i think your confused, nowhere was it stated that a cleric can tank. and even their dps - while decent pales in comparison to primarily dps classes such as the TR or CW
the paragon feat paths aside frm renegade are really lack luster, oppressor gives more chill on ice storm (seriously ice storm?) and tharmasurge gives dmg mitigation on conduit of ice
i love my knockbacks i think people tend to just use them wrong - as in use htem all the time. a knockback in my miind is far better when saying a cleric for example, sure i could do arcane singularity but tis slow, a nice ice storm clears the mobs quickly and painfully!
yea its annoying, i can understand why, but it'd be nice if they had alternative effects for bosses, for example one of the arcane passives, gives u a dmg buff on cold spells but this is useless on bosses as say ray of frost won't stack. an alternative could be something like damage migitation (rationale: armor gets frozen…
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