i am growing tired of this stupidity -.- are you people actually able to read? why do you say things like this before reading/understanding the other posts? it doesnt make any sense... i am leaving this conversation now because it seems like the people with brains have left aswell
and another pointless post from you :) if you would actually pay any attention to this thread you would realize that the opposite happened. from angry flaming to actual conversation... just please get out and take your "solid advice" with you ok?
you might want to learn to read. not only my main post but maybe some of the others i posted aswell. i am not playing bad and i use everything at my disposal and it works well most of the time its just that the gapclosers dont work sometimes which is pretty frustrating when someone simply runs off and the gapcloser should…
i am sorry but dkcandy's post was arrogant rubbish. AND OF COURSE GAPCLOSING IS FINE if the enemy is standing as still as in this video... please read what i say and then try to be a smartass ok? there is nothing special about your videos either (except maybe the horrible music. yeah now its my turn to be arrogant... you…
one thing i noticed is that this one ability that makes gwfs basically immortal has a pretty short cooldown :( (is it a daily maybe?) because usually when i manage to get the temporary hp down he can just activate it again
well they didnt shut me down so far :) and i got a few answers i can work with. your move cryptic (just shows how much they care about our posts in here)
good point. i do know how to play my gf though and i play him fairly well without trying to brag. the gf isnt my only problem... its the general state of the pvp and that people can just abandon games without any kind of penalty! that is my biggest problem... i did stop playing pvp (except at the moment to get some of the…
you may have a point there. but i was very angry when i posted this thread and it still contains all the points i would criticize in a normally written post. i think people have a way too big problem with a little foul language these days anyway
the bad thing is that even though if i have a guild or a premade team the enemy is still going to leave if it gets a little bit challenging... all those spoiled brats who immediately leave if things arent as easy as they are used to
while i thank you for the first informative post in this thread i still think the gapclosers should at least go the intended distance even if i dont hit the enemy. that way i can at least catch up to some people
oh you guys... :) about half of the replies in here are "another whiner loser who doesnt know how to play blah blah" the thing is i am usually the best player in the team... i am not only complaining about my own class but other classes aswell and the amount of cc that is way too high in this game (yes also the cc of the…