story components (i.e. you will just be teleported to the triggers for the final event. That…
  • I am not sure I understand why you went to the room with the portals and left. Is that a design flaw? I realize the portals don't even show up until you are on them, but that is not my fault. Difficulty is in-works to being addressed. Looks like I will be converting this to a hack/slash with mostly easy encounters to avoid…
  • At first, your short code read to me as DJ STANKY. Don't ask me why. Just random thought. 1) Interesting placement with spiders in water. Tricky. 2) Nice work with the side-rooms. Overall, I like your sewer. Generally, I dislike them. 3) Good placement of mobs around corners 4) You lose the echo/sewer sound for characters…
  • 1) "Once I was an adventurer like yourself" (until I took an arrow to the knee)... random thought, not related to review. 2) I like the design from the first encounter room. A little rough, but different. 3) You have a couple of places where archers are right around the corner. Not super effective use of ranged mobs. I…
  • We do technically have the ability to engineer all (or most, I am guessing not the pay-for classes) classes at 6ish level ranges. Maybe the way to approach this is to look at level 50 for all classes. I certainly do not know much about the other classes, so there will be a learning curve, but that might well remedy a lot.…
  • Please see above post regarding this. In addition, I fully accept your point. It does not negate the value of my argument, which seems to be your intent with your reply. However, I am at fault for having expectations above reasonable in some instances. Authors who are good with communication (which I, as a human, can…
  • There are exceptions to any given rant. Some people are extremely busy, which can be obvious or no. Some people try to plan out a means of dealing with an action plan, some not. Communication is usually key. There are those who better fit the confines of this rant because they posted R4R, had few if any replies, were fully…
  • You win. I should have seen that coming.
  • There was only one dead body placed and the clue was given. I figured that would be pretty straight-forward. I even moved the body from its original location. Not sure on this point. If I have more people comment about this, then I will certainly be willing to change that. I tried that fight out and found the first…
  • Review of your quest (for lack of better place to put it): 1) I would have the girl offer a return dialogue option such that if player goes through the spiel and decides to "not do quest" to see what happens (as I did), a dialogue option appears when they revisit her that will take them back to the end of that particular…
  • Feel free. You tried and advised me where you had an issue. I am unsure how/if I can resolve it. It seems that some classes can handle content much better than others. Clerics keep coming up as the class least likely to get through tight spots. If one balances their quest for all classes, it stands to reason that the quest…
  • Fortunately, I am one of those people who will try to find a solution to the problem. I will not give up even when it seems I should. My ultimate request here is that there is some means to credit those in the community who are trying to make a good community, while letting the bad apples be seen as (not bad apples, but)…
  • I thought assassins were standard encounters. I tried to put hard encounters solely on their own. Grrr, so much to consider with these things.
  • I am usually a patient person. But I am a "fair" and "just" person before that. It just boils me alive to see people being rude like this. I want to play your quests, but I would also like to think that people would like to play mine. If you get into my quest and see one room with 20 mobs, or just a really good example of…
  • I will check this thread for these returns tonight after work. I can do a few before I work on Sunday :) I will do what I can to get this back to you before then. Thank you for your review.
  • I will admit I have not tested my instance with all the classes, all the levels. That could be the mark of a bad author, and if so, I am sorry. Please do be aware that I did try to set up harder fights with pillars, halls, other places you could run to kite and what not. That may not be how people like to play, and if so,…