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  • shadowbunsliceshadowbunslice Member Posts: 175 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    oicidraz wrote: »
    Yep, MC and VT are not soloable by the mechanic of the finall boss (mechanic that I don't like at all), I wish there were more dungeons with more elite/CC inmune mobs, and a lot harder!, a team of 13K GS can do every dungeon in the game!, I want something challenging even for a +15K or +16K GS party because it seems there isn't a goal in this game, at least not in the PvE content.

    This whole issue of soloing has me deeply intrigued. I remember way back in the day trying to complete CN was a nightmare, and endlessly frustrating, and VERY challenging. The only people completing CN were taking 5-6 hours to do so and double stacking DC circles to avoid getting splattered on the end fight, oh the days when DC's were OP, they really seem like a distant memory. In any case you would que in, make it maybe 20 minutes into the dungeon, wipe multiple times, someone would leave, then the rest of your party would follow suit. At the time I was a TR that had like 8.8k GS(I had to swap for a double armor set bonus to que in)

    I eventually got so fed up with this I decided for myself that i would complete the dungeon no matter what. I made it to the draco after nearly 14 hours, killed everything on the way, and died on the beholder nearly 40 times alone, needless to say i wiped on the draco in seconds. It was one of my most fulfilling experiences I have had playing neverwinter, I felt like a complete badazz. This was all using ITC, shadow strike, and smoke bomb (no permastealth). I continued to do this and got better and better at it, reducing my time to around 3 hours and eventually clocking my record speed from the very beginning to draco in 25 minutes(no ghosting through the wall exploit-which has been fixed). Along the way i discovered permastealth(I will not claim to be the first permastealther, but at the very least I discovered it independently on my own).

    Since then I have made it a point to solo any content possible for the pleasure of challenging myself. I have not actually tried soloing any non-epic dungeons or even any of the T1 dungeons. So I can't speak to normal TOS or DV. After my experience in CN I don't think any of these would have been a challenge to me. I have soloed FH, SPC, Karrandax, MC 2/3, VT 1/2, and CN 3/4. The second boss in Karrandax, the beholder in CN, and king malabog were all very fun to eventually learn how to beat. Some of the things i would still like to accomplish are epic DV and CN 4/4. Not sure if epic DV is even possible and a que will never pop for it.

    In soloing MC 2/3 and VT 1/2 I noticed that that all aspects of the dungeon have been modified to greatly increase the difficulty for a rogue to solo and indeed, the end fights are impossible. Furthermore, all the changes to the que system have intentionally, or unintentionally also have made it nearly impossible to to remain in a dungeon any length of time by yourself. There are ways to in effect solo run epic content, but they are very obscure and far too much of a PITA for me to deal with.

    I think we can all agree that happened with Cn was an incredible mess. Rampant kicking upon gear being dropped, top end gear flooding the AH at incredibly cheap prices, and a select few players enriching themselves through the use of exploits all occurred. Having said that I think the devs have made a step in the right direction in making loot BOP. Meaning you have to actually run the dungeon to earn the gear rather that simply paying for it. They should totally do this for CN and all the T2 dungeons as well, except it would give 60% of the PVE population who are currently farming those dungeons for ad(and ruining those dungeons for anyone trying to gear up) nothing to do.

    I have always wanted to be able to enter epic content quickly by myself the same way a normal dungeon can be entered. And if the incentive for exploiting this for profit is taken away(as it should be) I see no reason why i shouldn't be able to, or to duo it with a friend. I was predicting that top level players of any class would eventually be able to solo epic content back in the early stages of the game and now it just seems strange that you HAVE to have 5 people to que into a dungeon that a single person can do easily.
    While I do like the final MC and VT fights because they promote teamwork and coordination rather than a simple "deal with endlessly re-spawning mobs mentality", making them purely impossible to solo "just because" feels like a cop-out. TOS i don't think was ever designed to be anti-solo, it just happened to occur in giving that fight a slightly different flavor compared to other dungeons.

    Fact of the matter is, I can solo many dungeons as fast as a entire group can, if not faster, although over geared groups these days can smash through dungeons like a freight train so this much might only be true of CN. Considering this, and the fact that my ability to clear mobs with a group has been nerfed into the ground either give me the ability to solo que dungeons or make me a valuable addition to a party.

    Was stealth as a mechanic such a problem that dungeons specifically needed to be designed to be anti-solo(CN has been modified to make soloing it more difficult as well, but it still is pretty easily). I can't understand how this was not anticipated. It didn't take me very long to realize just how effective stealth was against masses of mobs, ask the question "can I make stealth indefinite" take a look at my powers and feats, and then figure out how to make it so. Admittedly this probably occurred more from my intense experience in CN.

    I would also like to see more challenging content, as well as making current content have scalable difficulty with increased drop rates or additional reward choices.
  • sugarliessugarlies Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 99
    edited July 2014
    micky1p00 wrote: »
    Sorry, but those that use the queuing interface are those that don't know better, they will either find a better option or leave the game all together from frustration.

    Just like IRL, people who don't know better are usually the majority. A lot of them are alts of people who 'know better' as well, who are there to waste some time and are horribly undergeared but since it's not main, they think it's good enough. If it doesn't work out with their 8.7K GS, they leave, but waste a lot of people's time in doing so.

    Also, I don't use the queue because I don't know better. I just don't want to invest time and effort in making new friends / guildies. I don't want to spend time on TS or Mumble or whatever else either, not in Neverwinter. In general, you invest this much when it's your 'primary' MMO, not a side dish along another where you raid and all. And LF* people ask for 14k+ and I usually don't seek to do dungeons AFTER I'm geared.
  • mvffin1mvffin1 Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm sure anyone could solo a level 20 dungeon at level 50. It's really the same thing. Just because your level number is the same doesn't mean your stats haven't boosted tremendously.
  • lancemeszaroslancemeszaros Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    People saying this is only because of OP class or OP gear are ignorant. I've soloed normal DV as a CW with T2 gear, R5/Lesser enchants and a GS of under 13k. The point is that it's not difficult to do this if you know how to play the game. DV really isn't difficult as a fresh level 60 in leveling gear either, provided you're in a team of people who know what they're doing. Content is only challenging for people who don't think and put no effort into thinking.
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