that is not a good thing unless you are home bound with a illness. There is something to be said for fresh air and sunlight. LOL! But to be fair ESO at least had the coding so my level one character could choose what weapon I wanted like axe, mace or sword and very pretty armor. cant say that about NW. I have to transmod a…
MY POINT is they put a D&D label on something that is NOT DONE! diverse armor diverse weapons 3.They did not even touch CLASS DIVERSITY! this game is not D&D it shamefully carries the franchise and ranks with Dagger Dale! IN FACT DDO is far better and that game was terrible!
And stick with your <off topic game removed> and and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> with people who are fans of Dungeons and Dragons which sadly "NWO" IS NOT DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS!
Oh, I'm sorry <derogatory removed>, I guess the only thing I have under my belt to trump you: I AM A FAN OF DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, starting from Chainmail, which you should be familiar with, all the way until Wizards screwed the franchise. At the end of the day, it is not the corporate people who win. Ask Michael Bay about…
Ok I apologize for the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> comment and after reviewing my 4th ed book you are right BUT,Im going off of the Gygax D&D and what D&D should be not the Wizards of the Coast fodder.
whats funny is most of you hating on my rant are the same <profanity removed> that compared this game to <other game discussion removed> in other threads so if you never played D&D on tabletop this thread is not for you IT IS FOR THE DEVELOPERS TO SEE!
Exactly my point! I rant people respond. I post politely i'm ignored like the plague! Let the haters Hate my rank I say <profanity removed> em! at least you all are listening now. if this is a D&D game it needs to BE A D&D GAME!
The Cleric in AD&D uses a MACE not a holy symbol!!!!!! Dungeons and dragons online Eberon is sadly the only game to date to get clerics right! and where the Hell was TURN UNDEAD AT?!