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  • While I'm aware Neverwinter is loosely (very loosely) based on 4e, 3.5 does contain adventure options for retraining and rebuilding a character, with two example quests for complete rebuilding, so it's not in violation of canon. It really wouldn't be that much of a stretch to see something like the Gates of Dawn or…
  • People saying this is only because of OP class or OP gear are ignorant. I've soloed normal DV as a CW with T2 gear, R5/Lesser enchants and a GS of under 13k. The point is that it's not difficult to do this if you know how to play the game. DV really isn't difficult as a fresh level 60 in leveling gear either, provided…
  • The thing is, people who exchange astral diamonds don't just get Zen from out of nowhere. If I exchange 250k AD for 500 Zen, that does not mean 500 Zen is just created from nothing. Someone bought that 500 Zen and paid Cryptic money for it. Same with all the Zen i the exchange. The reason why this is good is it keeps the…
  • Suggestion: Add a tailor/transmuter. The way the current transmutation/dyeing system works is kinda clunky and really feels like a chore. That said, I don't suggest getting rid of it completely because people will still like being able to transmute and dye on the fly. What I suggest is adding a tailor/transmuter to…
  • One idea would be to implement enchantment skins the same way they implement companion skins where you have the option of selecting a lower level look, in addition to the option to disable it completely. For example, the higher rank vorpal enchants look like they're liable to give someone a seizure, but the more subtle…
  • The biggest thing is to make free (or cost gold) the things that are either core gameplay concepts, or help with immersion (since this is a D&D-based game). Respecs and scrolls of identification are core gameplay functions. Make them cost gold, or at the least make respecs cost astral diamonds straight up instead of zen.…
  • As someone who has played both of Cryptic's other games (Star Trek Online and Champions Online), my first impressions of Neverwinter was astonishment at how the simplest of game mechanics are either not included at all, or hidden behind pay windows. Let's compare quickly with the other two: in STO and CO I can, any time I…