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  • Most MMOPRG games publishers stick to some standards, like "equal chances" for both "donators" and "free players". For example: not allowing players to use their fatty wallets to hit max lvl of their character in few hours or to buy the best possible items in game. There are some companies that allow for such pathology -…
  • I'm not surprised at all that MMORPG games are not what they used to be. With that kind of thinking companies can publish the worst kind of <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> full of bugs and exploits (welcome to NW) but they still will earn money thanks to some monkeys spending 500 $ to look "nice" in game.
  • Couldn't agree more :)
  • Exactly. Open beta is NOT for earning AD by using bugs/exploits and converting those AD to ZEN, to spend them in NW or other PWE games. That is why Auction House - the main tool helping exploiters in money/items laundering and destroying game economy - should remain closed until open beta ends and all bugs/exploits are…
  • No, seriously. Could any CM answer that ? When does that program end ? "Soon" - how soon ? "Before it's too late" - when is it too late ?
  • It's true but only in "traditional" MMORPG, where tank - tanks, healer - heals and DD - deals damage. Neverwinter Online is not a traditional MMORPG, it's a product made by amateurs in order to get as much money as possible before people paying for "game" full of bugs and exploits realize they've just made their worst…
  • And stealing jewelry from your mother's house is not a crime. It's an investment. Good luck with that kind of thinking.
  • Every player who is proud of publisher punishing only main accounts involved in exploiting the game while leaving mule accounts with exploited items/AD untouched had a failed brain surgery. Every player who is proud of publisher punishing people exploiting the game for the last 7 hours while doing nothing against people…
  • I feel pity for people like you. Not because you spend your rl money on MMO games, I also do it. But because you spend your money on half-finished product full of bugs, produced and published by amateurs and although you know about it you still support amateurs and their trash goods. That is exactly why MMO games are…
  • I told you why - because they are amateurs :) Do you really think they would sit for hours deleting AD/items from accounts? It's easier to make a 7 hr rollback which does not change anything, as the exploit was present since open beta launch but now they can say "Hey, exploit is fixed, nothing happened, come and leave us…
  • Because that kind of exploit is like a virus - it affected most of game accounts and whole economy, it was impossible to just "delete" accounts or exploited AD. Most of players already had "illegal" pixels. Why are you punished? Because developers and publishers are amateurs who cant fix an exploit that has been present…
  • Like it should be, cos exploited items and AD are still in game.
  • PWE bank account cares :P as for 7 hr rollback... they had to choose: 7 hr rollback and leaving AD & items exploited since the beginning of OB untouched, or full rollback and loosing most of their player base... Both ways are extremely bad but it clearly shows that PWE are only amateurs trying to get as much money as…
  • Dear PWE, stop making alt accounts. I can't believe any player could be so blind to write such thing.
  • That's the human nature of most MMORPG players. If the devs and publisher are so brainless to allow a half-finished product full of bugs and exploits to go live just to get as much $ as possible... well, I find this game pathetic.
  • PWE and "free" ? LOL.
  • So what are random groups and queues implemented for ? Dungeons should be designed in such a way, so the party without a tank (GF) can't complete them.
  • They won't do that. Once a character is deleted there is no way to restore it, even for pwe customer support.
  • There you have your answer. Welcome to exploiters' paradise.
  • PWE support sucks big time. I've accidently deleted one character of mine while having fun with crafting (tried to create several toons for leadership to earn some AD). So I've sent a ticket to support explaining it was a mistake and I wanted my character back. Response was quite fast and short : sorry we can't do it. if…