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  • We dont nesessarily need a deserter debuff either. All would be fixed with simple rating system. You gain points in mach, you gain rating. High rating players fight against high rating players and low against low. Bots would be, ofc, at the bottom, fighting each other. If one has low rating, kill a few bots and boom,…
  • Whad up with these **** patches? I mean, cmon? ****ing event? Mby fix, botting, balance or bosses? Noway, we need a better character history tab and a festival!
  • I actually agree with you. Tho what I would like to see is that instead of needing resulting into bop, I'd like to see all t2 items to be bop. I find it very ridicilous that one can just go ah and buy the best gear in game.
  • Totally agree with OP, too bad I'm playing in wrong server :(.
  • I'm sorry to say this, but I think we don't need any of those. What we do need is (you guessed it), class balance, content and pvp :p. OT: If I had to think one thing apart from those, it would deffinetly be t2 items being bound on pickup. I think it's just stupid that one can go to AH and buy the best gear in game, and…
  • And btw, I wouldn't recommend you to use SE anymore, since theres not many situations where it overruns LA. SE only executes one, while LA gives you stealth boost and HUGE damage boost, making you able to kill 2-3 enemies with it. Only down side of LA is that if you get cc'd even for a second, its gone, making it basically…
  • I've found crit and hp more suitable for pvp (and I think action advantage is better in pve), but I'm not running with full stealth based build, so I guess it's up to you which one you like.
  • In that case, I would get rid of underhanded tactics and speed swindle, and fill nimble dodge and cunning stalker. Remove the cruelty's reward and either fill devastating shroud with it or remove cruelty's reward and devastating shroud, and fill thrill of the kill with them. Either way, lose the cruelty's reward, since…
  • First of all, are you planning to do pvp or pve? Tbh, I can't really work out what this build is for or how you're going to play it, but I'll still give you some advices. So if you're going with pve, you dont need speed swindle at all, twilight adept is not very usefull in pve either, and neither is swift footwork, I'd…
  • Too many time have I been repelled to behind some pillar or corner, making the CW to actually run towards me :D I know, he must've been <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> but it still happens too many times.
  • Really mature response. OT; aoe is one way, dont know about GWF skills tho.
  • I actually hit more than that with full pvp gear + epic belts rings etc on CWs, when I played executioner. Specced out of it cause when ever I was playing against a player that could actually play, it didnt help me much :/.
  • Doesnt both sunburst and chains have relatively high animation time (correct me if I'm wrong), making them pretty easy to be dodged? Atleast I havent had any issues of dodging them in stealth or visible.
  • I've used courage breaker for some time now, and the situations I've found it most usefull is when you're fighting against 2 or more melee players. When you use it on one of the melee players, and position yourself right, forcing other melee player to move out of the range of the courage breaked player, making the courage…
  • Let me ask you this: If one would afk the whole mach, gaining something like 0-100 points, should one get reward for it? There is no other good method (atleast not any I can think of) of preventing afkers than not rewarding you if you dont get enough points.
    in No Rewards Comment by noose93 June 2013
  • So basically you want it to be more like wow? Not that it's a bad thing, but personally I wouldnt like this being just another wow like mmo.
  • Still doesnt make it more usefull than LA.
  • I play TR in pvp, and what I've noticed about GFs is that if you manage to dodge EVEN one of their abilities, you have significantly bigger change of beating him. So my suggestion (other than nerf) is to simply dodge at the right time. You can clearly see the GF running towards you, and when hes near enough, dodge. I know…
  • I'd say it's not worthless, LA is just so much better imo. With LA I've managed to destroy teams of 3, unlike with SE since you can use it only on 1 target and thats it :/. LA from stealth is a killer.
  • I was seariously disappointed when I leveled up and didnt get a single rare or epic drops :(
  • I half agree with the point on arena. Yes, the game should have arena. No, it shouldnt be the center piece of pvp, meaning one shouldnt get the best gear out of arena, only same tier items which one could buy with doing only battlegrounds, since it would lead to loads of balancing issues (which we already have plenty) and…
  • I've actually tested this vorpal enchantment bug. It does increase the critical severity (atleast my crit dmg bumped up after I added vorpal) tough it wont show on character sheet.
  • I'm just gonna give a link to my build since its hyprid. http://reyva.com/resources/neverwinter-powers-feat-simulator.9/#fs9EMvHVXUschDSy4oXuoiR2l8XwNw5ePWh7oQ9KUtN2tNIApM1DlwUBHhAugKPpKEod2c As for at-wills, I'm using sly flourish (for exact same reason as utuwer has explained) and cloud of steel. I'm switching between…
  • Actually, you make an compelling argument there. You got any tips on what to do when you get spammed with cos? Other than running away I mean :)
  • That's the way to do it, lets just all reroll every time theres something wrong with a class....
  • I do know know about all these things you've just listed, yet, we're in tr forum, discussing about matters of tr, not about gwf, cw or gf.
  • Is it fun to get killed by object that you cant see but only after he has killed you? Thats why it doesn't make sense.
  • Again, you missed my point. I'm not saying rogues should do only melee, I'm saying it doesnt make sence that we do so much dmg in ranged.
  • Well, the way I'm killing CWs atm is with this way, and let me tell you, they NEVER have any idea whats happening and wheres the damage coming from. Its just so redicilously easy. Shouldn't rogues be more of an melee class anyway?
  • Move out of range isn't an option while defending base, and my point was, when he's out of charges: Lashing Blade or what ever move you want. And since you can do this in stealth, you can't hit him back amaright? Next time you do a pvp match, just try to use all Cloud of Steel charges you can while in stealth and see what…