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  • Hey just sent ya a in-game message hit me up man would love to join ya'll exactly what I'm lookin for !!!
  • +1 love this idea. Ability to work the Auction House and professions from anywhere at any time away from our xboxs? Sign me up!
  • That's awesome!!!! That's very exciting news for everyone! Not even half a year old on console and they're already making awesome improvements to a game that has SO much potential. I cannot wait until this well rounded stone becomes a polished rock. I don't know if I'll ever be able to put it down!
  • I agree whole-heartily. The VTK problem will still exist but in my opinion there ARE some ways to fine tune it to prevent some of things that ARE currently happening. The other elephant in the room is that the console community has a different attitude than PC's community. Like I've said before: "Someone do a psychological…
  • Keep this thread up guys and gals I'm loving the feedback. Obviously the dev's have been listening to us! Don't whine, don't complain, if we offer constructive criticism with our own ideas and positive feedback for them they'll give us results and they showed that with patch 1.1! These are awesome game dev's that really do…
  • I really like this idea WoW had one too! PLEASE DO THIS!
  • This is SO true. PC vs Console players are entirely different in terms of respect for one another. Why that is I have no idea... anyone who is a psychology major find some time to do a senior research symposium on this I'm sure you'll call a LOT of attention to yourself haha! Anyways... Until this problem is fixed I agree…
  • That my dear friend is the nature of the beast. What we as a community are attempting to limit is those who are just trolling and attempting to kick people left and right because they enjoy others time to be wasted. How many times will your instance happen as compared to a troll kicking you because he just doesn't like…
  • I really like these ideas and yes I have seen a drop in D/C i believe they've been working on their updates on server connection. Also reading the 1.1 patch notes you'll find that they're adding in more connectivity solutions for us!
  • For sure! I mentioned something of that sort I believe already but I have seen it for uses like that for people to see what they are/were/or will soon to be up to! Really love the ideas people!
  • I really love this support everyone! Keeping threads alive is what is going to change this game along with mature, respectful approaches to problems/issues faced in the game. Game developers want to see feedback and us giving it to them is what they're looking for. Keep these threads alive and we WILL see changes. In all…
  • So true. Being able to keep all members that're online in order then flip through pages maybe listed by last time on. Also I really like the other idea mentioned of keeping a calender to arrange for dungeons, etc. for players who are on tighter schedules, work during the day, or go to school so that THEY have a better idea…
  • Very true my friend! I use to be a HUGE WoW player and loved the guilds in it because you could see posts from peoples mini bio's... player log/player play times and such and it just allowed you to see what your guildies are and WERE up to and it helped knowing hey they haven't been on all day and this person is SUCH a…
  • I agree my man! I would like to see something like this added in for fun but players need incentive! Also, I do believe there are some other things taking priority in the dev's minds right now. I do address one of these issues in a thread just posted a few minutes ago feel free to check it out and let me hear your thoughts!
  • Check out the 1.1 Patch notes! They're finally going to make those filters work it will be SO awesome and worth the wait. We still have to remember this is a large MMORPG that is being moved to the console by a company that has NEVER done this before. Patience will be key with this game and I see it going a long long way!
  • A lot of you guys have already been creating threads about the issues I'm hitting here in my thread. I'd love to hear your guys' and gals' opinions behind all of the issues I hit today! Let me hear it! :)
  • Hey guys not trying to toot my own horn here but I started up a thread hoping to get some momentum behind it hitting on this issue and few others than need fixes NOW. Check it out from my page on here or just a few threads below this!!!! (This is one key issue that I hit as well the necessity for a roll-fulfillment is HUGE)
  • Same here! A lot of my in-game "problems" I would say aren't even the connectivity themselves which a lot of times arise from poor internet providers etc etc. My biggest concerns are simple things that in my opinion could be easily fixed! Keep this going people I love the feedback! Simple fixes to polish this gem!
  • Thanks kickinchicken80 thats an awesome idea for a site I love it! But yeah I use to love to farm things and make some cash in the AH but its so difficult to navigate it discouraged me!
  • Read my post I just through up not a few hours ago about man suggestions for the game! It includes your mini-map idea which I totally agree with!