Mounts do make a big difference in pvp cause of the speed, champions do a big difference in pve, then there are enchantments after you fuse the lvl 5 you end up with a 1% chance of success with only way to upgrade it is by buying wards for 10$ each from cash shop.
And that is why am just passing trough till final fantasy 14 is out, were all i have to do is pay 9.99e a month or even less when i pay for 6 month and not worry that i have to pay money for mounts, inventory, top endgame gear, crafting boosts ecc and ecc. and instead of grinding months for currency to swap for zen and…
You know start thinking like a businessman The bigger the ques the better for PW to push more people to buy the heros of the north, and even if they can reduce the ques they won't for the reason i just gave you, it's all about money.
I double click the icon to bring up the launcher it say "Tried connection 1 time" then i get a message Patcher error in a diferent window, i click ok and the lancher close any help please?
During last beta i asked if the founders pack will be there after release and the a mod replied yes, now this game is nice but nice won't be enough and am 100% sure the same founders pack will be on sale after few weeks when the game go live.