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  • Also rogue ranged attacks are limited to 12 in a row maximum and recharge slowly 1 at a time
  • ...you do realize you can attack rogues who are in stealth, right? as-in... if you just look at the animations you can see where they are, walk or roll over to them, and beat the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of them, right? as-in IF YOU TRY AND CATCH THEM THEY LOSE
  • Exactly. Everyone seems to think because they can't have what they want right now for absolutely nothing, then mommy and daddy are bad people. Grow up, kids. Pay some cash or play the game more.
  • agreed... my guild was all over this game... then we hit 60 and nobody's been on for a week because there is no solo epic level content. There's a foundry for this, people! Give rewards for 60s that are worthwhile so we have a reason at max level to play Foundry missions!
  • People need to pipe the **** down. We're not talking about WarZ here, we're talking about a decent game that isn't getting enough credit where it's due. Don't like prices? Guess what, you don't have to buy a thing. Let me repeat that. You do not have to buy a thing. One more time... It's free. wasabiburn, I just want to…
  • I agree with zephyrli. There are lull points where it's smoother sailing than others. It's really a select few dungeons that are most challenging, but not at all impossible. You'll definitely get the first taste of that with the Mad Dragon Dungeon boss. Epic dungeons 1/2 of the people are whining about all over the forums…
  • I'm not saying potion use you've experienced is balanced vs potion use your guildmates have experienced with other classes. I'm saying that just because Clerics generate more aggro than people are used to, doesn't mean the aggro generation is broken. Have you tried building/gearing for defense, or are you more towards…
  • because otherwise you're virtually invincible, which is totally fair. (And don't even try to say you aren't because I've a 60 TR who is freakin invincible in a circle and has FAR less defensive capabilities than a Cleric.) also if you are good, you will know your opponent's combat animations and DODGE their knockbacks...…
  • Yet another fail thread of "this playstyle is new and different from what I want and am used to... therefore it must be broken"
  • this about sums up 1/3 of pugs. people don't have to be mad 1337 pro, bros... but just willing to figure out some basic mechanics before whining will go a long way in... well life.
  • Then you haven't found the right guild to match your playstyle, my friend. There are thousands of players and thousands of guilds. You could even start one of your own by reaching out. If you're more of a casual playstyle, on whenever you can (which I totally understand) then try searching for a casual guild. They are out…
  • This is hilarious, unfortunate, and true.
  • There's already a mechanic for that. It's called a guild. Join it :)
  • TL DR: Waah! What kind of end-game challenge requires me to think or try? I shouldn't have to use this foreign thing called STRATEGY to overcome obstacles! They should just bow before me! Seriously, though. You guys can't possibly think like this... can you?
  • OP: Next time you encounter difficulty with something ask for advice by people who have overcome your challenges... otherwise, well... this thread.
  • Another point worth being made here is that end game is entirely group based... With long queues that loaded me into an epic dungeon group the other day made entirely of Rogues (lol?) players are going to start leaving as soon as they hit 60 because there is zero worthy solo content. I understand PvP is an option, but…
  • I hear your point, but it behooves the designers that implemented infinite UGC to have some incentive/benefit for end game characters in some minor way as well. It would be a shame to see all of that Foundry content go to waste when there are plenty of level 60's who love their characters and still feel that they have much…
  • No problamo, friend :) I certainly could have chosen my words more wisely!
  • Excellent point. I need to remember that my words can be taken very literally on forums. All I meant by that was lvl 60's have (literally) spent the most time leveling. And are (probably) some of the most dedicated with their time. Can someone be level 1 and be a bigger fan than all lvl 60's, absolutely. Now back to topic,…
  • yes, faster mounts are an advantage. no its not p2w because you can get the mounts to the same speed by playing the game for free
  • ? I get that it's an odd sounding post for any other game, but in a game with unlimited UGC it's a valid question; hence my above ideas.
  • I must add my two cents to this topic. Cent # 1) Someone did mention that experience is used to enchant items or create magical potions and trinkets of the sort... I'll get back to this in a moment... Cent # 2) Someone said the story ends at lvl 60. This, however, is incorrect, my friend. The very design of this game is to…
  • That lovers' festival, Feast of the Moon and Reign of Misrule
  • You, sir just made my day. Any idea how many dragons about it may have taken?
  • <meme removed per the RoC>